First Day of Spring 2024: The Spring Equinox (2024)

When is the first day of spring? In 2024, the official first day of spring isTuesday, March 19. This date marks the vernal equinox. Why does spring start on the 19th of this year? Learnmore.

When Is the First Day of Spring2024?

In 2024, the March equinox happens on March 19 at 11:06 P.M. EDT. This falls on a Tuesday and is the astronomical beginning of the spring season in the Northern Hemisphere and the autumn season in the Southern Hemisphere.

If you thought that the spring equinox only ever occurred on March 21, you may be datingyourself. The civil calendar date of the equinox continues to shift every year.Find out why.


Spring Equinox Dates and Times
YearSpring Equinox (Northern Hemisphere)Spring Equinox (Southern Hemisphere)
2024Tuesday, March 19, at 11:06 P.M. EDTSunday, September 22
2025Thursday, March 20, at 5:01 A.M. EDTMonday, September 22
2026Friday, March 20, at 10:46 A.M. EDTTuesday, September 22
2027Saturday, March 20, at 4:23 P.M. EDTThursday, September 23

What Is the SpringEquinox?

In the Northern Hemisphere, the spring equinox in the Northern Hemisphere (also called the Marchequinox or vernal equinox across the globe)occurs when the Sun crosses the celestial equator going south to north. It’s called the “celestial” equatorbecause it’s an imaginary line in the sky above the Earth’s equator. Imagine standing on the equator; the Sun would pass directly overhead on its waynorth.

On the March equinox, the Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere receive roughly equal amounts of sunlight; neither hemisphere is tilted more toward or away from the Sun than theother.

Although in most locations (the North Pole and Equator being exceptions), the amount of daylight had been increasing each day after the winter solstice, after the spring equinox, many places will experience more daylight than darkness in each 24-hour day. The amount of daylight each day will continue to increase until the summer solstice in June, during which the longest period of daylightoccurs.

→See your personalized Sun rise and set calculator.

Here’s an interesting fact: Equinoxes are the only two times yearly that the Sunrisesdue east andsetsdue west for all of us on Earth! While the Sun passes overhead, thetilt of the Earth is zero relative to the Sun, which means that the Earth’s axis neither points toward nor away from the Sun.(Note, however, that the Earth never orbits upright but is always tilted on its axis by about 23.5degrees.)

Read more aboutthereason for the seasons.

What Does “Equinox”Mean?

The wordequinoxcomes from the Latin words for“equal night”—aequus(equal) and nox(night).On the equinox, the length of day and night is nearly equal in all parts of theworld.

First Day of Spring 2024: The Spring Equinox (1)First Day of Spring 2024: The Spring Equinox (2)

Spring Equinox FAQs

Q: Does Spring Begin on March 1 or on theEquinox?

A: Well, both. Theanswer depends on your definition of “spring.”Both dates are accurate; they’re just from different perspectives. We’ll explain…

Astronomically speaking, the first day of spring is marked bythe spring equinox, which falls on March 19, 20, or 21 every year. The equinox happens at the exact moment worldwide, although our clock times reflect a different time zone.And, as mentioned above, this date only signalsspring’s beginning in the Northern Hemisphere; it announces fall’s arrival in the SouthernHemisphere.

Interestingly, due to time zone differences, there hasn’t been a March 21 equinox in mainland U.S. during the entire 21stcentury! We won’t see a March 21 equinox againuntil2101.

Meteorologically speaking, the official first day of spring is March 1 (and the last is May 31). Weather scientists divide the year into quarters to make it easier to compare seasonal and monthly statistics from one year to the next. The meteorological seasons are based on annual temperature cycles rather than on the position of Earth in relation to the Sun, and they more closely follow the Gregorian calendar. Using the dates of the astronomical equinoxes and solstices for the seasons would present a statistical problem, as these dates can vary slightly eachyear.

First Day of Spring 2024: The Spring Equinox (3)

Q: Are Day and Night Equal on theEquinox?

A: Quite close!In reality, dayand night arenot exactly equal on the equinox for two reasons:First, daytime begins the moment any part of the Sun appears overthe horizonand is not finished until the last part of the Sun disappears below the horizon. If the Sun were to shrink to a starlike point and we lived in a world without air, the spring and fall equinoxes would truly have equalnights.

→Read about more fun facts in the Almanac Astronomer’s post, “Vernal Equinox Oddities.”

First Day of Spring 2024: The Spring Equinox (4)

Q: According to folklore, you can stand a raw egg on its end on the equinox. Is thistrue?

A:This eggfolklore became popular in 1945 following aLIFE articleabout the spring practice. “The origins of this myth are attributed to stories that the ancient Chinese would create displays of eggs standing on end during the first day of spring,” according to John Millis, assistant professor of physics and astronomy at Anderson University in South Carolina. “The ancient Chinese celebrated the first day of spring about six weeks earlier than the equinox”—not just on the equinoxitself.

As with most folklore, it’s only partly true. Youshould be able to balance an egg on its end on the equinox, but it’spossible to balance an egg on other days,too!

Folklore or not, this egg trick sounded likefun to us. One spring, a few minutes before the vernal equinox, several Almanac editors tried this trick. For a full workday, 17 out of 24 eggs stood on end. Three days later, we tried this trick again and found similar results. Perhaps three days after the equinox was still too near. Perhaps the equinox has nothing to do with it. Perhaps we just don’t like to take ourselves tooseriously!

Try this yourself and let us know what happens.(Tip: You’ll probably have better luck balancing an egg if you try it on a rough surface or use an egg that has a bumpyend.)

First Day of Spring 2024: The Spring Equinox (5)

Q: Which day has the most Sunlight in NorthAmerica?

A: The Summer—or “June”—Solstice is called the “longest” day of the year! The date of the longest day actually varies from June 20 to June 22, depending on the year and the local time zone. By “longest day,” we mean the day with the most daylight (versus darkness).See our Summer Solstice page.

Some Ideas on How to CelebrateSpring!

The vernal equinox signals new beginnings and nature’s renewal in the Northern Hemisphere!Many cultures celebrate spring festivals, such as Easter and Passover.

  • Get outside! Look around. Are worms and grubs reappearing?(The March Full Moon is called the “Worm Moon” for this veryreason!)
  • Watch the arc of the Sun across the sky as it shifts toward the north. Birds are migrating northward, along with the path of theSun.
  • Are you noticing that the days are getting longer? Did you know that the increasing sunlight inspiresbirds tosing? Cool, eh? Enjoy ourBird Songs page.
  • Are daffodils poking up their heads? Trees, shrubs, and flowers are sensitive to temperature and day length, too! Since ancient days, people have usednatural events as indicators of when the weather is right for planting. For example:Blooming crocus are your cue to plant radishes, parsnips, andspinach. See more of nature’s signs.
  • Can you feel the Sun getting stronger? The longer days bring high temperatures.Both we and the animals around us discard our warm clothes and heavycoats!
  • Do you plan to garden?The first day of spring is a traditional day to start in the garden! There’s nothing more restorative!See which days arethebest planting datesaccording to your local frost dates or consult our Vegetable Gardening for Beginners guideto getstarted!
  • Are you craving fresh foods after a long winter? ASpringTonic, using the early greens ofspring, may be just the thing you need! Also, find some new spring recipes using what’s fresh andseasonal!

First Day of Spring 2024: The Spring Equinox (6)

Ancient Equinox Traditions: The Snake ofSunlight

Scientific explanation aside, our ancestors were more connected to the Sun than we are today. They observed itspathway across the sky, andthey tracked how the sunrise, sunset, and day length changed, using the Sun (and Moon) as a clock andcalendar.

There are many ancient sites that mark the equinoxes (and solstices). One of the most famous ancient Spring equinox celebrations took place atChichen Itzain Mexico. The Mayans built a huge pyramid around the yearA.D.1000.Even today, the way the Sun’s light falls on it signals the beginning of theseasons. On the spring equinox, it looks like a huge snake is slithering down the steps. Mayans called this day “the return of theSunserpent.”

First Day of Spring 2024: The Spring Equinox (7)

→ See more examples ofancient seasonal markers.

Spring Verse, Quotes, andSayings


  • For glad Spring has begun,
    And to the ardent sun
    The earth, long time so bleak,
    Turns a frost-bitten cheek.

    - Celia Thaxter, American poet (1835–94)
  • Spring-time sweet!
    The whole Earth smiles, thy coming to greet.
    - Unknown
  • Never yet was a springtime,
    Late though lingered the snow,
    That the sap stirred not at the whisper
    Of the southwind, sweet and low.

    - Margaret Elizabeth Sangster, American writer(1838–1912)


  • Spring is nature’s way of saying, “Let’s party!”
    - Robin Williams(1951–2014)


  • Bluebirds are a sign of spring; warm weather and gentle south breezes theybring.
  • One swallow does not make aspring.
  • In spring, no one thinks of the snow that fell lastyear.
  • When the dandelions bloom early in spring, there will be a short season. When they bloom late, expect a drysummer.
  • Don’t say that spring has come until you can put your foot on ninedaisies.

First Day of Spring 2024: The Spring Equinox (8)

Learn More About the First Days ofSeasons

The First Days of the Seasonsare marked by four astronomicalevents:

  • The Spring/VernalEquinox
  • The SummerSolstice
  • The Fall/AutumnalEquinox
  • The WinterSolstice

Look around! Observe! What are the signs of spring in your region? Please share in the commentsbelow!

First Day of Spring 2024: The Spring Equinox (2024)


First Day of Spring 2024: The Spring Equinox? ›

The first day of spring is Tuesday, March 19, 2024. It occurs the day of the March equinox, which is set to occur at 11:06 p.m. that night.

Is the first day of spring the same as the equinox? ›

The vernal equinox marks the beginning of astronomical spring and occurs in the Northern Hemisphere around March 20th, whereas the autumnal equinox falls around September 22nd.

Will spring be early in 2024? ›

But the vernal equinox of 2024 had it beat. Because spring began even earlier, at 11:06 p.m. ET, all the time zones in the continental U.S. experienced the first day of spring on the 19th — at 10:06 p.m. in the Central Time Zone, 9:06 p.m. Mountain Time and 8:06 p.m. Pacific Time.

What day is the spring solstice in 2024? ›

Spring has finally sprung: The vernal equinox, the official start date for the season in the Northern Hemisphere, has arrived. The 2024 spring equinox occurred at exactly 11:06 p.m. EDT on Tuesday, March 19. But why does the day mark the start of spring and why only in the Northern Hemisphere?

When exactly is the spring equinox? ›

Traditionally, we celebrate the first day of spring on March 21, but astronomers and calendar manufacturers alike now say that the spring season starts on March 20th, in all time zones in North America.

How to celebrate spring equinox 2024? ›

Ways to Celebrate Ostara
  1. Planting seeds for a vegetable garden or flower garden.
  2. Spring clean your house.
  3. Decorate an Ostara altar to honor your goddess of choice.
  4. Make egg based dishes and dessert (custard pie, frittatas, egg salad, etc…)
  5. Take a nature walk with loved ones and look for signs of spring.

What determines the first day of spring? ›

The vernal equinox marks the moment the sun crosses the celestial equator. This is the imaginary line in the sky above the Earth's equator, from south to north. The vernal equinox happens on March 19, 20, or 21 every year in the Northern Hemisphere.

Will 2024 be the hottest year? ›

Carbon Brief's projection suggests that 2024 is virtually certain to be either the warmest or second- warmest year on record, with a central estimate just above 1.5C, slightly higher than 2023.

What is the spiritual meaning of the spring equinox in 2024? ›

According to Aysha, "With the Spring Equinox energy, your spirit is waking up with new ideas & new dreams for your life. It's fresh, warm energy has the power to make you feel alive & inspired. The inspiring Spring Equinox energy is encouraging you to be reborn. Embrace this new beginning.”

What time is the first day of spring for 2024? ›

11:06 P.M. EDT

What is the longest day of summer 2024? ›

When is the summer solstice? The next summer solstice for the Northern Hemisphere will occur on June 20, 2024, and the next summer solstice for the Southern Hemisphere will occur on Dec. 21, 2024. The summer solstice marks the official start of astronomical summer and the longest day of the year.

What are the four equinoxes? ›

On Earth, there are two equinoxes every year: one around March 21 and another around September 22. Sometimes, the equinoxes are nicknamed the “vernal equinox” (spring equinox) and the “autumnal equinox” (fall equinox), although these have different dates in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

What is the longest season of the year? ›

Winter in the northern hemisphere is defined as beginning when the sun reaches the winter solstice (in the constellation Sagittarius) and ending when the sun reaches the Vernal Equinox (in Pisces). It lasts 89 days.

What are the two dates of the spring equinox? ›

In the Northern Hemisphere the vernal equinox falls about March 20 or 21, as the Sun crosses the celestial equator going north. What causes the seasons? In the Southern Hemisphere the equinox occurs on September 22 or 23, when the Sun moves south across the celestial equator.

What is the difference between a equinox and solstice? ›

While the solstices result in a change of the length of night and day, the equinoxes do not. The summer and winter solstices result in the longest and shortest day of the year respectively while the equinoxes result in an equal amount of daylight and darkness received all across the earth.

How to determine the spring equinox? ›

Using a south window, mark the path of a spot of sunlight on the floor each day for some two hours, beginning about an hour before noon. Check the curvature of the paths with a yardstick or meter stick. The day on which the path is the closest to a straight line is the day of the equinox.

Is spring equinox always the same day? ›

Varying Equinox Dates

The March equinox can happen on March 19, 20, or 21. The last time the March equinox was on March 21 (in UTC) was in 2007. It will happen again in 2101. Due to time zone differences, the equinox may occur a day earlier at locations that are behind UTC.

What is the difference between the first day of spring vernal equinox and the first day of summer summer solstice? ›

Vernal equinox(about March 21): day and night of equal length, marking the start of spring. Summer solstice (June 20 or 21): longest day of the year, marking the start of summer. Autumnal equinox(about September 23): day and night of equal length, marking the start of autumn.

What is the difference between spring solstice and spring equinox? ›

Equinox vs Solstice

An equinox occurs at the start of the spring and fall. The solstice occurs during the summer and the winter. Occurs on March 21 (Vernal equinox) and on September 23 (Autumnal equinox). Occurs on June 21(Summer Solstice) and on Dec 22 (Winter Solstice).

Is the first day of fall always the equinox? ›

Yes. Fall officially begins on the autumn equinox. But there are actually two measures of the seasons: “the astronomical seasons” (which follow the arrivals of equinoxes and solstices) and what's called the “meteorological seasons.”


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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

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