Graphic Design Posters | Famous Graphic Design Posters (2024)

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A wide variety of visual art practices are included in graphic design. Usually, symbols, images, or text are created and combined to create visual representations, which frequently show thoughts or messages. It is a media that regularly adopt trends.

When successful poster designs hit the mark, they may be incredibly effective. This is because the medium offers creators a canvas to evoke and infuse ideas.

In the 1870s, advertising and promotional posters launched the craze. Initially, they were primarily text-based and in black and white. Still, with the invention of Jules Cheret’s three-stone lithographic printing process, artists were soon able to create vibrant, eye-catching poster designs. Here, you’ll learn graphic design posters’ seven essential elements and see a collection of our favorite contemporary and vintage patterns. Check out the graphic design essentials for every business.

Essential Elements of Graphic Design Posters

A targeted audience can be reached effectively by creating a graphic design poster. It has been used for over a century, making it a tried-and-true format.

You must be aware of all the tools at your disposal to effectively convey your message. Your graphic design poster will be more fluid, cohesive, and persuasive if you follow these six suggestions.

Poster Typography

A poster’s typography relates to the font and design choices made. The choice of typeface is one of the most underappreciated but crucial defining features of a poster. It might help convey your idea subtly, whether a font is curly and wavy or rigorous and rigid.

While it may be alluring to use various artistic fonts to convey your message, it’s essential to consider how it does so. The ideal number of fonts for your design is two or three. Titles should be in a display typeface (creative or sans serif), whereas text should be in a serif font since it is more readable by the viewer. These typefaces ought to be distinct enough from one another to be simple to discern, but they should also be able to work together well to form a single design.


A balance must be created for your poster to have a consistent, coherent appearance. For example, when design components are out of proportion, the viewer could find it uncomfortable to gaze at your work. Balance can be achieved in general in two ways: symmetrically and asymmetrically.

Symmetric Layout

Similar design elements are evenly spaced on either side of the vertical axis in a symmetrically balanced layout. This frequently produces a mirror-image impression. This design is ideal for a formal or unchanging appearance. This might contain flyers for formal occasions, art gallery viewings, and educational activities.

A few excellent illustrations of symmetrically balanced graphic design posters are provided below:

Asymmetric Layout

Balance is accomplished in an asymmetric layout by unevenly placing the pieces. A minor thing frequently balances a massive object on one side of the asymmetrical layout.

These designs are generally more challenging and intricate because each element’s visual weight and placement must be carefully considered. On the other hand, asymmetrical designs make ideal posters for rock concerts, museums, and personal services since they appear more relaxed than symmetrical ones.

Here are some superb illustrations of asymmetrically balanced posters in graphic design.


Color is a globally understood language that can convey a multitude of messages, regardless of who your client is. Whether you’re utilizing color to highlight a particular meaning or establish a coordinating background makes no difference. Likewise, depending on the particular culture you are in, color can have a variety of meanings and connotations.

Underneath the color wheel, the following list outlines typical psychological correlations between colors in Western culture:

Graphic Design Posters | Famous Graphic Design Posters (5)
  • Black: Elegant, sober, mysterious, ominous, sophisticated
  • Blue: Calming, honest, relaxed, reliable, sad
  • Brown: Earthy, flavorful, rich, organic
  • Green: Growth, wealth, financial, natural
  • Orange: Active, childlike, gregarious, hot, tangy
  • Purple: Creative, regal, majestic, futuristic
  • Red: Aggressive, dangerous, stimulating, exciting, sexy
  • White: Clean, pure, innocent
  • Yellow: citrus, cheerful, sunlight, cowardly, imaginative

In addition to having distinct meanings, color can serve as a unifying principle. Consider a unified color palette while selecting your colors. Monochromatic colors, complement-based combinations, similar color combinations, and triad-based color schemes are examples of color schemes that feature a harmonious palette. Check out some business color palettes.

Monochromatic Colors

They are restricted to variations on a particular hue or color. Therefore, it is crucial to consider the meaning of colors in a particular culture and how they will reflect your message when selecting a monochromatic color scheme.

Complementary Colors

These include the hues on the color wheel opposite one another: red and green, blue and orange, and purple and yellow. When a bold, unexpected impression is intended, one can combine them. So, it should be taken into account because it can be intense. However, a harmonious palette can be created by combining complementary hues that have been subdued by altering their saturation values.

Split Complementary Colors

When the colors of a color scheme are equally spaced apart on the color wheel, split complementary colors result. You pick two colors that go well together, but for one of them, you pick the colors that go with it rather than the actual color. This could, for instance, be green, red-orange, or red-purple.

Split complementing hues are frequently used in children’s literature and other things. Below is an illustration of split complimentary hues.

Graphic Design Posters | Famous Graphic Design Posters (6)

Analogous Colour Combinations

On the color wheel, colors adjacent to one another are analogous color pairings. A few instances of similar colors:

  • Red, purple, and blue
  • Blue, green, and yellow
  • orange, yellow, and red

These hues go well with each other without fail. Consider altering the value or saturation of the colors if you want to focus more on one hue. Check out the detailed guide for how to choose the brand colors.


Contrast is among the most crucial design components. When two elements are arranged in opposition to one another, contrast results. This aids in capturing attention and establishing a focal point within your design. There are various inventive methods to incorporate contrast into your design.

Shapes, colors, lines, sizes, and negative space are some of the aspects that can be used to create contrast. For example, you can see how the juxtaposition of different hues draws attention to particular elements in the image below.


A focal point is also created by using hierarchy in your poster design in addition to contrast. The placement or display of items in a way that suggests importance is known as a visual hierarchy. As a result, it gives your eyes somewhere to go (from most important to least important).

Here are some ways to include hierarchy in your design:

  • Alignment
  • Color and contrast
  • Leading lines
  • Negative space
  • Perspective
  • Proximity
  • Repetition
  • Rule of odds
  • Rule of thirds
  • Size and scale
  • Spacing
  • Typographic hierarchy

Because the human brain has an intrinsic organizational inclination to group disparate pieces, shapes, or forms into a coherent whole, hierarchy is an efficient design paradigm. The viewer notices a disconnection between one element and the apparent whole. The most noticeable components are more severely separated. Check out some funny design fails and be aware of them.

Graphic Design Posters | Famous Graphic Design Posters (8)


The eye can follow a path created by shapes as it examines the poster. Additionally, shapes help emphasize the poster’s most crucial information. For example, to draw attention upward toward the headline, place a sizable rectangle behind it or make use of a mountain’s triangle. Find the detailed guide about essential elements of graphic design posters.

Shapes can also change how a design feels. A more fluid and relaxing atmosphere can be produced using softer shapes like curves, circles, and organic lines. Solid and sharp edges on geometric shapes like triangles, squares, and other shapes can create a distinct mood.

Grids and Proximity

Setting up a grid is a crucial step in producing a unified design. Grids are tools for arranging the layout of text, images, and other design elements. They establish structure and give graphic designers the three resources they need to succeed:


Thanks to grids, the user is given a successful route to structural harmony in the design. In addition, grids also provide direction for content placement and visual hierarchy.

Graphic Design Posters | Famous Graphic Design Posters (10)


It can be challenging to ensure that every element in your poster is aligned and placed where you want it to be if you’re not utilizing a grid. This pain is lessened by using a grid. In addition, the variety of vertical and horizontal grids allows designers to express their ideas in countless ways.


Viewers can discover messages more quickly and simply by using a grid. Grids are a logical progression from this basic structure and arrangement. They make everything easier to identify and navigate by assisting your viewers in anticipating where elements and messages will be.

When creativity and these rules are combined, fantastic ideas can emerge that will fuel your next endeavor. Explore some ultimate poster design ideas.

Graphic Art Print

Here, a few graphic art prints with eye-catching, contemporary wall art incorporating quotes, typography, and geometric forms will be listed and shown. Below, you can see posters are available in both color and black and white. Whether you choose a minimalist, contemporary, or classic design style, these graphic prints and posters go with all of them. You can make a stylish photo collage by combining graphic prints with a selection of posters and wall art. Find how typography is involved in graphic design.

Graphic Design Posters | Famous Graphic Design Posters (11)
Graphic Design Posters | Famous Graphic Design Posters (12)
Graphic Design Posters | Famous Graphic Design Posters (13)
Graphic Design Posters | Famous Graphic Design Posters (14)
Graphic Design Posters | Famous Graphic Design Posters (15)
Graphic Design Posters | Famous Graphic Design Posters (16)

Examples of Wall Art Inspiration for Graphic Designers

Mother Design for AIGA

At a time when AIGA, America’s premier design association, has taken on a new vision to become a hub for broader creative constituencies, the creative agency Mother Design was tasked with developing the visual elements for the annual conference. Particularly noteworthy was a colorful poster series.

According to creative director Jason Miller, “our design solution became a metaphor for the organization and annual conference itself: developing through time and embracing the wonderful, messy, and occasionally unexpected ways that people and ideas come together in one place.”

According to Miller, “the AIGA ‘cube’ conceptually symbolized a magnetic center of gravity, bringing design disciplines together while dimensionalizing and encouraging inspirational interactions and collisions. Download your free banner templates here.

Stranger Things

One of 2016’s most prominent TV events, Stranger Things, caught everyone’s attention with its compelling supernatural plot and flawlessly retro stylings. Kyle Lambert’s gorgeous poster was a vital component of the overall package. He used an iPad Pro(which opens in a new tab) and Procreated to produce a poster in the 1980s style that is reminiscent of vintage, hand-painted movie artwork. Read more about his process online. Check out the evolution of graphic design, and where it’s started from.

Ford Adaptive Poster

Ford’s clever “adaptive poster” promoted the company’s new adaptive lighting technology. It was made by Ogilvy & Mather Istanbul, now known as Ogilvy(opens in new tab). The poster’s Adaptive Front Lighting System, which responds to steering input when rounding corners, was intended to be experienced by viewers through an optical illusion.

Perspective changes allow the viewer to “see” around the corner as they move around the multi-layered poster. You can see how it was done in the official video on the web. It was launched in authorized Ford dealers and specific locations throughout Europe. Check out some graphic design hashtags that you use to promote your brand.

Where does All Time Design Fit?

In the modern world, where trends in posters, wall art, graphic designs, videos, ads, and others evolve, graphics designers need to keep up.

All Time Design can give you that incredible collection of contemporary graphic design prints you have always wanted. In addition, you may easily create a statement artwork you enjoy because some will make it of today’s most skilled young designers with lots of experience.

These include using minimalist shapes, typography, contemporary illustrations, vibrant colors, cartoon-like characters, and other popular categories to satisfy your business or brand.

So, if you’re looking to create a piece of an art print to beautify your home, shop, or office, ATDs graphic designers will get it done.

Click here and sign up on the site to put your poster imaginations to reality with the help of qualified and seasoned designers. Check out the trends in graphic design.

Graphic Design Posters | Famous Graphic Design Posters (2024)


Do graphic designers design posters? ›

Poster design is a type of graphic design. Poster artists utilize graphic design and usually have more flexibility and freedom beyond traditional marketing methods. The current focus on digital advertising offers opportunities for interactivity and dynamic designs that could transform poster art in new ways.

What is poster in graphic design? ›

A poster is a large sheet that is placed either on a public space to promote something or on a wall as decoration. Typically, posters include both textual and graphic elements, although a poster may be either wholly graphical or wholly text. Posters are designed to be both eye-catching and informative.

What is a good design for a poster? ›

When choosing graphics, always choose high-resolution images (300 dpi or higher), and make sure that these images are large enough such that a person standing 5 feet away can see them. Avoid pulling low-resolution images from the web, always use captions for figures/tables, and always credit sources where appropriate.

What is an attractive poster? ›

First and foremost, your poster should be eye-catching and visually appealing. After all, if nobody notices your poster, it won't matter how great the design is! In addition to being visually appealing, your poster should also be clear and concise.

Who is the father of poster design? ›

Born in 1836, Jules Chéret is widely regarded as the 'father' of the modern poster. Chéret began studying lithography at the age of thirteen and at sixteen was taking classes at the Ecole Nationale de Dessin [National School of Art] in Paris.

What do graphic designers do all day? ›

Graphic designers create visual concepts, using computer software or by hand, to communicate ideas that inspire, inform, and captivate consumers. They develop the overall layout and production design for applications such as advertisem*nts, brochures, magazines, and reports.

How much do graphic designers charge per poster? ›

Design TypePrice
A4 Poster/Pamphlet DesignR1300
A5 Poster/Pamphlet DesignR1000
Email Signature DesignR600
Letterhead DesignR600
3 more rows
Nov 17, 2022

What not to tell a graphic designer? ›

20 things you should never say to a graphic designer – But probably do
  • Don't say: “We haven't finished writing the copy, but can you design a draft?” ...
  • Don't say: “Can I get you to do something really quick?” ...
  • Don't say: “Can you put it in a format that we can edit?” ...
  • Don't say: “Can you do lots of different versions?

Is poster a graphic art? ›

The Art of Poster Design: Goals, Types and Directions The article presents the classification of posters as a popular type of graphic design: check the definitions, art directions and examples of various posters. Posters are among the major attributes of the printing industry.

Is a graphic designer an artist? ›

Graphic designers are also commercial artists, but they combine visual and text-based content to meet clients' needs. Graphic designers ensure readability and aesthetically pleasing layouts of material using a set of best practices that allow for effective communication strategies.

What must a poster have? ›

What are the basic elements of posters?
  • Typography. Typography is the font style and size that is used in the poster. ...
  • Layout. While designing a poster, it is important to create a balance and bring about a certain cohesion. ...
  • Color. ...
  • Contrast. ...
  • Design hierarchy. ...
  • Shape.
Dec 7, 2020

What is the most expensive poster in history? ›

According to Guinness World Records, the most expensive movie poster ever sold is the “international” version of Fritz Lang's 1927 expressionist silent movie Metropolis, made during Germany's Weimar Period.

What is the best film poster? ›

As works of graphic design, though, just like the best print ads, each of these posters has a lot to teach us today.
  • Jaws. (Image credit: Universal) ...
  • Trainspotting. (Image credit: Film Four) ...
  • Vertigo. (Image credit: Studio) ...
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey. (Image credit: MGM) ...
  • Breakfast at Tiffany's. ...
  • The Exorcist. ...
  • Metropolis. ...
  • The Lobster.
Mar 11, 2024

What is the most sought after movie poster? ›

Metropolis International poster (UFA, 1927)

In November 2005, the Reel Poster Gallery in London sold a copy to a U.S collector for $690,000 – a record price for an individual movie poster which still stands to this day.

What movie has the best poster? ›

20 Best Movie Posters of All Time, Ranked
  • 8 Donnie Darko (2001)
  • 7 The Exorcist (1973)
  • 6 Little Miss Sunshine (2006)
  • 5 Vertigo (1958)
  • 4 Pulp Fiction (1994)
  • 3 Kill Bill: Volume 1 (2003)
  • 2 Jaws (1975)
  • 1 Alien (1979.
Nov 14, 2023


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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

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