Knoxville Daily Tribune from Knoxville, Tennessee (2024)

knoxvtTjTjE daily tribune, Friday morning, October 30, isyx. McCarthy and parnell. TWww USE. Highest "of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.

S. Gov't Report IT IS WELL H0W1 mm That the Jewelry Business is very, sensitive to "Hard Times" and We find that Manufacturers are making Iarg9 inducements to; Cash Buyers. Their New Lines come out but once a and are put on the market in July. We have received the and purchasers would make a mistake by not investigating before buying. ABSOiflHTEClf P3JR5 BIME 1DI WHOLESALEJAND 147 GrA.TT RETAIL JEWELLERS STREET.

EAST TENNESSEE STONE and MARBLE CO Contractors for Fine Interior Ba and Office Fixtures, Slabs, Also ntx I BU Plumbers DID Estimates given and work I Mill and Works Wert ot City at the Intersection done on short notice. of E. V. G. and K.

O. G. fc R. R'a. TELEPHONE 97: OFFICE 124 GAY STREET Johnnie Get Your Gun.

mtSt RAILROAD NOTES. Chiet Engineer Loins, E. T. V. went west last evening.

J. J. Farnsworth, advertising agent of the E. T. V.

returned from Atlanta yesterday. He reports the exposition aa "great Will McKenney, an employee in the Js. T.V.&Q shop, tad two fingers of his right hand badly sliced by the ripping saw in the carpenter shop. W. B.

Ryder has been appointed super intendent of the Columbus fc Western with headquarters at Birmingham, Ala. H. E. Dill has been appointed superin tendent oi toe main item of tbe HO) with headquarters at Macon. Oa.

C. L. flookina has been appointed trav eling passenger agent with office at Aahe- ille, R. V. Train number 36 on the JS.

T. V. It. met with a peculiar accident Wednesday night. As she was Hearing Heiakell's Station the cars parted about toe middle and the rear half jammed asasnst the first half, rushing two cars and scattering the coal they contained in every direction.

$350 will cover all damages. No one was in jured. The statement ot the Norfolk We tern railroad company for September, 1891, shows an increase of $18,281 in gross and $10,577 in net earnings. Register to-day. Married.

Last evening at 8 o'clock, at the resi dence of the bride, Mr. George U. Smith and Mrs. N. J.

Cable were Ainited in marriage, the ceremony being performed by the Rev. Carter Helm Jones. The interior of the house was handsome ly decorated with flowers, chief among which, was a beautiful basket of choice flowers, the gift of Mrs. T. C.

Holloway. The presents were numerous and costly. Mr. and Mrs. Smith leave to day for an extended eastern trip.

Mr. Will James, a prominent druggist of Johnson City, and Miss Lula Evans, ot North Knoxville, wore married ester ay morning at the home of the bride aunt on Fifth avenue. A Paying Gold Mine. One of the strongest evidences of what capital and energy r-an do toward the de velopment of the naturae resources of this section will be a display oi over nine hundred dollars worth of gold bricks in Maxwell show window to day, the re sult of the first "mill run of the Monarch Mining of this city. Key West Bouquet, 97 Gay.

Pawnbro fetak at Auction. I will sell Satnldfr, October 81, at lOp'clock, entire stock of a Vine street Pawn bro consisting in part of about fifty watcles, gold, silver and plated, alio jewelry, fjrniture, stoves, show cases, mus ical iiistruspenta. clocaa, Dooks etctaie positive, SOoc2t. MsasPsfvxLkKKS, Auct W. C.

T. TJ. The regular meeting of the Knoxville W. C. T.

TJ- will be held at 3 o'clock this evening at the Cambridge, Union street. A fuil attendance requested. Mrs. Bakis, Recording Secretary. The entire Southern press has attested its hearty approval of the funny "Fat Men's Club" in words of greatest praise.

The public has showp its endorsem*nt by by crowding the houses at every perform ance. Mr. J. C. Stewart, a popular favor ite, has been most happy in his selection of a supporting company, that nils all require ments and leaves nothing lacking.

A funny comedy, clever in construction, taauti ful singing, graceful dancing, astounding acrobatic feats, all aid la filling out an ev ening of pure unalloyed pleasure that can not be excelled, rarely equalled. This monster combination of fun makers will be at Staub's theatre to-night. Key West Bouquet, 07 Gay oct7-2aw4W An "ad" in the Tribune want column will please the advertiser with good results. LADIES NEED? AND CLOAKS. The Huntiiig Season is here and we invite Sportsmen to call and examine our stock of G-HJMS Winchester and Target Rifles, Breech and Muzzle Loading Shot guns, Gun Clothing, Loaded Shell, Ammunition of afl GES.

"WILLIAMS' APPODmCEHTS- XJTOX COUHTT. Blooming Grove, Friday, October SO, st lp. m. Newcomb, Saturday, October 81, at 1 ''jeUico, Saturday, October SI, at 6:80 p. m.

JITTXBSOff COTJHTT. Strawberry Plains, Monday, November 2d, at 1p.m. Henry's Bonds. Monday.NoTember 2, at 6:80 p.m. sxvm ooxnrrr.

Emert'i CoTe, Tuesday, November lp.m. Jones' Cove, Tuesday, November 8d, at 6:80 m. Oatlmbarg, Wednesday, HoTtmUr 4tb, at 1 p. m. Pig8on Forge, "Wednesday, Noveaaber 4th.

at 6:30 p. m. "Wear's Valley, Thursday, November 5th, at 1p.m. BLOUKT COTTHTT. TuckslHschee Oove, Friday, November 6, at 1 p.

m. Miller's Cove, Friday, November 11, tt 6:30 p. m. Porter's Academy, Saturday, November 7, at 1 p. m.

KHOX COWKTT. Neubert's Springs, Saturday, November 7, at 6:30 p.m. BLotnrr cotjirrr. Bockford, Monday, November th. at 1 p.

m. Maryville, Monday, November 9tn, at 6:80 p.m. Priendsville, Tuesday, November 10th, at 1 p. m. LOUDOS COXTNTT.

Morganton, Tuesday, November 10th, at 6:30 p.m. Loudon, Wedneday, November 11th, at lp.m. November 11th, at 6:80 p. JQ. XOAHI COUNTY.

Kingston, Thursday, November 12th, at 1p.m. Kockweod, Thursday, November 12th, at 6:30 p. nr. Harriman, Saturday, November 14th, at 6:30 p. m.

BCOTT COTTHTT. Oneida, Friday, November 18th, at 1 p. m. Sunbright, Friday, November 18th, at 6:80 p.m. UHJIBSOH' COTTHTT.

Clinton, Monday, November 16, 1 p. to. Oliver Springs, Monday, November 6:80 p. m. Coal Creek, Thursday, November 19, at 6:30 p.

m. unitniir cottittt. "Wartburg, Tuesday. November IT, at 1p.m. BOOTT COT7NTT.

Huntsville, Wednesday, November. 18, at 1 p. m. C1VPBILL COTTHTT. Jacksboro, Thaisday, November 19, at a p.m.

-i XsoiT'lle, Ft day, November 20, at 7:30 p. m. A division ol time will be accord ea Mr. John C. Honk.

A Naturalized Citizen. Bert Thompson, founder of "Spice," was by the Supreme Court; Un Thompson is a native oi uanaaa. Register to-day. REACH THE PUBLIC Through the Tribune's want columns. Key West Bouquet, 67 Gay.

Tickets for Sale. Knoxville, Tenn Oct 10. For tne ccnvnaienco of the ladies tick eta or fare books have been placed on sale at Meek Andes. Tneae tickets are sood over all our lines. including and will be sold at usual price, $4.00 per KNOXVTLLB ELECTRIC BY.

OO. lloctf AT DO THE GOODS kinds. (Jail and obtain oar prices. Their Followers Warringr Fiercely in Cork. co*kk, Ot 29.

John Dillon is sow bora decombat. Be was pursued and attacked last sight while driving to tbe an ti-Parn elite meeting, and pelted with stones and during the fracas he received a severe blow on the knee with a tt'tck. On account of the swelling physicians ordered him to keep quiet. The fl'h ting which took place betwten the McCarthy ites ani Parnellites last night in the streets of this i ity was worse than appeared from first reports received at police headquarters. There was a series of of severe scrimmages between tbe contending parties the most severe being the one in which Dillon was disabled.

Crowds of McCarthy ites were upon that occasion ac companying them who were on their way to a' tend a McCarthyiete meet- jg in Mar set Jlci a-thyitea came into collision wnh a torchlight procession of Parnellites. The latt- was headed by brass band and was composed of some of John E. Bedmond's most enthusiastic supporters. Neither crowd would give way to the ether and so a but and general mt-leee fol-fowed, several thousand combatants taking part in the fray. Black thori were used by Doth parties, and brick i and itonei fly.

through the air added to tbe ardor of tne rival taction and considerably inceai-ed the excitement ot the moment- Finally tne UcCaitny ites succ eded in wreocniDg the torches from the hands of the Parnellites, and quenched them by stamping upon them with yells of delight, and after completing the rout of their enemies, the victorious Mct'artoyites continued their triumphant march in a Heh stste of en thusiasm to the market place where O'Brien addressed 6 C00 McCarthy Hes. To such a degree was the enthusiasm of the multitude aroueed by the words ot O'Brien that many of the wom-n who plentifully besprinkled th- throng of burly Corkenians were worked up to such a pitch of excitement that they climbed upon the jaunting car from which O'Brien was delivering his impassioned address and tried most energetically to embrace the sp aker. In tbe meantime the routed Par- nl. ites had tcund rnintorceme-ts. They then made another onslaught upon the Mc- Cartbyites.

The attack of the Parnellites was well planned, well led and carried out with an abundance of pluck and dash. They charged into th9 square with vim and go. slashing right and left with their blackthorns and slitting many a McCarthy He's head as thej tried to force their way to the car upon which stood O'Brien and his sup-po. ten, gazing with commendable calm ness upo the battling mas of humanity. The McCanhyites fought desperately but were slowly driven backward aita howls of triumph.

Tbe Parrellitee overturned blazing tar barrels which illuminated the place and kicked and rolled them, smoking and flaring, into the river. Thea for a time the Parnellites with exultant cheers held tbe marset place. Following the example ot tbeParnellites, tbe McCarthyites also sought for and found strong reinforcements, and, thus strength ened, tbey again muttered in a compact body and with thundering shouts, tbey made dash at the Parnellites in tbe market place. Then the music of clashing black thorns once more filled tKe air, it wai given aod taken on tbe both sides, with no question of the quarter or hope of mercy after the most desperate battle, the force was routtd. Many of the both sides were injured.

The Parnellites Jhad to re linguist! possession of the market-plac, and were driven heltor skelter, once re treat commenced, down neighboring streets. Similar scenes on a more modest scale occurred at Bandon, twenty miles from Cork. The most serious trouble occurred in front ot the butter exchange. While the proC'gsion of the McCorthyites was passing the exchange, occupants of the building jeered at the processionists and hurled tantalizing and insulting remarks and suggestions in their direction. This raised the ire of the McCarthyites to such an ex tent that the procession was halted by common consent and tbe men who com posed it made a desperate attack upon the exebange.

They burst in the doors in spite ot the shower ol misclee thrown at them from the windows and completely wrecked the board room. To-day Cork i full cf the echoes of elec tion fights last nigbt. The angry pas aroused nave not by any means calmed down As ao example of the feel prertulicg, it is noted that a boy who was cheering for Kadmond, Parnellite can didate, was struck in the face with a stick bandied by a pri-st with such terrible force that one of his eyes -was dsttroyed. ived mond, in a speech to day, ssid he regretted the attack made last night on Dillon Redmond denied the truth cl Brien statemt-nt that be (Kedmon') had broken the Bolougne plepge. It was not he but Par sell who proposed that O'Brien be msde temporary leader of the Irish party.

E'ght detectives accompanied Dillon acd O'Brien tbrouzh tbe daj. Dillon declared this evening that his opponents placed a party of roughs beb in a wall and instructed them to attack him yesterday whi.e on his wav home. LEMON ELIXIR, tta Wonderful Effects en tne Liver, biom oil, Bowels and Kidneys. For Biliousness, Constipation aid Mala ria, take leoaon JSlixir. For Indigestion, Sick and Nervous Head.

acbe, take Lemon Elixir. For Sleeplessners, Nervousness and H-artfailure, take Lemon Elixir. For Fever, Chills and Debility, take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough organic regulation, Uke ljemon Jiixir. Dr.

Mczley's Lemon Elixir will not fai you In any of the above named diseases. aL of which arise from a torpid or diseased liver stomach, kidney or towels. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlan ta, vra.

500. and bcttiesat druggists. JL Prominent Minister Write After ten years of great suffering from nervous prostration, biliousness, disordered kidneys ana constipation, nave been cured by Dr. Mozley Lemon Elixir and am now a well man. Bxv.

C. Davis, Elder M. Church, South- No. 29 Tatnall St, Atlanta. Oa.

Register to-day, Key West Bouquet, 97 Gay. TTTANTED To rent three rooms with CARPENTER Ss DAVIS, Hardware, Sash, Doors and Blinds, Glass, Paints, Oils, etc. Commerce Buildirg, 256 Gav Street, Knoxville. Tenn. BRADLEY CROCKER, 132 GAY STREET, A BIG TANIO ACID MANU FACTORY.

A Chicago Firm to Construct the Works. Xjarge Quantities of Bark "Will Be Consumed. About Thirty Hands Will Be Employed. An Interview With the Firm's Representative. A reporter ot the Twbchi eeterday bad an interview with Mr.

John B. Thorns, of Chicago. Mr. Thems is here in the interests of tbe firm of George O' Berne of Chicago, ot which firm he is a member. This firm manufactures tanio- acid, and intends to erect a factory in Knoxville.

The land has already been secured, hav ing been donated by the Fountain City Improvement company, and is located at Fountain City. Upon this property the Arm mentioned will construct a large and expensive fac tory for the preparation ot the acid used by tanners. This acid, which is superseding the crude bark in the tanning of hides, is consumed in large quantities by leather manufacturers throughout the United States. The works will be erected about January ltt, and will be in operation by the middle of Marco. "The building will be about two hun dred feet long and one hundred feet said Mr.

Ttomi, "Some of machinery to be placed in it is very expensive, and on account of the peculiar nature of the liquid to be produced we are compelled to make everything which it touches, of wood and copper, and the latter, you know, is quits expansive. Another feature of the works is that we use a vacuum-pan for boiling the liquid at a low degree of temperature. This is necessitated by the nature of the product." "What kind of bark will you user" "Chestnut-oak," was the reply. "We will consume yearly from 10,000 to 15,000 cords of bark. iJy this you will see that we will hare about thirty hands, ten of whom will be Tnese will be employed in the construction ot casts in which snip tne proauct oz tne iactory.

"Is this industry much developed as yet?" "Ho. A large number tanneries use the crude bark but the more enterprising firms use the alone. The demand for the article is rapidly growing. We have already large works at Jfort Alleghany, where the bark used is hemlock. The acid extracted from this bark makes a -very tough leather.

Chestnut-oak bark is a very superior material for the manufacture of the acid, and it is found in enormous Quan tities in this section." "I have just closed for the firm," said Mr. Thorns, "several large con ti acta for bark. It will be obtained from all pai ts of the section, and we will have large ca- pacity for fcandling great quahtieaof the raw material." The site selected bv Mr. Thorns com bines all the advantages sought, and is quite satisfactory. xnus another enterprise of considerable importance comes to Knoxville.

The industry will give employment to thirty nanas, will benefit the railroads, and owners of waste timber lands make may be enabled to dispose of some hitherto un marketable material. Register today. Stories in Pictures. The first lecture of the season in the Y. M.

A. Star Course of Lectures, was given at Staub's theatre last nig jt by Mr Frank Beard, the famous carricaturist. There was a. large audience present and everybody was delighted with tha enter tainment. It was a "chalk talk" illustra ting "stones in pictures." Toe artist rap idly drew with colored chalks upon large sheets et paper stretched upon an eael in full view of the audience a great number of pictures which were expressive of the ideas he wished to convey.

Some of these pictures were beautiful landscapes bu most of them were humorous i i which wera camcatured some of the weaknesses of mankind and womankind and boy hoed. While there was much to laugh at the lecture was entirely devoted to fun Taken altogether it was instructive and valuable. Nearly every carricature pointed a moral and adorned a tale. Mr. Beard is a man of few words but what he says is mu or meaning.

Jtiis humorous expres sions are vejy ncn. We must congratulate the T. M. C. A lecture committee upon the marked suc cess of the first lecture of the series.

Choicest Gifts. This is the title of a light cantata for Christmas Sunday school services. Mr. S. A.

Mester, director of the St. John's En glish Lutheran church, has selected this for the Christmas services of their Sunday school. The books are here and his first rehearsal was last Wednesday night. Mr. Mester's service as a director is well known, as he gave "Joseph's Bondage' and "Under the Palms" both last winter and all who attended were well enter tained.

lEisteddfodds Gone. Fifty or sixty of Knoxville people left yesterday evening in a special car to attend the Welsh National Eisteddfodd in Chat tanooga. The Knoxville choir and Choral Society was under the champeron ship of Mr. Evan J. Davis, president of the so ciety, who had succeeded in getting tbe special car.

Each member was furnished a neat satin ribbon badge with the inscrip tion, "knoxville Choir 1891." Others left this morning to meet those going last night. On a Spree. Will Dover and George Wilson were arrested on Market Square last night by Lieutenant Hood. They were drank and disorderly. At headauarters they said tbey had stolen the whiskey from a saloon.



80LICIT YOUR ORDERS. Knoxville, Oct. 10. For tne convenience of tne ladles tickets or fare books nave been placed on sale at Meek As Andes Tnese tickets are good over all our lines. Including' Mechanicsvllie, and will ba sold at usual price.


1 58 Gay Street, WE RESPECTFULLY SCHOOL BOOKS AT "CORNER BOOK STORE, mi! A T.TVR.S TW Books and Stationery, ARTISTS' MATERIALS. COLD PITHG AND FANCY COODC. A full line of Weekly and Monthly Publications alwayi displayed on the counters. Gay and Union Streets, Knomlle, Term WHAT DO THE CHILDREN NEED? DRESS GOODS AND CLOAKS. WHAT IS EVERYBODY TALKING ABOUT? DRESS GOODS AND CLOAKS.

The stocks in both departments merit attention. They are the leading enes in Knoxville. Variety and popularity, elegance and style, combine to present a most complete selection. To-morrow the new Bedford Cords, in black and all colors, go on sale again. To-morrow the new 54-lnch Snow-Flake 3uiUngs, in all colors, at 80c.

go on sale again. To-morrow the new French btorm Serges, in navy and black, 50 inches wide, go on sale; again.5 To-morrow the new Camel's Hair Effects at $1.25 a yard go on sale again. To-morrow three very fine grades of Black French Broadcloths go on sale again. To-morrow four other lines of elegant and popular Drees Goods go on ale again. 6 We received the past week something over $2,000 worth of new Dress Goods.

The same as regards Cloaks. Cloaks this season means Jackets. It is Jackets that are wanted and Jackets we havefor Children, Missos and Ladies. An excellent new stock perfect fitting, popular priced, from $5.00 up to $50.00. Norfolk and New Brunswick fine Underwear for Children and Ladies hM come; best goods made in America.

FOTKDRT.GOODS ANWStJFERB imMJNERY. New Gray Cemetery. Lots in this Cemetery may now be purchased. Plat shown and prices given, by Lewis Tillman, Secretary, Room 8, Deader-ick Building. i3tf if gaa and water, newly papered.

168 Wett Cumberland street. 80oc8t as8-.

Knoxville Daily Tribune from Knoxville, Tennessee (2024)


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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.