Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

1 144, 14 Marion, Indiana, Tribune July 26, PACING Sellack Cape, U.S Service, 7-25 AL "All right, Sitting Bull, return-um peace pipe Coming Auction Sales SATURDAY, JULY 30TH p. m. 426 E. Main Gas City, Ind. Household Sale of the late Edith Linn, Everett E.

Corn and ERR M. Hand, auctioneers, WEDNESDAY. AUG, p. 527 S. Adams Montpeller, Ind.

Real Estate, PersonProperty, Mary E. Marker, owner, Ray Elliott, auctioneer. WED. sale JULY 27th-No sale. Next Wed.

Aug. 3rd. 843 N. Community Sales Auctions, Fred Millspaugh L. M.

Boatpaugh, wright, -Auctioneers, Don Mills: p.m. THURSDAY July 28th, lat 12:30 ml. west E.S.T., ml. porth, Gaston. Ind.

or 3 mi. South and mi: west Matthews, Bartlett, Ind. Carl T. and Tom Collins, owner. auctloncers, Herman STATE TROOPER RESIGNS POST veteran of 13- years with the state police.

Edward C. Riggs announced yesterday, that he is resigning from the A Vorce affective July 31, He will accept sales position with the Pyrene Manufacturing Co. Riggs said he regretted ito quit police work but he believed the should not reject the offer from the private company, which will place him in charge of sales: in Indiana and in Western Ohio. The Pyrene company specialized in the manufacture 3: firefighting, equipment.i For the present, Riggs will continue to make his home in Marion at 518 W. First St.

Riggs was employed by the company before he was: appointed to the state police force and he has continued la represent part-time salesman. Riggs will be entitied to 13-20 of the retirement pay granted members of the state police force. he explained. State police arc cover. ed by an annunity policy to which both tribute the state and the trooper conduring their service on the force.

HOOSIER SUCCUMBS TO CRASH INJURIES Il4 Ford RICHLANDS, Va. McCoy, 31, Clayton, Ind), died In a hospital Sunday from chest and: head Injuries suffered in Saturday morning highway accident on Va. 627 in Taxes well County. McCoy, an employe of General Motors in Indianapolis, reroute portedly to his driven all night en parents' home in Ranoy. His car left the road about one and one half miles: short of his destination, LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO BIDDERS AND CONTRACTORS by The and City through of Marion.

its Indiana, acting works Board, of Public hids until and 9 Safety, will receive sealed. 19th day of August 1955. at the ullice the on Marion, the City Clerk in the City hall, Indiana whith time and and place read all bids aloud, will be publicly opened al The all work labor. the furnishing 500 necessary Lin. to Ft.

approximately: materials, and equipment force main. of 4-inch C. pipe 1. 2,735 Lin. Ft.

of 1-inch A. C. pipe force main. Lin. Ft.

of -inch pipe river crossing. Tocether with and racing pipe for two rail road comings two street crossings, and other work and appurtenances specified. N3 The successful bidder will be quired formance to and furnish satisfactory The labor bond. contract documents, including plans and specifications, are op tile at the attire of Engineera, Clyde Williams and 311 Colfax Avenue, South Bond J. Indiana and 20 East 38th Street.

Indianapolis. Indiana and at the office of the City Clerk, City Hall. Marion. Indiana. Conies of the documents may 'obtained by depositing Fifteen Dollars for cach set of; documents obtained.

The full amount of 'the deposit for the first set of contract documents will be returned to each actual bidder who returns all: documenus in rood condition within ten 4101 days after receipt of! hida. The sum Ten Dollars $10 00) will refunded for each of all other rets of documents returned within ten days after the opening of bids. The Board of Public Works and or Safety ad bids reserves and the right to reject any Jarlure in bidding. to waive any irreguA check or bank draft payable to the City of 'Marion. Indie satisfactory bid bond by the bidder and surety company, in en amount equal to percent of the bid shall be submitted with each bid, No bid may be withdrawn after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids for at least Thirty 1301 days.

Ralph J. Leech. Lloyd W. Cochran, Wilmer Wilson, Roard of Public Works end Satety, City of tad. 1955.

3 1.:. IT 7 Coming Auction Sales FRIDAY. Street JULY 29th, 7 P.M. -18th Auction Houser P. Stambaugh, owner, Trueman Slabaugh.

auctioneer. ANNOUNCEMENTS MARRIAGE LICENSES tory employe, and Ruth Ellen Howard Free, 1915, Marion, facFree, 1921, Marion, beautician. J. Gene: Carl, 1932, Converse, factory michael, employe, and Kathryn Car1935, Marion, factory cmploye? factory Glenn Woodard, 1931, Marion, employe, and Doris Mansell, Donald 1933, Marion, factory employe. Barrett, 1924.

Montpeller, 309 welder, Montpeller. and Nellie Miller, 1915, Delvia factory employe. Pierce. 1334, Fairmount, On newspaper, and Catherine Carl, We 1036, Fairmount, factory cmploye, A Deaths 221. Clure Block.

Shawley's Memorial GILBERT Owen P. (Bill) 502 Mc. Chapel CASE D. 3638 S. Felton Needham Son.

Funeral Directors NEEDHAM AND SON We Appreciate Your Confidence 814 S. Adams Phone 1552-W MILFORD FUNERAL HOME Sincere Service Fair Prices 710 W. 3rd St. Phone NO 2-2468. Serving As We Would Be Served OWEN MORTUARY 2722 S.

Washington Phone 1817 RAVEN FUNERAL HOME RICH "The HOME for Services 911 S. Washington Phone 1480 Worthy of a Sacred Trust DIGGS FUNERAL Service, Inc. 504 W. Third St. Ph.

NOrth 2-2503. SHAWLEY MEMORIAL CHAPEL Established in 1883 2901 S. Washington Phone 120 1039 NOTICE Personal Ph. ble I Will not be responsi- TOP made for any debts contracted and cd. self on by or anyone other than myafter this date July 26, 1955.

Donald P. Bannister dingy? FATHER'S Clean Lounge it with chair the bit TREE new Lustre. Freel Mason. ICE CREAM SOCIAL Pie- Cake Sandwiches Coffce Sat, July 30 5:00 10 p.m. 5.

Central Christian Church West 3rd Delphi Proceeds to Furniture Fund WANT I to Guide Lamp ING Anderson. First shift 3 p.m. Phone NO WE GIVE HOLDEN STAMPS BROWN TRUEBLOOD, Inc. Let COTTON CLINIC On exclusive Sanitone service for; drycleaning tine cotton fabrics. BROWN TRUEBLOOD, Inc.


P. 0. CANTER years. Cleaners Domestic in 9x12, Marion $4.95. over 40 HAULING BROWN-TRUEBLOOD.

INC. SEWING MACHINE Parts. reS. Adams Phone 1727. ACME pairs.

any make. C. Marine 21201 RUG. CLEANING to wall Phone new, carpets, 9 and 12, $3.95: unholstery Ph. cican like SEWER 2952.

Lost. Strayed or Stolen 10 SEPTIC PERSON -Treen TaKing purple cd white 1 bicycle from Paramount Theater. 1. returned, no charges filed: 0122 S. Branson.

LOST- brown rimmed. Plass. of es in red zipper case. at Lyric Co. Theater.

720 8th St. LADY- Finding wallet in restroom at Standard Station. E. 3rd and Branson, please -phone No 3101 S. 8998.

Kathryn Dinger. male. Re repair ward. Phone 5308-JX. BRYANT Black and tan WELL male, puppy with collar.

4th Prine. Wash, Fri. morning. Call NO 2776 or NO 2-7422. Septic LOST Money bag, between post lateral.

office and First National Bank: Reward. Phone NO 2-6845. 3 AUTOMOBILES TWIN Clean Ph. for Sale WILL SELL Or trade good 1948 HOPPES Dodge, difference. for station Phone wagon.



Sales Service Help Wanted- Stale 1343 ger, radio, -Coupe, power 6 passen- ONE YE V. service policy. MERCURY power windows. Excellent con- CITY T. V.

37th BYPASS WANTED AT ONCE heater, seats, dition, TV- Phone 5431 Roofer, experienced only. BARKER McCLAIN Radio repair. AAA TV. Pb. in person.

16th Washington Sta. NO 2-2655 days. 4712-W evenings. CURRAN ROOFING CO. 1351 Plymouth 1820 W.

Second St. NO seat new tires, new DO IT YOURSELF covers, pice finish runs good. Ph. Gas 'City 8-20812 a Miscellaneous Salesman Wanted 1950 -New tires, one CHROME Faucets strainers, WITH The Increasing owner, electric seats and win- traps" and other plumbing sup for bottle and natural gas dows. Almost like new.

35,000 plies. pliances and heating miles. Nelson Heating 514 S. Adams. need two full time and JONES co.

13th By Pass part time Salesmen. A Cond. Used Cars EMPLOYMENT portunity for? a factory KENNY'S USED CARS to make $40 to $100 per 1015 N. Washington Ph. 5533 Help Wanted -Female extra income: GEO.

RAMP USED CARS EXPERIENCED Apply SKELGAS SALES "Every Deal Square Deal' HOUSE OF CHAN 434th By. Pass Ph. 38th AND BY-PASS in person; SALESMAN WANTED: BUY OR TRADE AT WOMEN- -Earn extra cash weekly Salesman wanted. to sell new DON MARSHALL ALTO SALES addressing mailing circulars reconditioned burlap and 3212 S. Adams St.

Phone 1954 for us. For details, write Mier- bags, paper bags! twines, FOLLOW THE LITTLE CARS chandise Mart. (Dept. 445 paulins, apd wiping cloths TO Prospect Springfield, Pa. feed and agricultural trade MORRIS AUTO SALES WANTED Reliable the state of Indiana.

409 W. 3rd St. Phone NOrth 2-8380 restaurant work. woman for account and commission 4 cylinder, good EXPERIENCED Ph. ing right on party this experience in 5589-4.

condition, gas saver. $415. Ph. Dish washer tial. See type of trade No.

2-8204. wanted. 7. a.m.-3 in Mr. Sprosty, at 1954 FORD Station wagon coun- person, Riverside Cafe.

N. Wash. Spencer Hotel between ten try sedan 8 passenger, fully Highland Ave and three P. M. July 27.

quipped. months old. 10,000 CAR HOPS- Must be over 16. $1 Help- diale sand Female actual miles. Big savings Can an work.

hour. Also 6-12' p.ml Year around WANTED 25 boys and girls be seen at 801 W. after Little Dutch learn water skiing. Free 5:30 Mill. S.

Harmon St. Rd. 9, S. son by appointment Ph. Auto Trucks for Sale 12 WANTED EXPERIENCED Breakfast 1945 SCHOOL BUS Good.

Gilbert, We ware DANCE INSTRUCTORS part luncheon time cook. Party time, 1 ml. N. 1 mi. E.

of Banquo. Marion has proud been to chosen announce as that able to work grill Sundays, cook. Apply Must Auto Accessories, Tires, Parts 13 training center for the Arthur Mur- person Auto Parts Wrecker Service ray. Instructors May be transfer- KNOTTY PINE CAFE SPENCER SALVAGE Service red. but not compulsory, Age 31ST By Passion Phone: 4309-W.

17th and By-Pass! son must 1 be to 21 10 10 p.m. 20. Apply in per- Situations Wanted -Female Motorcycles and Bicycles ARTHUR MURRAY STUDIO WANTED Small children 1952 BSA- -Motorcycle: gone to S. Washington St. board while you work night service, $300.

Ph. Phone 3500-17 1948 INDIAN- Motorcycle, I CAR No phone HOPS -Apply in person. TYPING Or baby sitting, 32nd St. Phone 5103-W Ind. 37th calls, Moon's A Drive ences.

Judy Wright, Ph. Repairing, Service Stations 16 By Pass. WILL Baby sit with small -Body and Mechanical lent WINDOW TRIMMER An excel- dren. Mrs. Curtis Chambers, Service on All Make Cars right party.

for this interesting the opportunity. Will train S. Branson, MATTHEWS. Inc. 316 3rd full-time position.

Situations WantedBuick Service Parts Accessories RESNECKS Apply at WANTED Fencing of all COMPLETE WANTED Van Buren 66-F-325 MECHANICAL SERVICE AND cook; waitress, At once experienced. short order BODY WORK, ALL MAKES CARS FINANCIAL WITH EXPERT MECHANICS Morgan's. Cafe 3404 S. Adams FAST SERVICE Business Opportunities NOTTINGHAM OLDSMOBILE WOMEN VALUABLE BUSINESS E. 3rd St.

Phone 1328 International concern will train a OPPORTUNITY EXPERT few sincere women to do re- New automatic 3 in 1 Hot MECHANICAL SERVICE weaving at home. If qualified. Unit handling the world All Make Cars and Trucks can earn $3 to $4 an hour in nationally advertisded Maxwell Use Genuine Factory Parts time. We can furnish House Coffee, Bakers Chocolate, CENTRAL CHEVROLET, INC. everything.

No selling. Write Tenderleaf Tea. You must W. Second St. Ph.

NOrth 2-6696 Chronicle box 606. desire honest, reliable, have a SEE FOR YOURSELVES Wom- and ambition own TR BUSINESS SERVICE en earning $2.00 an hour repre- round permanent business highly which profitable senting Avon, See' about the op- erated can be Business Service Offered portunity for you! by calling frone, your home in WEED- mowing by lot or acre No. 3. or full Thorough training Robert Davidson ph. 868 WANTED Experienced waitress.

and cooperation given. WANTED Patch plastering. Jimmy's Kitchen. Junction 9 37. cations obtained by our experts.

PHONE 5300 WOMAN- Under 65 for customer 10 Immediate un-belicvable EXTERIOR HOUSE PAINTING service, Old established firm. No age units doing the national 5864-M experience necessary. no can- $1834.73 would monthly give you an $22,016.76 income sidewalks, experienced. Cement porches, a.m. vassing.

or 7 to Ph. NO 2-2011, 7 to You must have $1190.00 or CARPENTRY PLUMBING Ph. 5170. 8 p.m. start.

We assist you in financand And repairing. New Help Wanted- -Male ing large operations. For further lice. used Call fixtures, Pump serv. WANTED- Man with some exper information write- giving before mornings, fence servicing and installing as Chronicle 609.

after Johnson. 6 evening. Ph. 3734. Virgil appliances and heating equip- EXCELLENT-3 way tavern, ment.

West side. This Includes 919 Top. or soil, also dirt. 34th SKELGAS By Pass SALES Ph. SERVICE 2217 home fitable and operation all in furnishings.

this location A. SEPTIC TANKS Cesspools, toilet for many years. Will sell to vaults, vacuum cleaned sewer 'SALESMAN ified cashi buyer. Phone 5815. with lines, electric Basem*nt cutting drains cleaned AND SALES MANAGER knives.

Con- Opportunity of a lifetime. Apply FARMERS' COLUMN! crete tanks sold and installed. Mrs? Williams. DAVID SEWER A CLEANERS Indiana Employment Dogs, Cats, Other: Pets E. 38th St.

Phone 4413 Security Division: WANTED for, young; HAULING Ashes trash, anything. 316 W. 4th St. Marion 5576-4 7095, RABBITS- -For sale. 508 SOIL And fill dirt deliver- WANTED- -Men with agricultural Ave.

Phone 1152-W. Phone: 547. background, sales experience FOR SALE Airdale beagle PAINTING Inside or out. Work helpful, to bring sail technical (small type) All guaranteed, Lowest prices. Free service to farmers.

Must be Phone 29F31 LaFontaine. Dick estimates. Ph. 6169-WX. 000 to $15,000 a year men.

For Epley. CUTTING Wanted. interview contact Richard Mis- 6 BEAGLE Pups from good sonable rates: Sprong. Ph. 5315.

enhimer at Indiana Employment hunting dogs. Ph Gas City 8-7887 HAULING All kinds. Free esti. Security Division, Tuesday July SIAMESE ET Kittens. $15 eat mates.

Ph. 1462. 26, Peru, Ind. 23 Court Thurs- canaries. 108 W.

So B. Gas City. SHIRTS- Laundered Tree 11 we day, July 28, Marion, Ind. 316 SPECIAL Baby parakeets miss a button: E. 4th St.

sale. $1.50. 117 S. 11 St. Gas City.

BROWN- TRUEBLOOD, INC. Young YOUR PARAKEETS Rares, Opalipes, CARPENTER ROOFING. SID have men over 21 years of age, Rainbows Normals. co*ckaWORK. PHONE 4516.

ing you even thought of danc- Reels, Canaries Finches. Cages, WE REPAIR and teaching as a career for stands, seeds supplies. SEWING MACHINES ur you? Here is your chance. Arth- THE COLEMANS ALL MAKES tions Murray's are taking applica- 3532 Lincoln Blvd Ph. 5782W.

a Singer Expert tune up your training now. is If accepted, K. Scotties and Corker sewing machine. Reasonable free. Apply at once in puppies, charges.

Estimates furnished in tion, person, for between full or part time post WEIMER KENNELS, E. on (18. advance. Call your ARTHUR 1 MURRAY and 10. p.m, BABY PARAKEETS FOR SALE SINGER SEWING MCHE.

CO. S. Washington STUDIO St. Cages, Stands, Seed, Supplies Washington Phone 372 PERSHING GARDEN STORE repairing. Pumps route.

WANTED Sce John Salesman for. Maggart at wholesale Seedsmen since 1879. 105 E. 5th repaired, installed Helvie N. Wash.

Ph. NO 2-7181. Livestock 515 Ph. Gas City 8-2761. EXPERIENCED Service station 2.

HOGS Weigh 65-75 lbs. Basil -Fireplace, furnace help, Nites. 6 p.m. to 12 mid- Pulley, 38th St. road, 8 mil landscaping.

Insured. night, midnight till 6 a.m. Must Soldiers Home. Phone 1556 be alert. Reply Chronicle Box 615 FOR.

SALE At LaFontaine Sale ravel. stone. Ashes, trash, dirt, 200 head White. face PHONE NO dump 2-2130 truck, 7.. DELIVERY HELPER steer and Heller calves.

Weight Neat appearing. young man for de- 350 to 500 lbs. Quality extra good. METAL ROOF livery work. References requir- SADDLE Horses new and used SLATE AND Guttering.

SHEET Furnace Cleaning ed. Steady work, Apply In per- saddles. For sale at all times 2060 METAL 112 WORKS son. at the Lugar Creek Riding Stable, W. 6th.

YEAR OLD Pony, saddle and CLOGGED Cleaned with KELLEY FURNITURE: CO. bridle. Ph. 2382-R. modern Roto Rooter equipment.

FRESH COWS 2 with TANKS modern Cesspools clean- WANTED -Combination mechanic calves. 2 Guernseys calves, steins BEEKMAN ROTO pump. ROOTER and front-end alignment man. 10 head white face heifers: 400 W. 5th Phone 1203 Apply in person.

lbs. 010 head white face steers REUPHOLSTERING HOWARD AUTO SALES 350 to 450 lbs. Other stock cattle Of all types 8th and Adamsl and fat cattle. 20 head 80 lb. furniture.

Marion Upholstering MEN shoals, 10 head gilts, to farrow Ph. 3122. 4621 S. Harmon. Apply now for night production jobs Aug.

20th, 1-6 old saddle COMPLETE Vacuum Cleaners to be open August 1st. mare, saddle bridle, broke for Parts and Repair Service 1. Steady work. women children. 320 E.

So. EMMONS 2. Night shift bonus. St. Gas City." Phone 8-2561.

Wash. One Stat Phone 801 3. Insurance program. FOR SALE AT CAMDEN-1000 man plumbing 5. Pleasant working conditions.

cattle 200-700 16. Now in pur replacement, CO. cervice. Overtime yards, strictly choice, quality, Phone: up. Ph.

113-WA Clyde 399 Open RCA plant daily employees. EMPLOYMENT throughtout vacation OFFICE of pected chaser. WERTHEIMER in 75 Oct. Holstein Cattle steers suit 700 Ph. pur- lb, 40 SERVICE YOUNG a.m.

p.m. PUREBRED Yorkshire piggy tanks, foundations, drains, MAN For general gilts and boar. 1 ml N. SweetCall 5435-1: 1702 E. 33rd.

kitchen work. Apply in person. ser. Buroker1 QUALITY PLOSIBING. CUSTERS LAST STAND WANTED- -Pigs 50-75 lbs.

(not less REASONABLE PIL 4535 than 20 to the bunch) Ova RenCITY SEWER SERVICE RETAIL barzer. Converse. Ph. sewer lines! septic. tanks MANAGEMENT LANDRACE CILTS And one McCormick Gas City 5801-82331 TRAINEES boar.

sifed, by; King Haaken, TRENCHING Ditch- Swedish Imported boar, tops in foundation, water line. GOODYEAR will hire 1 or 2 young breeding. Max Martin, La wide ,913 S. Wat- men who wish to learn and make taine. phone 168-J, evenings 116.

Jonesboro. Ph. Gas City 5551. of the retail tire and WOULD- Like to buy nice saddle PAVE WITH ASPHALTS high business. some.

be horse, gentle and well broke. Estimates Work Guaranteed lege: school graduate, col- Phone 2811. DRIVEWAY CONTRACTORS, Inc. red. 21 training or degree, prefer2-7107 or 2000 W.

20d. vancement. to 32 years of age, ad- WANTED TO BUY 20 are unlimited due to our Sept and Oct. Anderson to freshen Van I and promotion Dairy Cows and Heifers Dyeinz. Renovating Moth damage at less cost.

expanding program brought on Buren Ph. 60-W. P. O. Box 104.1 costs only per year for by the entries demand, for our YOUNG Purebred landrace 5 yr.

guarantee. free quality products. Paid vacations, boar, Also cross bred 48 DRUMMOND Mary DRY CLEANERS ization life plane insurance, and hospital- $50. boars. Large enough for service.

Beckham, owner PHONE Vern Pence, Amboy, Ind. and Surely Bonds 23 Goodyear write, Service Mr. dat Chatham. NO FOR SALES AT CAMDEN 400 INSURANCE Agency 2-2521, for appointment. Store for in- Harper: and! Holman calves.

AUTOMOBILE FARM terview. several small bunches Angus and Post Office Ph. NO 2-2687 Werthelmer Hereford Cattle steers and hetfers. Ph. FARMERS' COLUMN 33 Livestock House 300 450.

lbs. 100 light 20 SPRING CALVES Apply A weighing 600 lbs, choice North Western: Calves. right Harry Thorne, 1 2-6623 Marion on St. roads 9 and Farming Implements 33A demand 1-1952 FORD Tractor ap- -1051 JOHN DEERE equipment, -1950 Tractor four -Used International Combine real op- Case Self Propelled worker bine week 1 -Used FORD Loader USED BREAKING PLOWS SERVICE MODERN FARM EQUIP. 2217 B2 Pas 26th St.

Ph. and HUMES Reels for down cotton tar- USED John Deere hay USED Allis Chalmers to the UNED Case combine. in THACTOR Rotary mowers. Drawing BALER TWINE AND WIRE to the FARMERS IMPLEMENT call- N. Adams Ph.

NO essenthe USED A.M. Minneapolis Moline USED Allis Chalmers 31 USED Case 12 ft. sell les- USED Massey Harris Combine, to combine 6068. USED Chalmers W. and Tractor a also be NASH State Pilot Convertible Feeds in SCHAUMLEFFEL IMPLEMENT 806 N.

Baldwin Ph. NO 1952 SELF PROPELLED newl 36 FT. MASSEY HARRIS shift. 50 like, INTERNATIONAL 12 A 3 John combine reler- 1953 FARM Super 5079-M. 1941 tractor.

chit- ARMSTRONG FARM EQUIP. FARMALLM tractor. Swayzee Ph. W. D.

mounted ALLIS plow CHALMERS and cultivators. Kinds. FORD TRACTOR With JOHN -No. 12 combine, with Hume reel 38 THO Combine, No. 62.

USED Side delivery rake. BOLEN TRACTORS PARTS Delinked UNION PA. IMPLEMENT Gas famous LATE MODEL John Deere: City be biscs. Chalmers Moline and A Allis Harris; Case; Minneapolis sincere USED New Holland Baler year a NEW A. C.

Baler Baler Twine spare op- ERTEL SHAFER By the ter towel in Swayzee. Lo- ARM STORE SPECIALS GALVANIZED HOG FOUNT 100 Gal. Sled type aver- Rez GALVANIZED of HOG FEEDER ycarly Reg. $66.501 12 Door A Spec. $52.88 STEEL CORN CRIB 700.

Bu. Capacity, with root. phone GALVANIZED CORN Spec. $214.88 Reg. BIN Bu Capacity, with floor mod.

on Reg $325.00 Spcc. $274.88 pro- Phone NO 2-2541 Cor. 2nd Wash, MONTGOMERY WARD. qual- Grain STRAW and wheat. 25 cents bale, Griftin, ml.


AKC. 1003 Washington St. Ph. arm Miscellaneous 2 HORSE Trailer, 2 ackles, nice. and Secut Stable.

at the Phone Lugar 3515-3. Creek Riding TARPAULINS for For Wagons. Trucks, and back yards. 22 sizes in stock. BRUNTS Poultry and Supplies 1800 SCARTED Chicks.

Baby chicks, June 28th. BROWN'S Hatchery, Converse. OFFER One set of pads free with each 10 hole net Egg Washers, plas. tic basked 10 per cent puts them in layaway. MAG'S HATCHERY 1136-38 S.

Branson Phi 1184 MERCHANDISE E. Articles for Sale TAKE OVER PAYMENTS At $3 per week WESTINGHOUSE FOOD FILE. 9.01 cu. for refrigerator, with 42 freezer chest, (14 16. freezer tray.

18 lb. meat keeper, butter per, 2 bumidrawers And storage shelves in door. White a Dule finish with copper trim. high, 28 in. wide.

SOUTH MARION BROYLES 3011. Wash Ph. 1948. WESTING LOUSE FREEZER A new low price on 12 cu, It. upright: 3 closed door shelves and one drawer Holds 1420 lbs.


5189 HOUSETRAILERS-18 It $395.00. 33 ft. Brand new. slightly dam only. aged Arcane $1935.00 cash.

Sat. Sundays Sales, 8 ml 00 18. 1 So. on 210 GOOD Phone Bath for sale. 318.

5386. MERCHANDISE MERCHANDISE Weighing Articles for Sale Articles for Sale yearlings G. E. 5 Cu. Ft.

OFFICE Extra good buy, new. Phone -Roll topi Like quality $79.35 $2 per week. $25. 2520. price SOUTH MARION BROYLES A WHITE N.

3011 S. Wash. Ph. 1948 American made sewing machines 37. models ziz-zig, miracle stitch or budget, DAVY CROCKETT TENTS $7.95 Charles D.

from Marine $09.50 easy terms, ROY ROGER TENTS A $7,20 PHONE: 1727 2120 S. Adams: 504 S. Wash. SUPERIOR TIRE Phone 3349 Savings Tractor ZERO are SOFT-FILTERED greater. than WATER COST.

Full GAS RANGE Soft size Not very old. Ph. 4047 112 Water East Serv. Com- A steal at $79.95 $2 week. 10 CO.

FT. G.E 6th Street, SOUTH MARION BROYLES like new. $99.95. Refrigerator, 3011 S. Wash.

Ph. 1948 Terms $9.95 SWIVEL Rocker chair, green, Co. down. 105 $2.00 S. Wash.

per week. Phone 97, Liniger 4 months old, $45 cost $70: Ken5671 more wringer washer yrs. old $40; USED PhONO 2-2342. We have 15 fine REFRIGERATORS REFRIGERATORS sells at low prices. Refrigerators Excellent to drains.

chopper, $5 DOWN Excellent DELIVERS Condition terms and good guarantees. combine, Payments Prices range from $30 for G.E. GOODYEAR as low SERVICE as $1.25 STORES weekly monitor top to $190 for Frigidaire 206: W. 4th deluxe refrigerator. See this Ph.

NO 2-2521 great selection of used refrigeraCO. GOOD USED tors at bargain prices in 2-7324 TELEVISIONS BROYLES A-1. Condition USED APPLIANCE CENTER Corn LOW. SCHAUMLEFFEL DOWN PAYMENT 506 S. Wash Phone 347 IMPLEMENT D.


NO CO. 2-6653 Were CHILDREN'S $12.05 NOW 5.99 LAWN SWINGS rambler SEWING MACHINES Needles. Were $19.95 NOW 9.99 belts, motors, parts, make PORCH SWINGS guaranteed service. Were $12.95 NOW 8.09 2-6681 CHARLES MARINE METAL GLIDERS .2120 South Adams, Phone 1727 Were $39.95 NOW $19.00 com- MOVING Must sell 5 rooms PEARSON'S FURNITURE combine all or exceptionally separate. nice furniture, 2 Sell 5th BRANSON STS.

Also: girls baler. bicycles. 1501 WI NEW -Eans, including window 3rd. St. fans, all with reduced prices.

tractor. AKRON Elastic Hose TRUSSES down FIRESTONE delivers. STORES. I MARION Surgical Supports FURNITURES UPHOLSTERY FREEL MASON DRUGS And scat covers for all cars. 3 PC Bathroom fixtures, cheap.


4241 2 piece Living Room Suite, In good GIFTS GAMES NOVELTIES condition was $229,95 NOW $125 MARION TYPEWRITER SERV. USED MAYTAG Washer $19 Gift Shop Opp. P.TO. Cu. ft.

Frigidaire Refrigerator in BELL'S TRAILER SALES good $319.95 condition sold regularly at New and Used Trailers 7411 1 ONLY Twin size innerspring NOW mat- $139 Long Terms at Bank Rates Mas- tress was NOW $16 30th By Pass com- 5th PEARSON'S BRANSON FURNITURE DEXTER TWIN TUB STREETS In good condition. This sold new WASHER Lioned with 6 mo. only one guarantee recondi- all metal boat: H. P. outboard motor.

on parts at: $80.00. Lake. $450. Phone 4892-M. Terms $1.50 per week FISHING TACKLE Complete BROYLES ELECTRIC INC.

selection of casting, spinning and 506 S. Washington Ph; 311. Ily rods; reels and accessories. W. D.

HAWKINS CO. 122 W. 3rd. FUEL OIL Stove, double burner. $27.88 ONE Spraying of BERLOU 3 drums, copper tubing $35.

Phone stops moth damage for 5 years 4837. or tect Berlou your pays clothes, the damage. Pro- WHEEL CHAIR Folding alum. woolens with furniture, rugs, inum, like new. Rear 720 W.

8th. Hardware BERLOU. Marion LEAVING CITY- Sell or trade. 41 ELECTRIC Stove. Hotpoint.

Good new: 1952. Zimmer: Chevrolet housetrailer, power like a Refrigerator. 1601 W. 9th. 18,000 mt.

Ph. Gas City 7402. glide, NEW 650-15 tires. Will sacra WESTINGHOUSE one used good 9 ter cooler; cedars chest: Drinking Violet wa. heater; 12 rug; M.W.

sidearm gas water ray lamp. Reo lawn mower: horgrates for Mueller stoker, set good pital bed. Phi 245, Mrs. R. 48B West 5th St.

furnace. 1320 Megular, Fairmount, Ind. CHESTS JUNIOR TRICYCLES fishing Power mowers, New Summer Models tackle, guns and stoves. From $7.95 Up 630 E. 019th PULLEY'S DINETTE- -Set $10, highchair $3: 8 Dining room sulter bassi baby bed with mattress $20; door- netter car crib: 115 35th.

way swing $1: toidy. seat Phone 249-R. skirt large and size liner bassinette, organdy TO FREE 11804. W. Ist.

$10. Pb, NO 2-8445. KITCHEN PLANNING 2128 NEW BIRCH 2007 9 tables. 16 -Rug and pad; 2 pr. drapes: CABINETS Phone 843-J.

For Estimates on Birch 480 USED- RCA Window air condition- Cabinets With Formica Tops ton; late model In perfect Call 6230 condition. Bargain, Ph. NO 2-7818. PAYLESS STORE Dupont Beautiful Paints Colors Supplies NEW And. Used Typewriters Adding Machines STATE ROOFING CO.

115 E. 6th Central Typewriter Supply. Co DINING ROOM Suite. Dinette 124 E. Fifth St.

Phone 136 suite, 2 beds and springs. gas ANTIQUE Bed, stroller, car scat, 49 porch furn. Ph. 4315-M NEW HOME FURNISHINGS range, refrigerator cu bathinette. Branson, 1947 Ford Convertible, baby.

New Fish Net Cafe Curtains. New seat: stroller, swing outfit and car Shower Curtains. Now Slipcover Ph. 115 and, drapery fabrics, New Lices 1954 LUTES Housetraner and Mohawk Carpeting. Trave E.

Short. King's Trailer Court. erse Rods, all sizes. New Sofa NEW USED MERCHANDISE Custom- Made slip Cove created by experts. Antique Morris chair.

solid ma THE HOUSE OF STONE INC. hogany, with horsehair filling. Cor. 3rd de Boots Th. NOrth 2-6629 Priced right.

Normandy style antique sola. Price DUOTHERM GAS ed right. SPACE HEATER 51 extra nice $89,95 BTU. Barzain on these $99 Large, Roper Gas Range, Have two beauties, both 65,000 I Used refrigerators. $59.95 up and $109.

Sce these and you'll 2 Pc. blue living room suite $29.95 buy tat $2.50 New 2-pc. sectional sotas, choIce BROYLES ELECTRIC INC. of 3 colors. $79,95 up 506 S.

Washington a Ph. 347 New swivel base rockers $39.951 Hide-a-bed with Innerspring mat GOOD USED TELEVISION SETS tress choice of three colors Priced to sell right (new), 3 $159.50 as $20 8 Studio couches Knew) up A OVERPECK TV APPLIANCE walnut dining room suite, 38th Adams Th 5006 with refractory style table, solid oak MAJESTIC Steel furnace 307. walnut finish. $49.95 Pipe de blower, Phone 43 Speed Queen washer, with new Lafontain guarantee. $00.50 New chests ol drawers, walnut or ESPECIAL SALE Night maple stands, finish.

blond $22.35 up 3 ROOM OUTFIT ish. or walnut $9.95 tin- up All new merchandise consisting of living room, bedroom. kitchen. EASY TERMS LOW AS $395 KELLEY'S BUDGET IF DESIRED STORE TERMS Low as $3.07 week 1st Door North Main PEARSON'S FURNITURE CO. 17 PHILCO of Entrance 5th BRANSON Console rust like new.

$79.95. Terms $14.951 7 Mid- -Summer down, $2 week. Liniger Co. 105 Rock Botton Prices! Accumulation S. Wash.

Phone 97. Apartment gas ranger Duncan GOOD USED BARGAINS Phyfe dropleat table, bedroom, G. livingroom and porch furniture. E. Automatic Washer I G.

E. HAMILTON Dryer CALDWELL'S EXCHANGE tee) Dryer (new Guaran- 3115 S. Wash. Ph. 513 REBUILT Wringer THE FABULOUS FOODARAMAT BARNETTE Type: Washers By Kelvinator 111 S.

Washington APPLIANCE CO. 11 cu. It refrigerator 5 Ph: 3441 freezer. All in one unit BUY WITH CONFIDENCE As low as $10 down AT B. F.

GOODRICH STORE Marion Mobile Home Center 419 S. Adams Phone 2004 1202 S. Baldwin Ave Pb 2713 Penetrating and Gym Seals For Beautiful Floors Deluxe model, DEXTER WASHER RIGSBEE JANITOR SUPPLIES. Lovell wring. By Pass 43rd $10 er.

Clean as FOR SUMMER COMFORT Down FRIGIDAIRE per week CHANGE SHOES OFTEN REFRIGERATOR BRUNTS Deluxe model, 9. cu It. with cross top than 4 freezer, double crispers, Less FAMOUS KROEHLER 325 years down, old. st LIVING ROOM SUITES PRICE'S week. BEDROOM SUITES 315 S.

Boots St Ph NO 2-8231 Beautiful STEWART Large Selection ton NEW AIR CONDITIONERS Fair mount Open Evenings FURNITURE 52501 CITY T. VI 37th BYPASS DOUBLE BED 0431 PE Mattress and ed 1 I- 4 -n.

Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.