Merc with a chainsaw - Chapter 3 - Ryan_Gosling49 (2024)

Chapter Text

"You know, Mr. Narrator man, I've been wondering, I probably missed brunch. I mean, I know time passes weirdly in cross universal situations like this, but I'm pretty I still missed brunch by a pretty big margin." Deadpool, I don't think right now is the best time to talk to me. I don't know if you've noticed, but you're on a public train with tweedle dee and tweedle dumb. "Ah sh*t you right." Denji and Power have been staring at him for a while now, "I wasn't gonna ask because I didn't really give a sh*t, but now it feels like you're expecting me to ask, so I'll ask. Who are you talking to?" Denji begrudgingly asked. "f*ck you too, man. If you must know, I was talking to the voice in my head. And he says you're a bitch." I don't think I've said that before. "Ay f*ck you, don't call me a bitch!" Denji yelled. "I haven't called you anything, I just said the voices called you a bitch." As the two were about to get into a fist fight, Power informs them that they're at their stop.

From their stop, they still had a few miles to walk before they got to the shack where the corpse of the bat devil lays. The first couple miles were walked in silence until Power approached Deadpool. "About what thou said on the locomotive, worry not, I too hear conversation in mine head. Though I am unable to converse with it." Deadpool squinted at her for a second, placing his hand on her shoulder, "Yeah but my voice is real, I'm pretty sure you're just batsh*t insane." Power puts a finger on her chin, thinking about what he said. "Perhaps you tell the truth. Nevertheless, I can relate to your situation." And with that final remark, the trio went back to silent walking. They've been walking for a while now. They were pretty sure the shack was much closer. Denji's feet start hurting. He's starting to regret his choice of not getting new shoes when he got his uniform. Along with the pain in his feet, he feels a sort of phantom pain, like something is watching him. Before he can continue his thoughts, a giant shadow forms over him. With a loud thud, Denji gets crushed by a giant bat. "So," the bat devil looks over to Deadpool, "it looks like you've come back to finish the job, haven't you?" Power turns to him, "Thou spoke lies! The bat lives!" Deadpool throws his hands up, "I cut him open! I poked and prodded his body for hours! He should be dead!" The bat devil picks Denji up to his mouth and squeezes out blood from his body. The devil stands up straighter, and the scar along his stomach heals over. "The feeling of being cut open sent me into shock. I was merely passed out to save my strength, but now that I've ingested this disgusting blood, I'm free to go and kill as many humans as possible." The bat devil looks over to the nearby city, "I can smell them. All the pregnant women and adolescent children, so many to pick from." The devil spread out his wings and, with a boom, took flight.

From where the bat devil was, Denji stood up and leaped after him. He dug his fingers into the leg of the devil to get a grip as they picked up speed. The sudden pain in his leg caused the devil to turn to look at the sudden weight on his leg. "Let go, you runt!" Denji reached for his ripcord, "This is for trying to kill me!" With a yank, chainsaws shot out of Denji. The sheer force of which the saws came out caused one to stab into the bat devil. The sudden pain caused the devil to crash into a building. As the two were fighting, Deadpool started running after them. Power grabbed his arm, "Do not be a fool. The bat is a fearsome opponent. Perhaps it is best to let Denji deal with it." Deadpool shook her hand off, " Did you not hear him? He's going to kill people, going to kill kids!" Power drops her hands to her sides, "Why should I care? All human life is as equally worthless as each other." Deadpool realizes he won't be able to appeal to her sympathy, so he goes with the next best option. "You're scared of Makima. Just think about it, she pays us to kill devils to protect people. If she finds out you stood around when a dangerous devil was on the loose, she'd have you killed." Power starts screaming, "I AM NOT AFRAID OF ANY BEING! HOW DARE YOU SAY AS SUCH!" She starts huffing, "I'll help, only because I do not wish to go through with the trouble of killing Makima." Deadpool grabbed her wrist, "OK, prepare yourself." He grabs the buckle of his belt, which is a simplified image of his mask, and presses a button on the back of it. "Beam us up, Scotty." The very fabric of Power and Deadpool's beings started to pull apart. Every cell began to separate from each other. Every molecule began moving away from their structured forms. Every atom began splitting and pulling themselves apart. Even the very souls of the two began to break apart. All of this happened in a time frame so small that saying it was one one billionth of a trillionth of a second would still be too long. And almost as fast as the two dematerialized, they were put back together in the middle of a street.

Power fell to the ground and began vomiting. Deadpool just cracked his neck, "Thoughen up, we're about to have company." The bat devil slammed into an office building a block away from them. Deadpool yanked Power to her feet, "Come on, we got a job to do." The two began sprinting towards the destroyed building. Deadpool stops and takes a knee a few hundred feet away. Power runs up next to him, "What are thou doing? The bat is up atop us. Why have thou stopped?" Deadpool pulls out a rifle from seemingly nowhere, "I need a little space to use this." He loads a mag of colored tip rounds into the rifle, "Anti tank rounds should be enough for manbat. If it's not, then at least he'll be slowed down a lot." He points the rifle towards the hole in the building but immediately puts it back down. "Hey, Power, I need to use your shoulder as a prop real quick." Power squats in front of Deadpool as he puts the barrel of the rifle on her shoulder. He takes aim at the hole and waits for the bat devil to pop out.

Denji and the bat devil crash into an office building. Denji shakes away the dizziness from the landing and sits up. He spots an office woman staring at the sight. He also sees the bat devil starting to get up. "Hey lady! f*ck off! You might get hurt!" The woman yelps and runs away as the bat devil slams a fist into Denji. The devil then grabs him and throws him into the building across the street. Denji slams into the side of the building, creating a small crater. The bat devil leaps out of the office, but before it can reach Denji, a loud boom rang out. A bullet hit the devil in the stomach, letting off a small explosion. Both Denji and the bat devil fell onto the street. The bat devil stood up, revealing a giant hole in his chest. Denji looked to his left and saw Deadpool and Power. The two of them gave him a thumbs up, and then Deadpool shouted at him, "Car! To your right!" Denji turned to his right and saw that there was, indeed, a car. The bat devil let out a loud scream, "Since you care about humans so much. TRY SAVING HIM!" The bat devil then grabbed the car and threw it at Denji. The saws in Denji's arms retracted, allowing him to catch the car. "Oh, cool! I didn't know I could do that!" Denji looked at his bare arms. The bat devil let out a small chuckle, "Now you must choose, saving that man, or killing m- AAAGGK" Before the devil could finish his sentence, Power threw a spear into his neck, followed by Deadpool burying his katanas into the devil's back. Denji took this as an opening, "I don't give a sh*t about this guy's life!" And he threw the car at the devil. The man in the car jumped out just as the car collided with the bat devil. The bat devil, still with Deadpool on his back, fell backward, splattering Deadpool. Power started throwing blood knives at the bat devil until she succumbed to blood loss and passed out. The bat devil got up, clenching its side. The devil realized it was probably about to die, so it used its strongest attack to hopefully kill at least Denji. The bat devil sucked up all the air it could with what was left of its lungs. It then threw up what looked like a second, longer mouth. As the devil's chest puffed up with air, it let all of it escape from his mouth and launched Denji straight through the building behind him. And with that attack, all of the bat devil's remaining organs either ruptured or fell out of the hole in its body. The bat devil finally succumbed to its wounds and fell forward, dying before it even touched the ground.

Denji slowly wobbled out of the building, the chainsaws already melting off. He walks up to the bat devil's body and takes a bite of it to fill back up on blood. He could barely get half a mouthful before letting go. "Man, this sh*t nasty." He walked away from the bat devil to check on Deadpool. "Hey man, you good?" Deadpool lifted up the nub that used to be his thumb, "Yeaaaa, jusst give me... a minuteeee, or.... a fewww." Denji responded with his own thumbs up. He walked over to Power next, "You good too?" Instead of responding, Power just let out a hollow sounding sigh. Denji gave another thumbs up. Just before he could walk back to the bat devil, he felt something stab through his arm. He looked down and saw his arm laying on the ground. A screechy voice came up behind him. "Oh, poor batsy. I look all over for my dear, and here he is, dead at the hands of a runt and his friends." Denji turns around to see a massive pink devil. It had long brown hair and six sagging boobs. It also had several tentacles hanging off itself. "I'm the leech devil, by the way. You're cute, so I'll let you live. I'll have to kill you're friends though." Denji looked over to see Power face down, and Deadpool still pancaked onto the pavement. He reached for his ripcord, "f*ck off and die!" Denji yanked his cord, only for it to stop before going the full length. He pulls it again, only for it to do nothing when it reaches full length. He keeps pulling on the ripcord, "Sorry, I swear this doesn't usually happen." The leech devil scratched its face, "No, it's alright, I can wait." Denji started pulling harder, "I mean, really, this is the first time this has happened." The leech devil kicked a rock next to it, "We can fight later, you know, when you can pop your saws out." Denji felt his cord start working, "No no no, see, it's working now." And with a final yank, just the tip of the saw shot out of Denji's head. The leech devil and Denji exchange looks. Denji throws his hand up, "Whatever, I can still fight you like this." The devil shrugs and launches a tentacle at Denji.

Denji leaps onto the incoming tentacle and runs up its length. With one of his arms missing, it's hard to keep his balance, so he digs his headsaw into the tentacle and runs up it using the saw as a grip. Once he makes it up the tentacle, Denji leaps towards the devils face, only for its tongue to pierce his chest. Denji's legs go limp. The leech devil starts laughing. Just before Denji loses consciousness, he hears a voice, and he looks over to see Aki holding his hand up. "Kon." A giant fox head clamps down onto the leech devil. Through its teeth, it starts speaking, "Shall I swallow?" Aki nods his head, and the fox dissappears with the leech devil. Denji plummets to the ground, breaking his neck upon landing.

Aki looks around the scene in front of him. A woman walks up next to him. "So? What are we gonna do about all this?" Aki pulls out a cigarette, "Himeno," he takes a drag of his cig, "you and me are going to ask the witnesses about what happened here. The trainees are going to retrieve the bodies." Behind them were the trainees, neither of which looked like they want to be here. The shorter one of the two yelped when they were brought up by Aki. "Don't just stand there. Get moving, walk with a purpose." Aki ordered. The trainees went off to retrieve the bodies, the taller one going to get the limp body of Denji, dragging him by the only remaining arm of his. The shorter one went to go get Deadpool. She stares at him for a second, wondering how she was supposed to pick him up. As she walked closer, Deadpool regained consciousness and noticed her approach. He stays as still as possible. The woman is inches away from him, slowly reaching a hand towards him when he shoots his head up, "BOO!" The woman screams and launches herself into the air, kind of like Courage the dog. Everyone turns to her and draws their weapons, only to see Deadpool laughing and slowly picking himself up. "That was way too f*cking easy." Deadpool walks over to Aki. "So, pretty boy, what's with the B-team?" Aki glares at him, "We were called in because we got reports of a devil attack in the city. I wasn't going to come until I was told that it was you three fighting the devil." Deadpool nods his head, "So, another job well done, drinks on me." And just before he could walk away, Aki places cuffs on his wrists. "Hey man, if you wanted to bring out the cuffs, you could've at least waited until we got a bed." Aki just glares at him some more, "The three of you went off on your own and destroyed almost this entire block. Once Denji and Power regain consciousness, I'll be questioning you all to see if Public Safety should keep you all alive." Deadpool flips him off with both his hands and plops himself on the ground, "Fine. I'll just sit here until we're ready to go." Aki glares at him one more time before going with Himeno to question any witnesses nearby.

... later at a hospital...

Denji wakes up in a hospital bed. He opens his eyes and notices that he has both of his arms are attached. He looks to his right and sees Aki sitting next to him, cutting bunny ears into apple slices. "We found your arm a few feet away from the scene, and after a small blood transfusion, it snapped right back into place." He places an apple bunny onto a plate, "Security cameras show you being led out of town by Power and Deadpool to the woods. From what we can tell, you were attacked by the bat devil." Denji turns his head toward Aki, "If you're trying to say they were leading me to a trap, you're wrong. We were just going to look at the bat devil to see if it was dead." Aki leans forward, "Why didn't you wait for the team we were sending to go?" Denji gave him a confused look, "What team?" Aki stares at him, "The one Makima sent out to retrieve the bat devil." Denji looks even more confused, "When did Makima find out?" Aki stares even harder, "She said that she was told about the bat devil when she first brought you and Deadpool to Public Safety. Do you not remember?" Denji sorts through his memory, "Ah sh*t, you're right. Damn, why the f*ck did I go then?" Aki shakes his head and leaves the room. He steps into the hallway where Himeno, Power, and Deadpool are waiting. Power raises her hands to her face. "See? The jester and I are innocent. Release us at once!" Himeno walks over to Aki, "I don't know about this. If the two of them do something like this again, it'll be on you for letting them live." Aki retorts, "We need all the hands we can get. But let me make this clear." He uncuffs Power, "You are tools for us to use. Once your use is done, you will be put down." Aki goes to uncuff Deadpool, but is stopped in his tracks as Deadpool breaks his cuffs. "A lot of people have said that they'll kill me. A lot of people have tried to kill me. All of those same people wind up at the business end of a gun. So there's really no reason to be all rude about my employment." Aki looks at the floor, staring at the broken cuffs on the ground. Deadpool walks over to Power, "I can't believe they talk to us like that. We should fight back." Power shakes her head, "The two of us may be nigh immortal, but there are simply too many hunters to challenge. We'd grow tired and hungry 'fore we slay even half of them." Deadpool nods his head, "Man, these guys suck. I wish my friends were here. All of us together could totally take them." Speaking of his friends, I wonder what they're up to.

... at the Baxter building...

The brunch group met up at the Baxter building later that day. Mr. Fantastic was tinkering on the portal controls, trying to find where Deadpool was teleported to exactly. Back at the diner, Domino called up Hit Monkey, telling him to call for help, since they were told that the universe that Wade was sent to is extremely dangerous. The group was made up of allies of Wade, at least those of which that weren't busy at the moment. One of the members, Spider-Man, decided to speak up. "OK, so we all know that this is going to he dangerous, so just to be safe, let's do a roll call." The first of the group was, of course, Spider-Man. The rest, in order of when they showed up at the Baxter building, are as follows: Cable, Domino, Hit Monkey, Fool Killer, Wolverine, Gorilla Man, Masacre, and Machine Man. With their combined might, they are sure to succeed in retrieving Wade if it weren't for one little problem, the listening device planted in the room. A small spider robot was perched in the corner, listening in on plans to go to an uncharted universe, transmitting all of it to the Fantastic Four's greatest enemy, DOOM!

In Latveria, Dr. Doom was listening in on the conversations of the Mercs for Money and the Fantastic Four. In the room with Doom was a man dressed like a flamboyant scarecrow. The man was the one who told Doom of the Fantastic Four's universal portal, promising Doom access to great power from the beings of the realm. While he was listening, Doom had his doombots construct a similar portal for his own use. Doom's portal was done before Mr. Fantastic could finish repairing his own, so to get ahead of them, Doom went to the other universe himself. With him, Doom brought a multitude of information gathering tools, from internet scrapers to advanced spy bots. Doom would make sure he wouldn't walk into this world unprepared.

Back at the Baxter building, Mr. Fantastic finished fixing the portal. He told the mercs that it was still unstable, so he couldn't guarantee that they'd all end up in the same place, but they would still be within a hundred miles of Wade's location. The first to volunteer to enter the portal was Hit Monkey and Masacre. The two would dematerialize and reform on the outskirts of some city. The rest of the mercs would soon follow suit, with the last to step through the potal being Machine Man, who was worried his wiring would be messed up by universal travel. Unlike Hit Monkey and Masacre, who were teleported next to each other, the rest of the mercs were taken far away from each other. Spider-Man was the farthest, finding himself in some alleyway next to a food place. He wandered out of the alley and took to the rooftops. From there, he sees a giant hole in the side of an office building. "I know I'm here for Wade and everything, but that can't possibly be good." He swings towards the scene, seeing that the block the office building was badly damaged. He notices a man dragging some bodies to an ambulance. Just before he decides to go and help out, Spider-Man sees Wade hobbling towards another man with a really strange ponytail. "Huh, looks like Wade made a friend." Spidey remarked. Just before he swung down to meet them, he was approached by a woman. "You're not supposed to be here." The woman said. Spidet looked her over, and his spider senses started tingling. "Look, lady, I'm not here to cause trouble, I'm just here for my friend." The woman raised her head, revealing a zipper going across her body. "I was told to get rid of any bumps in the plan. Apologies, but I must kill you." Giant spider legs sprouted out of the woman, making her significantly taller. Spidey looked up at the woman, "Well, running into a spider person that wants to kill me, just my luck." The woman lunged at him, but his spider senses started going into overdrive. His sense wasn't sure what exactly he was fighting, so to compensate, it went off constantly. The woman was strong but wasn't nearly fast enough to keep up with Spidey's speed. He weaved through her legs, tying them all up in webbing. Once he was done tying the woman up, he leaped and punched her right in the face. He left a note explaining how the webs would dissolve in 3 hours and swung down to meet Wade. Though it would seem his fight took too long, and the ambulance was gone.

... back to Deadpool...

After being sent back to Public Safety, Deadpool asked Makima for the rest of the day off. She accepted his request and told him to leave, "Oh, but before you go, I have something to ask of you." Deadpool turns back around, "Yes?" Makima reaches under her desk and pulls out stained shoes. "When I was walking into the office this morning, I stepped in a foul-smelling puddle. I had a very important meeting and was wearing my good shoes," she started clenching her fist, "So imagine how I felt when they got stained by piss." Deadpool scratches his head, "That's not really a question. That was just you whining." Makima fixed her posture and relaxed her hands, "You wouldn't happen to know anything about who left that puddle there, would you?" Deadpool did his best to silence his giggling, "Sir, no sir, I wouldn't have the faintest clue." And before Makima could say anything, he ran out the door. Once his footsteps got quieter, Makima punched her desk. On his way out, Deadpool stopped at every water fountain and took a drink. When he got outside, he went for the parking lot and found Makima's car. "Oh boy, haven't done this since my math teacher failed me." He unzipped his fly and started letting it rain. Once he was done, he went on his merry way. He was pretty sure he felt a portal open around the time of his fight with the bat devil. He wasn't sure until he felt it again once he recovered after the leech devil.

Deadpool wasn't entirely sure where the portals were, but he had a good feeling of a general area that it might be at. On his way towards where his gut was telling him to go, he decides to stop at a Mexican place to get something to eat. He sits at a booth and looks over the menu, only to realize everything is in Japanese. "Ah sh*t that's right, this is Japan. I've just been perceiving everything in English." Deadpool nods to himself and decides to just look at the pictures next to the menu item. Just before he could flag down a waiter, he hears a familiar voice, "¡Oye! El mono y yo queremos pedir." Deadpool scratches his ear. He can't believe it. He gets up and walks over to the voice. "Masacre! Mi hermano! How's it going!" Masacre jumped up in his seat, "¡Jefe! ¡La pandilla y yo vinimos a buscarte! Hit Monkey y yo paramos aquí para comer algo." Deadpool just nods his head, "It's so good to see a familiar face. I just wish Curious George wasn't here with you." Hit Monkey started hooting at him. Deadpool raises his hands, "Woah relax, I'm just f*cking with you." Hit Monkey calms down and goes back to looking over the menu. Deadpool says he'll be right back and goes outside to a payphone.

Aki is currently washing the dishes while Power and Denji were watching cartoons in the living room. As Aki pits away the last plate, the phone starts ringing. "Hello, Hayakawa speaking." "Hey, yeah, put Power on real quick." Aki sighed a little, "Deadpool, how did you get this number?" "Don't worry about that, just put Power on." Aki rolls his eyes, "Power, it's for you!" Power grumbles to herself, not wanting to miss her favorite show. She takes the phone from Aki, "Greetings, it is I, Power." "Ok cool, it's Deadpool." "Oh? Whatever is it does thou need from me?" "You remember me mentioning my friends earlier? Well, some of them just dropped by, and I wanted to see if you wanted to come by." "Hmm, describe them to me." Deadpool paused for a minute, "Well one of them is a monkey-" "Where art thou?" "That's was fast, well, we're at a Mexican place, it's a few minutes south of Public Safety, it's got a big glowing sign, you should see it." Deadpool hangs up the phone. Power rushed to her room to put on some going out clothes, seeing as she was currently in a dirty and ripped up onesie. She put on a graphic tee with a monkey on it and some jeans. When she was done getting dressed, she rushed back to the living room to find her shoes. Aki questions her, "What are you doing? Why did you get dressed?" Power had her arm elbow deep under the couch, "I am searching for mine shoes." Aki questions further, "It's ten o clock at night. Where do you think you're going?" Power pulls out her shoes, "Deadpool has invited me to dine with a monkey." Aki looks befuddled, but before he could say anything, Power was already out the door.

Deadpool walks back into the restaurant and sits down with Masacre and Hit Monkey. "Vino una camarera y nos preguntó qué queríamos, nos pedí limonadas a todos. Hit Monkey también quería los nachos así que pedimos eso para el aperitivo." Masacre told Deadpool. Deadpool just kinda stared at him, pretending like he knew what was just said. "Oh, I forgot to mention, I invited someone over." Hit Monkey looked up from his menu and side eyed Deadpool. "Come on, she's cool. She's one of the only people I've met so far that's kind of my speed." Hit Monkey hoots and looks back at his menu. Deadpool decides to do the same. He's not entirely sure what to expect from mexican food made in Japan, but he's willing to give it a shot. When the waitress comes back around, Deadpool tells her that another person will be joining them, so they need some more time to order. Hit Monkey takes a sip of his lemonade and starts chittering. He brings the glass to his lips and starts chugging it. Masacre and Deadpool look at each other, "It can not be that good." Masacre nods. The both of them take a sip of their lemonade as well. They, too, begin downing the glass. "Dios mío, esta limonada sabe como la manzana que comieron Adán y Eva." Deadpool nods his head, "I couldn't have said it better myself." As they all went for another sip, the door of the restaurant opened, "Deadpool! Where be the monkey?" Hit Monkey turns to her, "Hoot?" Power looks at him, "Monkey!"

Power sits next to Hit Monkey, "Greetings, simian, I am the almighty Power!" She extends her hand towards him, "It must be a pleasure to meet me." Deadpool downs the rest of his lemonade, "Power! You made it!" Power turns to face Deadpool, "Indeed. I could not pass upon the chance to dine with a monkey." Deadpool laughs, "Well I'm sure that Hit Monkey here will be able to suit your needs." Deadpool waves down a waiter and asks for another round of lemonade. "OK, time for introductions. Power, Hit Monkey. Hit Monkey, Power. Power, Masacre. Masacre, Power." Power turns to Masacre. "Hmm, it seems that thou have a squire of thine own. He looks just like thee, but with loose clothing and an ill-fitting mask." Masacre nods his head, "De hecho, me hice el traje a imagen y semejanza de mi jefe después de conocerle." Power tilts her head in confusion, "¿Por qué hablas en español, no has aprendido japonés?" Everyone at the table looks at her in shock. "You can understand him?" Power nods her head, "Yes, can you not?" Deadpool shakes his head, "I mean, of course I can. What kind of boss would I be if I couldn't?" Masacre starts asking Power some questions, "¿Dónde aprendiste mi idioma?" Power shrugs, "Cuando estaba encerrado en una celda de Seguridad Pública, oía en exceso las tele novelas del exterior. Supongo que con el tiempo aprendí el idioma." The waitress comes back with the nachos and lemonades. Masacre thanked her, "Gracias, señora." The waitress smiled, "So, are we all ready to order?" Hit Monkey got beef tacos and a loaded baked potato, Masacre got enchiladas, Deadpool got chimichangas, and Power got a botana. They also asked for a big pitcher of the lemonade before the waitress left.

After a combined 3 gallons of lemonade, Power decided to ask why only she was invited, "Well, I'm pissed pretty boy, and I don't think Denji would have wanted to come, but I remember mentioning my friends to you so I decided to just see if you would come." Power groggily nods her head, going back to her botana, or at least her part of it. She didn't realize that a botana was meant for like an entire group of people, so when she realized she wouldn't be able to finish it, she had the others help her out. Hit Monkey started hooting after the third pitcher of lemonade ran out. Deadpool starts getting suspicious. He grabs a menu from the table next to them and tries finding the lemonade. After a page or two, he sees a picture of a cup of lemonade next to a lemon flavored tequila. "Ah sh*t. We f*cked up." Masacre puts down his fork, "¿Qué pasa, jefe?" Deadpool looks at Power, "The man is asking what's wrong." Deadpool turns back to Masacre, "You ordered the 'get sh*t faced' lemonade. We just down like a million gallons of alcohol." Power looks to her side, "That probably explains why Monkey is passed out on the floor right now." Deadpool and Masacre look under the table and see Hit Monkey with his tie around his head and his suit jacket laying next to him. Masacre leans back in his chair, "Oh, esto es malo. ¿Qué se supone que tenemos que hacer?" Power thrusts a fist in the air, "I have an idea!"

The quartet awkwardly shuffles towards Aki's apartment. Only Deadpool and Masacre were fit enough to walk without too much issue. After a few times of walking into random alleys, they finally made their way to the apartment. Power didn't know she'd be out a while, so she didn't bother on getting a key. With some quick thinking, she formed a key out of blood and stuck it into the knob. It took a little fiddling with the shape, but the door eventually opened. They quietly walked in and took their shoes off until the lights came on. "Where were you? It's one in the morning." Aki noticed the company Power brought with her. "And you brought Deadpool to my apartment, great." Deadpool points a finger at Aki, "I'll have you know. It's not just me." Masacre walks in with Hit Monkey over his shoulder. "Hola. ¿Como estas?" Aki just stands there, "I can't deal with this right now." He glares at Power, "We are going to discuss this in the morning, we got a mission tomorrow, so get some sleep." Aki walks back to his room.

Masacre places Hit Monkey on the couch and lays down on the floor. Deadpool takes the other end of the couch. Power starts laughing, "Topknot will be so pissed in the morning." She then walks back to her room. Deadpool sighs as he lets sleep take him. He decides that if he can't have death, then at least her cousin will work. And just like that, the whole house fell asleep, all gathering their energy for whatever mission they'll be put on in the morning.

Merc with a chainsaw - Chapter 3 - Ryan_Gosling49 (2024)


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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.