Pittsburgh Sun-Telegraph from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)

'Bartered Bride' Smart Set Table Reception for Opera By Patricia Pitt PITTSBURGH SUN- TELEGRAPH MONDAY, JAN. 30, 1950 THERE WILL BE a "Bartered Bridal" table in the Pittsburgh Athletic Association Annex Saturday night. At the reception which is to follow the Pittsburgh Opera Society's production of "The Bartered Bride" in the Syria Mosque the Czechoslovakian motif of the opera will be carried out in the decorations. At the committee table, for instance, 'a doll bride and bridegroom in Czech costume will form the centerpiece and a gaily beribboned Kirmess pole with streamers attached to costumed dancing dolls will decorate the artists' table. During the evening girls in native Czech costumes will pass trays of Kpolackay, small cakes always served at Czech weddings, to the guests.

Mrs. W. G. Mayer is in charge of the reception. On her committee are Mrs.

H. F. Baker, Jane Ellen Ball, Mrs. Paul J. Bergman, Mrs.

E. P. Buchanan, Mrs. Rinehart J. Cleary, Mrs.

W. M. Duff, Mrs. S. J.

Dunn, Catherine Goebel, Mrs. C. M. Gettman, Mrs. Blair F.

Gunther, Mrs. H. C. Patterson, Mrs. Harry L.

Parker, Mrs. Edwin 1 M. Rodenbaugh and Mrs. L. W.

Voight. Alumni to Meet P. Hoelzel, Mr. and Mrs. Henry P.

Hoffstot, Mr. and Mrs. and Arthur Mrs. F. Robert Humphrey R.

Irwin, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ralph C.

H. Irwin, Mr. and Jay Jamison, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P.

Johnson, Dr. and Mrs. David Katz, Mr. and Mrs. George Ketchum, Col.

and Mrs. G. Elkins Knable. Mr. and Mrs.

Leonard H. Krieger, Mr. and Mrs. W. B.

Lauf-! man Mrs. H. Hughart Laughlin, F. J. Lind, Mr.

and Mrs. George D. Lockhart, Dr. and Mrs. Harry Lubow, Mr.

and Mrs. C. McK. Lynch Dr. and Mrs.

Ralph Lynch, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lynch III, Judge Elder W. Marshall and Mr. and Mrs.

J. Woodrow Matthews. Stork Visits Hendersons Mr. and Mrs. William M.

Henderson of Fox Chapel announce the birth Thursday in the West Penn Hospital of a son, William Matthew Henderson Jr. "Junior" (who's to be Holt called Matthew) is the grandson of Dr. and Mrs. Lyndon Landon of Schenley Farms and. of the late Mr.

and Mrs. William McCune Henderson Fox Chapel. The committee for the Shady Side Academy Alumni benefit Feb. 24 will meet on Thursday for tea in the University Club, with Mrs. R.

Stewart Scott as chairman. Mrs. Scott's husband and Thomas L. Wentling are chairmen of the Scholarship Ball which is to be held in the University Club. A partial list of patrons for the party has been announced.

Included among the sponsors are Dr. and Mrs. Erdman Harris, Mr. and Erwin W. Cole, Mr.

and Mrs. AlexC. Hodill, Mr. and Mrs. John Klingensmith-Lloyd Guests at the tea yesterday in the Mt.

Lebanon home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Klingensmith received metallic wedding bands for napkin rings. On the napkins was printed news of the engagement of Mary Lee Klingensmith to William R.

Lloyd, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Lloyd, also of Mt.

Lebanon. The bride-elect was graduated from Dickinson Junior College and the Fashion Merchandising School in New York City. Mr. Lloyd is a Carnegie Institute of Technology graduate. Josephine Maglaughlin is engaged to James E.

Leonard, son of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Leonard of Sharon, her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Joseph William Maglaughlin Jr. of Meade have announced. Miss Maglaughlin attends the University of Pittsburgh. Her fiance is a Pitt graduate. Deakin Photo.

ander D. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. P. JAYNES P.W tablets KILL PIN WORMS (You may have them and not know it) Fidgeting, nose-picking and a tore menting rectal itch are often telltale signs of Pin- ugly parasites that medical experts say infest one out of every three persons examined.

Entire families may be victims and not know it. To get rid of Pin- these pests must not only be killed, but hilled in the large intestine where they live and multiply. That's exactly what Jayne's P.W tablets do bere's how they do it: First -a scientific coating carries the tablets into the bowels before they dissolve. Then Jayne's modern, -approved ingredient goes right to work-killa Worms quickly and easily. Don't take chances with.

this dangerous, highly contagious condition. At the first sign of PinWorms, ask your druggist for genuine Jayne's P- the small, easy-to-take tablets perfected by famous Dr. D. Jayne 4 Son, specialists in worm remedies for over 100 years. for PaN WORMS Fogg-Foote For her marriage Feb.

18 to Frederick David Foote Sara Eicher Fogg will be attended by two sisters. Rebecca Fogg will be maid of honor at the ceremony in Christ Episcopal Church, Greensburg, and Hester Fogg will be bridesmaid. They are the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barclay Fogg of Greensburg.

Mrs. Arthur F. Humphrey Jr. will be her cousin's matron of honor. Other bridesmaids will be Margaret Pipes of Houma, Margaret Rood of Briarcliff Manor, N.

Y. and Aletta Debevoise of West Swoger Phote. Orange, N. J. Ruth Katharine McGrael, D.

Foote will daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick serve as his son's best man. E. J.

McGrael of Mt. LebUshers include Grant Curry anon, is Robert C. Forgan of Rye, planning an early N. spring marriage to Robert Mr. Humphrey, Robert L.

Lanning of S. Davies of New York City, Robert son Dr. and Brooks M. Jones and John and Mrs. L.

Lanning of Thomas Blvd. N. Davenport of Cleveland, O. 'Aurelians Elect Mrs. Mellvane Mrs.

William J. Mellvane was elected president of the Aurelian Chapter of St. Vincent's College Auxiliary at its recent luncheon meeting. Other officers include: Mrs. William Sholz, vice president; Mrs.

Mary Siebert, secretary; Mrs. J. Frederick Triggs, treasurer, and Mrs. Francis Tarnapowicz, publicity chairman. The spring luncheon will be held in the University Club Forgette-Murray Swoger Phote.

April 19. A reception in the Pittsburgh Athletic Association will follow the marriage Feb. 11 in St. Bernard's Church of Elaine Ann Forgette to Alfred John Murray. The bride-elect, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Raynold R. Forgette of Mt. Lebanon, has asked Mary Ann Donaher to be her maid of honor. Bridesmaids will be Carol Reynolds and Jean Louise Parini.

Richard Forgette will serve as best man for Mr. Murray, son of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Murray, also of Mt.

Lebanon. Jack Grant and Richard Munk will usher. The prospective bridegroom's parents will give the rehearsal dinner in the PAA Feb. 10. Columnist E.

V. Durling's engaging line of "chit chat" appears daily in the Sun-Telegraph. Cholly Knickerbocker Observes: THE CARVER the whole thing off. The former making divorce arrangements keeps one eye on his practice on his six-year-old son. It's a and Hope will be able to see Former Princeton basketball star John "Bud" Palmer has been making the heart of glamorous Theodosia Knapp his goal.

Newest fad among younger cafe socialites is taking jobs as Gives them a travel stewards with overseas, airlines. and have fun without biting into their allowance. Diane Butler, the pretty blonde who has been linked romantically with Prince Mahmoud Reza Pahlevi, brother of the Shah of Iran, is now acting lovey-dovey with Allen Goldring of the Detroit motor clan. First-timers in the Stork's Cub Room treat the place as if it were only an art gallery because of Jon Whitcomb's paintings there. THE TOWERING pretty brunette behind the drug counter of the MacFadden-Deauville hotel in Miami Beach is none other than the widow of the late Count Covadinga (son of King Alfonso 13th of Spain), who was killed in an auto accident in Miami 12 years ago.

She is Marta Rocafort and if circ*mstances had taken a different twist she might have been a queen of a throne instead of just a "queen" in a drugstore. But Marta is very happy with her work. You see, it gives her the chance of being near a cer. tain young New Yorker producer. The whole thing seems unusual because, coming from a highlyplaced Havana family, Marta could live a life of luxury.

And, being connected with the Span- Registered U. 4. Pat. Office NEW YORK, 30. LIVINGSTONS have decided to call Hope Carroll is in Florida while Carver, a society medico, in Southampton and the other very amicable split, they say, her boy any time she desires.

ish royal family, she would have suitors of all bowing and scraping at her So it probsorest, ably all adds up to 1-o-v-e for the producer fellow. IT'S A GOOD THING red headscreen starlet Cara Williams didn't pop answer when John Daly of Boston's "Buck" Bay set popped the question at Howard Johnson's, 57th St. John might have swallowed his straw! Jimmy Morton (of the construction clan) and Peggy Chanin (of the Chanin Bldg. family) are planning a wedding. The bartender at the Nightcap Club could give you further particulars at the twist of a lemon peel.

After all, the fellow was drinking in the flowery details all evening. Those who think that wealthy Bridgeporter Richard Murphy has nailed himself exclusively to his lumber business can wipe the sawdust out of their eyes. Dick has been quietly courting beautiful Jerri Connors and will make her his wife Feb. 18. Sammy Colt, Ethel Barrymore's son, and Liz Clark, Santa Bar.

bara, socialite, have resumed their romance after letting it cool for a year. They arm-in-armed into Chinatown Charlie's, the other night looking than Confusious and 10 times as happy. It might be just coincidence, but now that Humphrey Bogart is back in town Peggy Rabe, who co-starred in the battle of the Pandas at El Morocco as a blonde, is now doing the rounds as a redhead. Maybe she thinks the bogey-man is still mad at her. Dress Pattern Easy Mate Shouti Coat 4945 SIZES 12-20 Pattern 4945 comes in sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20.

Size 16 requires yards 54-inch fabric. This pattern, easy to use, simple to sew, is tested for fit. Has complete illustrated instructions. Send TWENTY FIVE CENTS in coins for this pattern to The Pittsburgh Sun Telegraph, 140 Pattern 243 West 17th New York 11, N. Y.

Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS with ZONE, SIZE and STYLE NUMBER. Sun- Telegraph Photo by Ed Salamony. 'Mary Ellanor Subsard, Kathy Kis- about the dance they'll sponsor on Feb. 3. sane and Bette Barry (left to right) tell It will be the group's annual dance, to be their Omega Chi Sorority mascot all held in the University Club.

Feb. 14 has been cancelled. On Feb. 28 the group will meet to sew during the morning and at 12:30 p. m.

the annual luncheon te finance convalescent relief will be held in the banquet hall of the Temple. Miss Edna Nelson is chairman. Proceeds will help finance purchase of braces and corrective shoes for outgoing patients in Shrine Hospitals, Did you Library ever get your lodge, 'Presidents' By MARY SHINE Night' luncheon. Thursday. dates mixed and walk into an Elks' Hall expecting to attend a Ladies of the Reindeer meeting, only to learn that's the night of the Lions' meeting? According to the Carnegie Library of Homestead "it can't happen in Homestead." That's because the board of the library, headed by H.

G. Mcllvried, president, posts an up-todate calendar of district activities for the use of the community. Organizations avoid overlapping of dates for benefits or meetings by consulting the calendar to select a day or evening when other groups are not having sessions. Catherine J. Butler is superintendent and librarian.

The library sponsors an annual "presidents' night" for all club leaders to acquaint them with one another and their activities. This year's is listed for Thursday evening, with Mrs. Louis Murray, president of the Friends of the Library, as hostess. The calendar service of which residents avail themselves throughout the year lists the meeting dates of 180 local clubs, 46 churches, 24 public and 6 parochial schools. The Friends of the Library invites every organization to send an appointed library chairman to attend its regular meetings on Miss Miller, Joseph Antin Pledge Vows Florence Miller, daughter of Mrs.

Yetta Miller of Dinwiddie became the bride of Joseph Antin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Antin of Chislett Jan. 15. She was given in marriage by her brother, Leonard Miller.

The bride's ankle length gown was of toast colored lace and net made with a square scalloped neckline. A bonnet of matching lace formed the headdress and she carried a white Bible trimmed with white or chids and gardenias. Mrs. Bernard Reichbaum, matron of honor, wore an ankle length dress of cocoa. Max Antin was best man.

Babies' Home President And Staff Elected Miss Sallie Mazer has been re-elected president of the Jewish Home for Babies and Children. Elected to serve with her were Mrs. Morris Kwall, Mrs. M. A.

Cohen, Mrs. H. M. Reinwasser, Mrs. Samuel Edlis, Mrs.

Rose B. Hersh, Mrs. Mina Mandel, Mrs. Leonard A. Mazer, Mrs.

Samuel A. Jubelirer, Mrs. Samuel Chaban, Mrs. Sol Zalmon, Max Engelberg and Max R. Sperling.

Weber's Announce Daughter's Troth Mr. and Mrs. J. Albert Weber of Carrick have announced the betrothal of their daughter, Shirley to Robert Sable, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Joseph Sable of Homestead. The bride-elect is a graduate of the Mercy Hospital School of Nursing. the first to keep services brarian meetings, mittees ices. Thursday of each month informed about library and activities. The liis on call to attend club serve on special comand discuss library serv- COT CLUB TO SEW- The West Penn Hospital Cot Club will meet to sew for the hospital at 11 a.

m. Wednesday. Luncheon will be served. Mrs. William H.

Normecutt is prestdent of the growp which celebrates its fifty fifth this year. The club operates an Economy Shop as a means of obtaining funds to help finance its project, the maintenance of the children's dept. of the hospital. The club also has fully endowed a room for adult patients. WARD HOME The board of managers of the Ward Home for Children announces March, 6 as the date for its annual benefit concert for the home.

It will feature the Duquesne University Tambouritzans in Carnegie Music Hall. A new site in Moffit Mt. Lebanon, has been purchased by the home and the board will work to aug. ment the building fund. The home has occupied a build- ing in Bigelow Blvd.

for 32 years, caring for hundreds of children during that time. Mrs. en Walter E. Close is chairman of the benefit, aided by Mrs. A.

M. Tanner, Mrs. J. E. Hindman, Mrs.

Frank Leitzell, Mrs. Arthur H. Barnes and Mrs. A. L.

Schieber. AIRYS TEMPLE- Airys Temple, Daughters of the Nile, will meet in Masonic Temple on Friday following a Needlework 924 Pinafore, now, sundress later! So practical! Pattern 924; transfer; cutting chart sizes 2, 4, 6. Send TWENTY CENTS in coins for this pattern to The Pittsburgh Sun 118, Needlecraft P. O. Box 164, Old Chelsea Station, New York 11, N.

Y. Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, your NAME, ADDRESS and ZONE. DRAMA LUNCH- The drama dept. of the Woman's. Club of Mt.

Lebanon will meet in the clubhouse at 1 p. m. on Feb. 6 at luncheon. The Dormont New Century Club will present a play.

The art dept. will meet at p. m. on Feb. 7.

Charles T. Roth will. talk on "Photography As A Hobby" and present his collection of pictures of famous personalities. The club's garden dept, will meet in the clubhouse at a salad luncheon at 1 p. m.

ort Feb. 8. Mrs. Corinne Anderson will demonstrate flower arrangements. A salad luncheon is planned by the music dept.

for Feb. 10, and will be a Valentine party. The previously scheduled program for the day has been cancelled. Samuel L. M.

Barlow, composer, author and teacher, will address a general session of the club on Feb. 13 at 1:30 p. m. Rowe-Wolf Marriage In Scottdale Now residing in 1 Philadelphia are Mr. and Mrs.

Penrose Wolf, whose marriage was performed recently in the First Baptist Church, Scottdale. The bride is the former Sally. ann Rowe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Rowe of Scottdale.

Mr. Wolf's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Wolf of Rockwood, Pa. The bride wore a dress of white satin and nylon tulle with vell of tulle inseted with heirloom Belgian lace.

Attending the couple were Marjorie Dick, Jean Faust, Marion McElroy, Caroline Hocking, Susan Rowe, Charles A. M. Brewster, Charles Bair, Richard Tarbox, Eugene Gunderman, Terry Lowry, John Fast, Abram Bossler, Robert Sankey and Jack Mihm. A reception in the home of the bride followed the ceremony. Miss Szwed Fiancee Of C.

J. Karpinski Mr. and Mrs. Michael Szwed of Transval Ave. have made known the betrothal of their daughter, Tillie Irene, to C.

J. Karpinski, son of Mr. and Mrs. Karpinski of McKees Rocks. Joan Untener to Wed Baldwin Twp.

Man Joan Untener's engagement to Raymond Dilla, son of Mrs. Cecelia Dilla of Baldwin Township, has been, announced by her parents, and Mrs. William Untener of Brentwood. Hopta-Volk Betrothal Mr. and Mrs.

John Hopta of Turtle Creek have made known the betrothal of their daughter, Ann, to Louis C. Volk, son of Louis F. Volk of Universal, Pa. Woolworth's DRESSING Susan TABLE Smart TIPS WHAT'S THE THE KEY TO There isn't any not in may be right in your hands. your nylons, not it your bands Of course mean daintily are sleek, and smooth.

And Beauty in the Cold pale, thrillingly fragrant, comWoolworth's has just the right pletely feminine hands. And creamy lotion beauty you'll find the clue to the miracle for your whole hand LIKE secret at any Woolworth store the new HINDS HONEY CREAM- bottle of CASHMERE and ALMOND FRAGRANCE BOUQUET HAND, LOTION. CREAM. It's See how delightfully it banfor extra effectiveness. Use it ishes cold effects.

See to soothe and smoothe palms how it pours like a lotion and knuckles, soften cuticles. softens like a cream. Best of Works wonders on dry all, you can use CASHMERE skin. Woolworth's not only BOUQUET HAND LOTION has HINDS HONEY and AL- the very last thing before you MOND FRAGRANCE CREAM It's so good for your face. leave the house it dries in all regular sizes but in mean face cream LADY quickly leaves no stickithe new extra-big, extra-eco- ESTHER'S FOUR ness.

What it does leave is nomical beauty bottle. You'll CREAM. It's "must" beauty important subtle franeed big bottle when the routine for skin-drying Winter. grance that won't clash with family spots it because More than that, LADY ES- your perfume. hands comit effectively soothes children's THER'6 FOUR- pletely satinised and glamourtender skin makes an ideal CREAM cleanses thoroughly, ized.

You see, it's lavish with after-shaving lotion, too. helps refine pores, makes the lanolin. Woolworth's has 254, 450, plus tax. perfect powder-base. And what sizes.

104, plus tax. a wonderful way to save. four-purpose cream in one jar, at one price. Buy a jar today ANGELS DON'T TELL at your nearest Woolworth's THE HEAT'S 494, plus tax. but I know that HALO some SHAMPOO is the answer some are rooms warmer! are warm, and And Winto shiny-bright, "crown- ter's temperature zooms ing-glory" glamour.

It's and down. One thing is cer- up not a not a cream. tain it can all Gives "soft-water" lather double-trouble for good up to add -needs no special rinse. ing. That's why I advise VETO groomHALO, exclusive made with new deodorant to keep you ingredient, glori- doubly safe.

I say doubly besoft, manageable fes your hair leaves it cause VETO neutralizes sparkling with natural spiration odor and checks perspiration too! And perboth highlights. hair and Removes unsightly dandruff from VETO the disappears instantly protects no dulling, dirt- from moment you apply it! Always creamy you scalp. Leaves the catehing very first soap time film. HALO use it. beautifies Naturally, your hair and smooth, VETO is lovely to use and keeps you beauty- you lovely.

And VETO is gentle, safe for normal wise Woolworth's carries America's skin, safe for clothes. VETO alone contains favorite shampoo. So if you're really bright, Durater, an exclusive ingredient to make it angel, you'll fly to Woolworth's for bottle of safer. Let VETO give your loveliness double HALO today! Magically--HALO reveals the protection! Be sure and get jar of VETO at hidden beauty of your hair. 104, 254, 494, W.oolworth's today.

104, 254, a 894, 594, plus tax. SECRET OF THE NO MAN'S HEAD- TURNING Heir that gleams and glistens will make you dream girl is no fun! But why let dream hands cream a glamour girl. That is, if -chap, daily soap sad- water your hands" say beautiful you're LUSTRE CREME chores spoil your hands for stars of stage and screen. And girl. For, I've found LUSTRE- Remember, to to show they really know, so CREME Shampoo has just the man you're not romantie many use PACQUINS HAND magical secret-blend lather dish when you've got dishCREAM.

Why not try the plus kindly lanolin to combat pan hands. That's where 807. beauty method of the stars? Winter's drying effects. That SKIN CREME comes in Buy a jar of PACQUINS HAND means LUSTRE-CREME will to make your dry-skin hands CREAM at the nearest Wool- give your hair new sheen, new feel smoother look youngworth's. A 12-second hand caressable softness, tonight! er in seconds! Get a jar of massage with non-sticky, non- Yes, tonight.

if you buy SOFSKIN CREME at Woolgreasy PACQUINS will quickly jar or tube at Woolworth's to- worth's. See how dry skin softchange winter-chapped hands day and use it right away! ens under its rich creaminess. to smoother, softer yes, Lathers in hardest water. For this amazing cream penetruly romantic hands. At Wool- Leaves hair fragrantly clean, trates doesn't just slick the worth's you PAC- shining, free of loose dan- top surface.

Buy jar of QUINS HAND for druff and so soft, so manage- SOFSKIN at Woolworth's and regular extra dry skin. able! Get some at Woolworth's you'll have "sofskin." 334, 104, 476, 894, plus tax. now. 494, $1.00. 984, plus tax.

FOR SHOW QUEEN WINTER GET UNDER YOUR use CASHMERE BOUQUET Do your lips peel so that your TALCUM POWER. I use it at lipstick cakes do your least twice daily to assure finger-tips actually crack? perfect feminine daintiness. Why not help prevent WinWhy not get CASHMERE ter's drastic effects by keeping BOUQUET TALCUM today at jar of VASELINE on hand? Woolworth's? Pat it on gently In my opinion, VASELINE over. You'll love the way it belongs in every medicine clings to your skin. You'll love cabinet.

It's the most wonderful the way it smooths your skin soothing dressing for skin absorbs lingering moisture. protects those tations, minor cuts and burns. And it's a marvellittle trouble spots from chafing. A generous ous aid in the nursery for soothing baby's sprinkling of CASHMERE BOUQUET TAL- tender skin. Lots of girls tell me they find CUM POWDER after your bath or shower as- VASELINE wonderful for keeping their new sures poise and confidence in your all-day short bobs sleek and shiny.

Nice thing about daintiness and fastidious good grooming. For the VASELINE for the hair it isn't gooey men love" CASHMERE BOU- doesn't leave any tell-tale odor. And since you'll QUET TALCUM at Woolworth's. There's no want some for the whole family, you'd better better to keep fresh, dainty, all day long. buy several jars.

You can buy jars and tubes of 104, plus tax. VASELINE at any Woolworth store. Advertisem*nt Watch for next week's column WEEKLY BEAUTY HOUR.

Pittsburgh Sun-Telegraph from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Catherine Tremblay

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Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.