Slow Cooker Cranberry Crusted Dijon Pork Roast Recipe - Through Her Looking Glass (2024)

by Allie 23 Comments

This Slow Cooker Cranberry Crusted Dijon Pork Roasttakes just five minutes of prep, then cooks all day. Tender pork loin, that falls apart. Sweet cranberries and dry dijon mustard give this easy main dish entree a little zing. (An easy gravy recipe made from the crockpot juices is included!)

I have a real gem of a main dish recipe to share with you today:Slow Cooker Cranberry Crusted Dijon Pork Roast. You’re gonna love it because it’s fast and easy. Cooks all day in the slow cooker. The house smells divine.

Cranberries make it the perfect fall/winter recipe. (And bring to mind idyllic memories of childhood train excursions through the New England cranberry bogs ofEdaville Railroad in Carver, MA. A funexperienceto add to your bucket list.)

This tender pork loin roast gets its’ sweetness from both whole berry cranberry sauce and cranberry juice. (I used what I had in the pantry, Ocean Spray Whole BerryCranberry Sauce.) Dry mustard gives a little zing! If you like areally sweet gravy, add sugar or honey. But we find it sweet enough.

So the circ*mstances of how I came to make this dish are unusual. I had another recipein mind, but was making a big pot of spaghetti and meatballs for my boys after soccer. I added a little olive oil to the water and brought it to a boil like I always do.

For some unknown reason, when I dropped the pasta in, the boiling water surged up, boiling right over the top of the huge pot. All over the stove top and onto the floor.

Slow Cooker Cranberry Crusted Dijon Pork Roast Recipe - Through Her Looking Glass (3)

I don’t know exactly WHAT happened. It’s never happened to me quite like that before. I was lucky my bare feet didn’t get scalded. Seriously. And moments after that happened, the oven door automatically locked. Yup. And the digital display clock went blank.

The kiss of death.

So now you know. I don’t even have a working oven right now! And ’til the repairman arrives at the end of the week (and I pay that $100 diagnostic fee, ugh) I’ve gotta getcreative without an oven. That’s where this delicious Slow Cooker Cranberry Crusted Dijon Pork Roastcame in.

I was browsingthe sale flyer from my local Market Basket andspied pork loin on sale. I can feed a lot of boys with one pork loin, and it cooks in the slow cooker, not the oven.

The best thing about this recipe besides the taste, is that it literally takes five minutes to prep the pork loin.

Slow Cooker Cranberry Crusted Dijon Pork Roast Recipe - Through Her Looking Glass (5)

Then it cooks for 6-8 hours on low in the slow cooker. Just before serving, use several cups of the crockpot juices to make a delicious, sweet gravy on the stovetop.

I usually mash red new potatoes to serve alongside thisSlow Cooker Cranberry Crusted Dijon Pork Roast. This pork roast tastes like a lazy Sunday afternoon dinner but comes togetherquickly, even on a busy week night.

Slow Cooker Cranberry Crusted Dijon Pork Roast Recipe - Through Her Looking Glass (6)

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Slow Cooker Cranberry Crusted Dijon Pork Loin Recipe

Sweet pork roast with whole berry cranberry sauce and cranberry juice. Dry mustard gives a little zing!

Prep Time10 minutes mins

Cook Time8 hours hrs

Total Time8 hours hrs 10 minutes mins

Course: Main Dish

Servings: 6 -8 servings

Author: Allie Taylor


  • Roast:
  • 1 - 3-4 pound boneless pork loin
  • 1 - 16 ounce can whole berry cranberry sauce
  • 1/2 cup cranberry juice
  • 1 teaspoon dry mustard
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
  • salt & pepper
  • Optional: 1/2 cup sugar or honey
  • Gravy just before serving:
  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 2 tablespoons cold water
  • 2 cups juice from slow cooker
  • 3/4 teaspoon salt or to taste


  • Roast:

  • Rinse pork loin and pat dry.

  • Salt and pepper outside of roast.

  • Place fat side UP in slow cooker.

  • In a medium bowl, stir whole cranberry sauce, leaving cranberries whole.

  • Gently stir in cranberry juice, mustard, cloves and optional sugar or honey.

  • Spoon over pork loin, keeping as many of the whole cranberries on top of the pork loin as possible.

  • Cook on low in slow cooker for 6-8 hours.

  • (Or 5-6 hours: on high for the first hour, and low for the remainder.)

  • Cut into slices just before serving and serve immediately.

  • Gravy:

  • When pork loin is fully cooked, remove 2 cups of juice from the slow cooker.

  • Place in a sauce pan and bring to a boil on the stovetop.

  • Separately, mix 2 tablespoons cornstarch with 2 tablespoons water.

  • Slowly add to boiling juice, stirring all the while.

  • Gravy will thicken in a minute or two.

  • Stir in 3/4 teaspoon salt or to taste.

  • Serve immediately over pork loin slices.


The gravy in this recipe is also delicious over mashed potatoes made with red new potatoes. (I leave the skins on.)

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Slow Cooker Cranberry Crusted Dijon Pork Roast Recipe - Through Her Looking Glass (7)

Slow Cooker Cranberry Crusted Dijon Pork Roast Recipe - Through Her Looking Glass (2024)


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