The Canadian field-naturalist (2024)

  • Home Range, Daily Movements, and Reproductive Biology of Brown Bear in Southcentral Alaska

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 1

  • Comparative age, growth, and condition of Brown Bullhead, Ictalurus nebulosus, in sections of the Ottawa River, Canada

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 6

  • Snowshoe Hare distribution and habitat use in Wisconsin

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 19

  • Migration of juvenile Thick-billed Murres through Hudson Strait in 1980

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 30

  • Some reproductive traits of four shrub species in the Black Spruce forest type of Alaska

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 35

  • Predation on seabirds by Red Foxes at Shaiak Island, Alaska

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 41

  • The distribution and status of the Barred Owl in Alberta

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 46

  • Habitats of Sandhill Cranes in the southern Hudson Bay Lowland, Ontario

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 51

  • Populations of breeding birds at Alexandra Fjord, Ellesmere Island, Northwest Territories, compared with other Arctic localities

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 56

  • The dune-ridge forest. Delta Marsh, Manitoba: overstory vegetation and soil patterns

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 61

  • Influence of nordic skiing on distribution of Moose and Elk in Elk Island National Park, Alberta

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 69

  • Fall and winter homesite use by Wolves in northeastern Minnesota

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 79

  • Weasel skull in Short-eared Owl pellet

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 85

  • Range extension of the Threespine Stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus, to Manitoulin Island, Ontario

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 86

  • Apparent case of surplus killing of Caribou by Gray Wolves

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 87

  • First breeding record for the Nashville Warbler, Vermivora ruficapilla, in Alberta

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 88

  • Use of trees by Ermine, Mustela erminea

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 89

  • Reaction of Bison to aerial surveys in interior Alaska

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 91

  • A tribute to William Kirwan Willco*cks Baldwin, M. B. E. (1910-1979) [Obituary]

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 92

  • The Age of Birds, by Alan Feduccia [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 101

  • Pheasants in Asia, 1979, ed. Christopher Savage [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 101

  • Manual of Nearctic Diptera, Volume 1, eds J.F. McAlpine, B.V. Peterson, G.E. Shewell, H.J. Teskey, J.R. Vockeroth, and D.M. Wood [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 102

  • Birds of the Qu'Appelle, 1857-1979, by E. Manley Callin [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 103

  • The behavior and ecology of Wolves, ed. Erich K. Kinghammer [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 104

  • Les oiseaux familiers du Quebec, par Julien Boisclair [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 105

  • Advances in Ephemeroptera biology, eds. J. F. Flannagan and K. E. Marshall [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 106

  • The Peregrine Falcon, by Derek Ratcliffe [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 106

  • Birds of the Great Plains: breeding species and their distribution, by Paul A. Johnsgard [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 107

  • Birds of Regina: revised edition, by Margaret Belcher [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 108

  • A field guide to the birds east of the Rockies, by Roger Tory Peterson [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 109

  • Entomology, by Cedric Gilliott [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 110

  • Migrant shorebird ecology: with special reference to shorebird migration along the north-eastern shore of Lake Ontario, by Peter W. Strahlendorf [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 111

  • The vegetation and phytogeography of coastal southwestern James Bay, by J. L. Riley and S. M. McKay [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 112

  • Vascular plants of restricted range in the continental Northwest Territories, Canada, by William J. Cody [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 113

  • Plants of Quetico and the Ontario Shield, by Shan Walshe [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 113

  • From arsenic to DDT: a history of entomology in western Canada, by Paul W. Riegert [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 114

  • Environmental planning resource book, by Reg Lang and Audrey Armour [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 115

  • The fallacy of wildlife conservation, by John A. Livingston [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 115

  • Overshoot, by William R. Cattom, Jr. [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 116

  • A nature guide to Alberta, ed. D. A. E. Spaulding [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 117

  • Ornithological and ecological studies in S.W. Greenland (59° 46' - 62°27' N. Lat.), by Finn Salomonsen [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 118

  • Ecology of a subarctic mire,ed. M. Sonesson [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 118

  • Bioengineering for land reclamation and conservation, by Hugo M. Schiechtl [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 119

  • Allan Brooks: artist naturalist, by Hamilton M. Laing [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 119

  • Observations of wildlife , by Peter Scott [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 1, Page 120

  • Growth of Painted Turtles, Chrysemys picta, in Manitoba and Louisiana

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 127

  • The wood-inhabiting fungus, Aleurodiscus dendroideus, sp. nov., and the distribution between A. grantii and A. amorphus

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 131

  • Characteristics of Red-shouldered Hawk, Buteo lineatus, nest sites in southwestern Quebec

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 139

  • Records of parasitic fungi in Manitoba based on collections from Riding Mountain National Park, 1979

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 143

  • Abundance, habitat, reproduction and morphology of forest-dwelling small mammals of Nova Scotia and southeastern New Brunswick

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 156

  • Status of Sandhill Cranes, Grus canadensis, in central Ontario

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 163

  • Reproductive and hunting behaviour in Peregrine Falcons, Falco peregrinus, in southern Quebec

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 167

  • Winter waterfowl around Pickering Nuclear Generating Station

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 172

  • Coyote population fluctuations and spatial distribution in relation to Wolf territories in Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 176

  • Cyperaceae new to Canada from Long Point, Norfolk County, Ontario

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 184

  • Production of young in a dense nesting population of Yellow Warblers, Dendroica petechia, in Manitoba

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 189

  • Nursing and associated behavior of Peary Caribou, Rangifer tarandus pearyi

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 200

  • Response by American Goldfinches, Carduelis tristis, to a severe winter storm

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 202

  • Screech Owl, Otus asio, attempting to capture Little Brown Bats, Myotis lucifugus,at a colony

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 205

  • Swainson's Hawks, Buteo swainsoni, nesting near Winnipeg

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 206

  • An Ontario range extension for the Dorcas Copper Butterfly, Epidemia dorcas Kirby

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 208

  • DDE not implicated in Cliff Swallow, Petrochelidon pyrrhonota, mortality during severe spring weather in Oregon

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 210

  • Location of larvae of the Winter Tick, Dermacentor albipictus (Pack.), in Elk Island National Park, Alberta

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 211

  • An observation of the transportation of Pea Clams, Pisidium adamsi, by Blue-spotted Salamanders, Ambystoma laterale

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 213

  • Scansorial behavior in Woodchucks, Marmota monax

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 215

  • Late pupping in the Harp Seal, Pagophilus groenlandicus, in the eastern Canadian Arctic

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 216

  • An albino Little Brown Bat, Myotis lucifugus, from Alberta

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 217

  • Mortality of nestling Blue Grouse owing to inclement weather

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 218

  • Small mammals, by Robert E. Wrigley [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 224

  • The birds of Sable Island, Nova Scotia, by Ian A. McLaren [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 224

  • The Audubon Society field guide to North American insects and spiders, by Lorus and Margery Milne [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 225

  • Character variation and evolution of sibling species in the Empidonax difficilis-flavescens complex (Aves: Tyrannidae), by N. K. Johnson [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 226

  • A world list of mammalian species, by G. B. Corbet and J. E. Hill [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 227

  • A field guide to the birds of Australia, by Graham Pizzey [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 228

  • Bird banding in Alberta, ed. Martin K. McNicholl [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 229

  • Aquatic entomology: the fishermen's and ecologists' illustrated guide to insects and their relatives, by W. P. McCafferty [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 229

  • Atlas of North American freshwater fishes, by D. S. Lee et al. [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 230

  • Principles of fishery science, by W. H. Everhardt and W. D. Youngs [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 231

  • The Hawaiian Goose: an experiment in conservation, by Janet Kear and A. J. Berger [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 232

  • The fossil hunters: in search of ancient plants, by Henry N. Andrews [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 233

  • The biology of bromeliads, by David H. Benzing [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 234

  • The illustrated flora of Illinois: flowering plants, by Robert H. Mohlenbrock [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 235

  • Moulds: their isolation, cultivation and identification, by David Malloch [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 236

  • Checklist of the mosses of Canada, by Robert R. Ireland et al. [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 237

  • The boreal ecosystem, by James A. Larsen [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 238

  • The Canadian environment: data book on energy and environmental problems, by Madelyn Webb [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 238

  • Ecology and field biology, by Robert Leo Smith [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 239

  • A reference book of urban ecology, by Anne Innis Dagg [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 239

  • A handbook offish habitat protection on forest lands in British Columbia, by D. A. A. Toews and M. J. Brownlee [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 240

  • The Stikine River, eds. R. A. Henning, M. Loken, and B. Olds [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 241

  • North American forest lands at latitudes North of 60 degrees, by various authors [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 241

  • Adventures of a zoologist, by Victor B. Scheffer [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 242

  • Photography: art and technique, by Alfred A. Blaker [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 243

  • Kluane: pinnacle of the Yukon, ed. J. Theberge [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 244

  • Dictionary of theoretical concepts in biology, by Keith Roe and Richard G. Frederick [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 245

  • Systematics and biogeo- graphy, cladistics and vicariance, by Gareth Nelson and Norman Platnick [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 246

  • Autobiography of John Macoun, Canadian explorer and naturalist, 1831-1920, The Ottawa Field Naturalist's Club [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 2, Page 247

  • Eggshell thinning and organochlorine residues in Rocky Mountain Peregrines, Falco peregrinus, and their prey

    Vol 96, Iss 3, Page 255

  • Prey characteristics of upland-breeding Red-winged Blackbirds, Agelaius phoeniceus

    Vol 96, Iss 3, Page 265

  • Breeding bird populations in Northern Manitoba

    Vol 96, Iss 3, Page 272

  • Summer feeding ecology of the Blacknose Dace, Rhinichthys atratulus, in a tributary of Lake Ontario

    Vol 96, Iss 3, Page 282

  • Rodent and lagomorph damage to pine stem rusts, with special mention of studies in Alberta

    Vol 96, Iss 3, Page 287

  • Social courtship and pairbonding of Common Goldeneyes, Bucephala clangula, wintering in Minnesota

    Vol 96, Iss 3, Page 295

  • A morphological and ecological variant of the Tuberous Water Lily, Nymphaea tuberosa Paine, from the Jock River, Ottawa, Ontario

    Vol 96, Iss 3, Page 301

  • Life-history notes on the Heather Vole, Phenacomys intermedius levis, in the Canadian Rocky Mountains

    Vol 96, Iss 3, Page 307

  • Recurrence, mortality, and dispersal of prairie Striped Skunks, Mephitis mephitis, and implications to rabies epizootiology

    Vol 96, Iss 3, Page 312

  • Avian cholera in waterfowl in Western Canada, 1978-1981

    Vol 96, Iss 3, Page 317

  • Ivory Gulls, Pagophila eburnea, and ice edges in Davis Strait and the Labrador Sea

    Vol 96, Iss 3, Page 323

  • Sexual colour differences in Canadian Western Toads, Bufo boreas

    Vol 96, Iss 3, Page 329

  • Migratory Peregrine Falcons, Falco peregrinus, accumulate pesticides in Latin America during winter

    Vol 96, Iss 3, Page 333

  • Determining age of Coyotes, Canis latrans, by tooth sections and tooth-wear patterns

    Vol 96, Iss 3, Page 339

  • Bones from an Arctic Fox den on Knight's Hill in northern Manitoba

    Vol 96, Iss 3, Page 342

  • Distribution and breeding status of Forster's Tern, Sterna forsteri, in British Columbia

    Vol 96, Iss 3, Page 345

  • A Brown Bear (Ursus arctos) -human encounter in the Brooks Range, Alaska

    Vol 96, Iss 3, Page 347

  • Terrestrial amplexus in the Wood Frog, Rana sylvatica

    Vol 96, Iss 3, Page 348

  • An additional morphological character useful in distinguishing two similar shrews Sorex monticolus and Sorex vagrans

    Vol 96, Iss 3, Page 349

  • Common Twayblade, Listera ovata (Orchidaceae), in Wellington County, Ontario: A second North American record

    Vol 96, Iss 3, Page 351

  • Fraie du Touladi (Salvelinus namaycush) en tres faible profondeur

    Vol 96, Iss 3, Page 353

  • Range extensions for eight species of plants in the Lake Iliamna region, Alaska

    Vol 96, Iss 3, Page 354

  • Interactions between Purple Martins, Progne subis, and Tree Swallows Iridoprocne bicolor, in Quebec

    Vol 96, Iss 3, Page 355

  • Mink, Mustela vison, attacks Trumpeter Swan, Cygnus buccinator, cygnet

    Vol 96, Iss 3, Page 357

  • Checklist of Albertan birds, by The Provincial Museum of Alberta [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 3, Page 372

  • A cottager's guide to the birds of Muskoka and Parry Sound, by Alex Mills [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 3, Page 372

  • Amphibians of Canada, by Barbara Froom [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 3, Page 373

  • Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Trichoptera, ed. G. Moretti [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 3, Page 375

  • Guide to the Orchids of the Cypress Hills, by Robert M. Fisher [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 3, Page 375

  • Urban natural areas: ecology and preservation, eds. W. A. Anderson and J. L. Crammer-Byng [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 3, Page 376

  • An annotated list of spiders collected during the "Big Dig" near Wawa, Ontario, 1971

    Vol 96, Iss 4, Page 383

  • Vegetation and flora of the Caribou Mountains, Alberta

    Vol 96, Iss 4, Page 389

  • Parameters of population and seasonal activity of Striped Skunks, Mephitis mephitis, in Alberta and Saskatchewan

    Vol 96, Iss 4, Page 409

  • Winter habitat use by Wapiti, Cervus elaphus, in Ontario Woodlands

    Vol 96, Iss 4, Page 421

  • Ranges of juvenile Fisher, Martes pennanti, and Marten, Martes americana, in southeastern Manitoba

    Vol 96, Iss 4, Page 431

  • Marten, Martes americana, movements and habitat use in Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario

    Vol 96, Iss 4, Page 439

  • Density and biomass estimates for an interior Alaskan Brown Bear, Ursus arctos, population

    Vol 96, Iss 4, Page 448

  • Effects of logging practices and Douglas-fir, Pseudotsuga menziesii, seeding on shrew, Sorex spp., populations in coastal coniferous forest in British Columbia

    Vol 96, Iss 4, Page 455

  • Arctic Fox, Alopex lagopus, predation on nesting Common Eiders, Somateria mollissma, at Icy Cape, Alaska

    Vol 96, Iss 4, Page 462

  • Population consequences of winter forage resources for Moose, Alces alces, in southwestern Quebec

    Vol 96, Iss 4, Page 467

  • Cannibalism by a free-ranging Bobcat, Felis rufus

    Vol 96, Iss 4, Page 476

  • Occurrence and foraging habits of Prairie Falcons, Falco mexicanus, at Beaverhil! Lake, Alberta

    Vol 96, Iss 4, Page 477

  • Charles Mortram Sternberg, 1885-1981

    Vol 96, Iss 4, Page 483

  • C. M. Sternberg Bibliography: 1917-1970

    Vol 96, Iss 4, Page 487

  • The doomsday book of animals: a natural history of vanished species, by David Day [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 4, Page 490

  • Fool hen: the Spruce Grouse on the Yellow Dog Plains, by William L. Robinson [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 4, Page 491

  • The birds of Manitoulin Island and adjacent islands within the Manitoulin District, by John C. Nicholson [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 4, Page 491

  • Spider communication mechanisms and ecological significance, eds. Peter N. Witt and Jerome S. Rovner [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 4, Page 492

  • The freshwater molluscs of Canada, by Arthur H. Clarke [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 4, Page 493

  • Caribou and the Barren-lands, by George Calef [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 4, Page 493

  • The mismeasure of man, by Stephen Jay Gould [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 4, Page 494

  • Wild mammals of Western Canada, by Arthur Savage and Candace Savage [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 4, Page 495

  • The Pronghorn Antelope in Alberta, by George J. Mitchell [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 4, Page 496

  • Wildlife management techniques manual, ed. Sanford D. Schemnitz [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 4, Page 496

  • The Audubon Society handbook for birders, by Stephen W. Kress [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 4, Page 497

  • Snakes: a natural history, by H. W. Parker, rev. A. G. C. Grandison [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 4, Page 498

  • A bibliography of Pacific Northwest herpetology, by R. Wayne Campbell, et al. [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 4, Page 498

  • Studies in boreal plant ecology,eds. Christer Nilsson and Leif Kullman [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 4, Page 500

  • Pocket flora of the redwood forest, by R. W. Becking [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 4, Page 501

  • Genera of western plants, by Wade T. Batson [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 4, Page 501

  • Vascular plants of Glacier National Park, British Columbia, Canada, by Erich Haber and James H. Soper [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 4, Page 501

  • Threatened and endangered species and habitats in British Columbia and the Yukon, eds. Richard Stace-Smith, Lois Johns, and Paul Joslin [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 4, Page 502

  • Watershed red: the life of the Dunk River, Prince Edward Island, by Kathy Martin [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 4, Page 504

  • Advances in environmental science and engineering, eds. James R. Pfalflin and Edward N. Ziegler [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 4, Page 504

  • Structure and function of northern forests: an ecosystem study, ed. T. Persson [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 4, Page 505

  • Ecological land survey guidelines for environmental impact analysis, by Environmental Conservation Service Task Force [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 4, Page 506

  • Polynyas in the Canadian Arctic, eds. I. Stirling and H. Cleator [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 4, Page 507

  • Soil conservation, by Norman Hudson [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 4, Page 508

  • Evolution in age-structured populations, by Brian Charlesworth [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 4, Page 509

  • Weather for outdoorsmen: a complete guide to understanding and predicting weather in mountains and valleys, on the water, and in the woods, by Walter F. Dabberdt [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 4, Page 510

  • The weather almanac, eds. J. A. Ruffner and F. E. Bair [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 4, Page 510

  • The Guinness book of mountains and mountaineering, by Edward Pyatt [Review]

    Vol 96, Iss 4, Page 511

The Canadian field-naturalist (2024)


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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.