The New York Times from New York, New York (2024)

12 The Heto-Hork Times, Sunday, May 16, Sheet. CITY AND SUBURBAN NEWS. NEW-YO1K. During last week the Police arrested 1,861 road. BROOKLEN.

The total amount of taxes received during the past week was 846,550. persons. The Post Office deposits of the week from the sale of stamps were $50,690. Preeident Jewett's Erie report was telegraphed in fall to London yeaterd ay. Rev.

Newland Maynard, Rector of St. Paul's Church, has been elected Chaplain. to the Fortyseventh Regiment. The steamboat Armenia, of the day line, will commence day tripe to and froto Albany, to-morrow, 8:35 A. M.

from the Vestry st reet pier, and at 9 A. at M. from 94th street, North Rive. William Mulkey, aged fi teen, of No. 481 street, while at work at No.

17 Rose street, Cherry fell down the hatch way from the third Boor, and was severely injured. occurred yesterday morning at No. A fight 302 Bayard street, between Kate Sheehan and Mary the former atrock the latter on the bead with of wood, inflicting a severe Egan, during which piece scalp wound. Rev. William R.

Alger will preach this mornIng at the Church of the Messiah, at Park avenue and Thirty fourth street. Subject, The Tragedy of the Sea and its Promised Removal," suggested the lose of the Schiller. The Trustees for the reorganization of the and Oswego Midland Railroad have New York lasted a circular to the drat mortgage bondkolders, informing them that a decree of sale will be applied for at the present term of the court. A regular encampment of the James C. Rice" Post No.

20 will be held at the Head 58 West Fourteenth street, to at 8 No: 'clock P. for the purpose of completing arrangements for Decoration Day. There were reported at the Bureau of Vital Statistics during the week ending at noon yesterday, 543 deaths, 436 births, and 213 marriages, uf show. ing a decrease of 35 deaths and an increase 64 births and 64 marriages, as compared with the precoding week. Frederick Kurtz, aged 13, of No.

60 Broadway, was accidentally shot in the right thigh by Andrew Hoyt, of No. 58 Broadway, while the latter was exarsining a pistol, in Exchange place, yesterafternoon. Hoyt, alarmed at the result of his day carelessness, ran away, and is still at liberty. The pews in Dr. Hall's new Fifth Avenue Church will be sold to-morrow at 7:30 Presbyterian P.

M. A committee of the Board of Trustees have exchanged certificates of pow property in the old edifice for scrip of thrice their amount, applicable as cash in the parchase of seats in the new church. Charles Voss, who resides at No. 40 Leroy street, went into the cellar of his residence yesterto search for a leak in the ras-pipe. He carried lighted lamp, and as soon as be entered the cellar day the gas which had accumulated was ignited, and it exploded.

The premises were damaged $100. Mr. Voss was elightly burped about the head and face. The well-known steamer Plymouth Rock is to be brought this City from New-London, on Tuesday evening. An excursion party will go to New London, and will return on the vessel.

There will be appropriate demonstrations on her departure, and her entry to New- York Harbor will be made with imposing display. A man supposed to be John G. Rodt, a realdent of Brooklyn, jamped from the wharf at the foot of Twenty-fifth street, North River, vesterday, and was drowned before aid could reach him. His body was not recovered. The hat worn by the deceased was found flosting on the water, and is now an the hands of the Police awaiting identification.

Major W. J. Walker, of Washington, who is at the Gilsey House, says that the accommodations for Northern and foreign travelers at Jacksonville, St. Augustine, and Remington Park, have been insufficient during the past season, but that several Northern capitalists have arranged to build firet-class hotels in the various popular resorts in Florida for next senson. The annual election of the New-York Board of Fire Underwriters will be held on Monday.

The regular ticket is as follows: For President, D. A. of the Home; Vice-President, E. A. Wal.

ton, of the Citizens': for Secretary, William W. Henshaw, of the Long Island: for Assistant Secretary, Walter K. Page, of the Guardian for Treasurer. M. F.

Hodges, of the Hotman. The following ladies have been elected officers of the Ladies' Home Missionary Society Mrs. 0. Wright, First Directress: Mrs. J.

A. Kennedy, Second Directress Mrs. William Ryer, Third Directress; Mrs. F. Holsten, Fourth Directress Mrs.

W. B. Skidmore, Treasurer Mrs. Dr. Olin, Corresponding Secretary; Miss E.

Burling, Recordlug Secretary. The fifteenth anniversary of the Baptist Sabbath-schools will be celebrated on Tuesday, the 19th inst, at Stanton Street Baptist Church, at 2:30 o'clock P. M. The programme will consist of singing, and addresses by Rev. Robert Cameron, and others.

At the close of the exercises a procession will be formed, accompanied by the Regiment Band. Very Rev. Dr. Ubaldo Ubaldi, Professor of Sacred Scripture in the Urban College 'de Propaganda Fide in Rome, will celebrate a solemn high mass today (Pentecost Sunday) in the Church of the Epiphany, Second avenue, near Twenty-first street, in the presence of his Excellency Mgr. Roncetti, the Papal Ablegate.

A sermon will be preached by the Pastor, Rev. Dr. Burtsell. Yesterday's foreign mail consisted of 51,769 letters and ninty-uine bags of newspapers. The City of Berlin took 21,629 letters and forty-eight baze; the Amerique, 4,600 letters and twenty-twe bags the Rhein, 20,000 letters and thirteen bags; Andes, 978 letters and five bags; the Henry 2,864 letters and two bags; and the Utopia, 3,705 letters and nine bags.

William Finke, a German, 50 years of age, who resides and keeps a small stationery store at No. 141 Essex street, was arrested last evening by Detective Slevin, of the Fifteenth Precinot, en plaint of Flora Gatetadt, a young German girl resid. at No. 103 Essex street, who charges him with having committed an indecent assault' upon her. will be taken to court to-day.

The Society for the Development of the Silk Todustry in America held reguiar meeting last evening in Pythagoras Hall, Nos. 134 and 136 Canal street, G. Nerth in the chair. A constitution and by-laws was adopted for the society, and a paper was read by J. P.

Huelser on The Silk Industry in Europe and America; the obstacles by which the ananafacturers are met in America, and the means to overcome Last evening, Patrolman Nixon, of the Sixteenth Precinct, endeavored to disperse a crowd of disorderly young men who had congregated at the corner of Seventh avenue and Twenty seventh sireet, and was set upon by the roughs, who knocked Tum dowu and attempted to disarm him. Failing in this, the ruffians beat and kicked Nixon about the head and body, injuring him severely. He succeeded in arresting John Merry, one of his assailants, but the others escaped before the officer received assistance. Merry was locked up and search is being inade for his companions. The semi-centennial of the American Tract Society will be celebrated this evening at 7:30 o'clock in the new Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, cor, nor of Fifth avenue aud Fitty-fifth street, Justice Strong.

or the United States Supreme Court, will preside, and addresses will be delivered by M. B. Anderson, L.L. Rochester, N. Rev.

W. S. Plumer, D. of Columbia, 8. Rev.

Dr. George Na closete, of Princetou, N. J. Rev. Dr.

Samuel Manning, of London, England Rev. William Gillies, of Edinburgh. Scotland, and Rev. Dr. William Adams, of New- York.

The funeral of Alfred Barmore, the late of the Knickerbocker Ice Company, took place yesterday from the residence of his son-in-law, Robert MacKay, No. 32 West Fourteenth street, Rev. Dr. Deems, of the Church of the Strangers, conducting the services. The pall-bearers were John Cantree, Presidentof the Irving Bank: R.

P. Perrin, President of the Butchers' and Drovers' Bauk; Horace Dennett, Er- Joseph Brit. ton, David D. A. Wortendyke, H.

A. Farrington, Jacob Hayler, and Jacob A. Hopper. The remains were taken to Nyack, on the Hudson, for intermneut. Messrs.

J. S. Williams, H. W. Alexander, D.

Dodd, J. H. Frothingham, and T. Houston, the Trustees in charge of the reorganization of the New. York and Oswego Midland Railroad Company, have issued a circular to their bundholders, one-sixth of whom have approved the plan of reorganization submitted last March, and who have deposited their loads in the Union Trust Company.

The circuiar states that a decree of sale will be applied for at the present term of the court, and that it la necessary for all the pondbolders to decide now who her to unite with the sixth who have deposited bonds, and purchase the road, or by standing out to accept the pro rata share of the net profits of the The number of arrests made during the past week by the Brooklyn Police was 472. Thirty-four policemen are at present engaged taking the census of the children who are obliged by the Compulsory law to attend school. James Riley, who was indicted for the murder of John Monaban on St. Patrick's day. will be tried in the City Court, before Judge Reynolda, to-morrow.

Yesterday afternoon, Adolph Benner, varnish maker, residing at No. 109 Hopkins street, and Jacob Messing, were badly burned about the face and hands by the boiling over of a kettle of varnish 5a Miller Sherman's factory, corner of Marcy and 2nahing avenues. They were removed to the Citz and Hospital, Dr. and Krauter, were who attended pronounced by Surge Lipalz fatal. Yesterday Collector Freeland, acting upon instructions from Washington, seized 100 barrels of whisky recently arrived from the West, and which 18 supposed to have been illicitly distilled.

Fred Meyers, a young man of seventen years. was arrested yesterday 00 charge of stealing a quantity of tobacco from the He was wagon of locked Mr. J. in Good. the win, on Division avenue.

up Fifth Precinct station bouse. On Friday afternoon William Wilson, colored thief, was arrested for having broken into the bouse No. 105 Dupont street, Greenpoint. Yesterday morning he was committed by Justice Elliott for the action of the Grand Jury. Yesterday, the Netherland Steam-ship Company, of which Mesers.

Fanch, Edge Co. are agents, removed from Brookisa to take possession of the old dock of the White Star Line, Pavonia Ferry, Jersey City. The wills of the following persons were proved last week: Elizabeth Butz, Sarah G. Conway, John H. Harris, Jacob Hollinzer, Thomas Jacques, John F.

Knellmer, Mver Lipakill, Henry Ralph, Elizabeth Scharf. Catharine- Osborne, Mary Daily, and Jane Cromlin. On Friday evening James O'Brien and James Kidd knocked down Jobs Eagan on Second street, near Ninth street, and robbed him of bundle. They were arrested by Officers Phelan and Dunnigan. and yesterday morninz Justice Elliott committed them tu await the action or the Grand Jury.

Frank Silva, a stevedore, residing in Cherry street, New- York, while at work on the bark Germania, at the foot of North Twelfth street, yesterday morning, fell through the hatchway into the hold, fracturing a shoulder blade, and injuring his bead. He was taken to the Eastern District hospital. A caucus of the Democratic members of the Common Council was held yesterday in the Common Council Chamber, The subject under consideration was the appointment of a Chairman in the place of Alderman Bergen, who is going to Europe. Aldermen Howell and Clancy were spoken of, but no conclu sion was arrived at. At a late hour on Friday night Mr.

Adolph Smith, residing at No. 500 Atlantic avenue, was attacked near the City Hall, in Court street, by three men who robbed him of his gold watch and chain and $9 in currency. During his encounter with the robbers he received several severe bruises at their hands. At the annual meeting of the Steam Transit Company, of Brooklyn, held yesterday, the follow. ing officers were re-elected Premdent, S.

B. Chittenden Vice President, William H. Taylor: Secretary, W. R. Sheldon; Treasurer, Henry W.

Sage. Members of Executive Committee- S. B. Chittenden, Alfred Barnes, Robert Turner, Henry W. Sage, Nathan D.

Morgan. The closing drill of the Forty-seventh Regiment Drum Corps was held at the armory, at North Second and Fourth streets, last evening. The corps, under Drum Major MoIntyre, exhibited marked proficiency. At the close of the drill the Drum Major announced that the medal he bad promised one year ago to the member of the corps who had made the best record for the year was ready for presentation, but as four men had an equal record it could only be decided by the four men drumming for it. Tars two declined to do, Messra.

Andrew Cornell and J. Lawder, the others, Corp. R. A. Cornell and Thomas Godfrey, then beat all the calls, as laid down in the new tactics, and Corp.

Cornell, being adjudged the winner, was presented with the badge by Major McIntyre. NEW-JERSEY. Mrs. Lizzie T. Meeker, wife of Meeker, of Newark, died suddenly yesterday.

The project of consolidation with Jersey City la being agitated in West Hoboken. The Antwerp and Rotterdam Steam-ship Company have located their docks at Long Dock, Jersey City. Ann Moore, convicted several months ago of shoplifting, was, yesterday sentenced to State Prison for one vear. The West Side Park, Jersey City, opened yesterday. There were two or three purse races and a smail attendance.

The strike of the woolen blanket weavers at the Ammidown mill, at Passaic, has ended, shorter hours being conceded to them. The creditors of the Grant Locomotive Works in this city are generally agreeing to the basis of settlement proposed at their recent meeting. The goods recovered from the boat off the Hoboken shore Friday night, in which the two men supposed to be river thieves were arrested, were yesterday identified as having been stolen from Pier No. 27 North River. They were part of a consign.

ment to Faulkner, Page of No. 66 Leonard street, New- York. George Ward Heaton, aged twenty-two years, brakeman on the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad, was instantly killed Friday night at the Barclay Street Station, in Paterson. He was crusbed between two cars and had his right arm severed, from which be bled to death. He was a single man, living at Stanhope, N.

whither the body was taken yesterday morning. DEPARTURES FOR EUROPE. The following steamers sailed from this port yesterday for Europe, carrying 1,006 cabin and 1,293 steerage passengers: The Rhein, of the German Lloyd Line; the Algeria, of the Canard Line; the Utopia, of the Anchor Line; the City of Berlin, of the Inman Line; the Coltio, of the White Star Line; the Amerique, of the French Transatlatic Line, and the England, of the National Line- all carrying large cargoes of grain, cotton, leather, provisions, and general merchandise. Among the passengers on the various steamers were his Excellency G. Buckley Mathews, British Minister to Brazil: Dr.

Jean, Beugnat, of Paris: Rev. Robert Croker, Chaplain British Navy; Lient. Stewart, Royal Artillery Rev. Daniel Curry, D. and wife, Miss Adelaide Neilson and Capt.

Follett, Dr. Qumby, Mile. Marie M. Henri Stuart and wife, Mile. Berthe Girardin, Mme.

Teresa Antonio Mr. and Mrs. D. Koopmanschap, of San Francisco Mr. Henry- MacCall and son, of New.

Orleans Mfrs. Lippincott (Grace Greenwood) and daughter, Dr. J. Zacherie, Rev. Dr.

Henry M. Field, Rev. Dr. Philip Schaff, and Charles A. Dana, editor of the Sun.

In steam-ship Algeria, for Skinner, Miss Skinner, Capt. A. A. Ruxton, G. McMaster, Mr.

and Mrs. P. Moller, Miss Moller, Master Moller, Miss Owen, T. Le Boutillier, Jr. J.

Le Boutillier, Mr. and Mrs. Fleming and three children. Miss Louise Fleming, Dudley Fleming, L. B.

Reed. G. T. Switzer, Miss Clara Switzer, Dr. Quimby and wife, Prof.

R. D. Hitchco*ck and wife, Miss Hitehcook, W. Miss Sarah 8. Mr.

Brayton, Miss Mary Brayton, Master B. Hitchco*ck, and Mrs. J. Turnbull and Mr. and Mrs.

William Pate, Miss Ella Pate. W. T. Westervet, Miss Wolfe and maid servant, F. M.

Peyser, Miss Kennett, Miss Kate W. Cook. Mrs. George Brown, Mr. and Mrs.

John McGregor, Mr. and Mrs. J. Miller, John Clements, Alexander Duncan, Capt. A.

H. Ward. W. P. Jennings, Capt.

Follett, Fritz Hugh Auchincloss Stirling, N. Mitander, Charles Casenore, Thomas H. Macklin. Matthew R. Myers, Mr.

and Edward Wright, Miss Mary A. Ferguson, Miss Sarah N. Moore, James Bennellack, Frank Williams, George H. Wainwright, A. Openhym, Mrs.

Wise, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Owens, Miss Styles.

Mr. and Mra Lewis E. Howard, Mr. and Mrs. J.

H. Hutchins, Mr. and Mrs. 0. M.

Price, two infants. and two nurses, D. H. Holmes, Mme. Foidveaux, Mr.

and Mrs. W. J. Kerr and infant, Robert Le Boutillier, Mr. and Mra W.

M. Issacs, child. and nurse W. Mr. and Mrs.

S. Harvey Thomas, Charles G. Thomas, B. Todd, A. Telfer, Mrs.

Dr. Anderson, Miss Moore, Mr. and Mre. W. D.

Sewall, Mra. Hubback, Mrs. Edward Fales and child, Miss M. E. Jarvis, Mr.

Thomas and son, Mrs. William Bush, Miss Maud Bash, infant, and nurse, Mr. and Mrs. E. N.

Taller. Miss Stolt, Miss Taller, Miss Mary Taller, Miss Fanny Taller, Master Thomas Tailer, Miss Laura Taller, and maid servant, Mrs. T. E. Burrella, Master Burralls, Mrs.

A. 8. Porter, Mias Porter, Mias Lottie A. Jenkinson, George B. Jenkinson, Mr.

Darling, Mr. and Mrs. Clemens Oskamp, William Oskamp, Miss Anna Oskamp, Mr. and Mrs. C.

Dabney, C. J. Dodshun, Mra. 8. Howard, Miss Dabney, J.

C. Nimmo, W. J. G. Eulton, W.

B. Todd, and friend, Wm. Thompson. B. Birch, D.

D. ard. Miss Eliza Watson. Mr. and Mra.

D. P. Howell. Miss Howell, Miss Louise Howell, Miss Mary Howell, Mr. and Mrs.

Watson, W. R. Penniman, Reuben Haines, James Douglas, James Scrymser, James Berney, Rev. George Stuart Baker, George F. Martin, Mr.

and Mre. W. Blake, J. M. Gibbons, T.

A. H. Robison, Mr. Bowie, Mr. Dew.

Pedro F. del Castillo, Benjamin del Castillo, Robert Stiles. Mrs. Seward and child, Mr. Alexander, Mr.

Rutling, Mr. Thomas, G. H. White. Miss Gilbert, Miss K.

Sheppard, G. M. Gordon, Miss A. W. Robinson, Miss Jula Jackson, Miss M.

Porter, Miss Jennie Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Loudia, Mrs. L. 8.

Van Antwerp, Mrs. Mrs. E. Cobby and two infants, William Small, Zach and infant, Miss Cheeseman, J. C.

Collins, Thomas J. Mrs. H. Brentano, 8. Miss Mary Shields, Barbour, W.

Lynn, George Goddard, Miss Topp, Master Stephen Burralle, Miss Proudfoot. In ship Rhein for Bremen Charles Graef, Mrs. Charles Graet, Adolph Reichelt, James L. White, Miss White and maid, Miss Caroline White, Russel White, J. Mrs.

Kubitschek and children. A. Schnabel, Mrs. Schnabel, Miss Adeline SchnabeL, Miss Emma Miss 0. Laura Schnabel, Mra.

Adeline Robert, Joseph Fass, A. Brown, Mrs. Charles Seita, three and servant, Mra. Henry Clausen and child, Mrs. Charles Clausen and child, Sties Eifride Knoche, M.

Einstein, Schmieder. Mrs. L. B. Schmieder and child.

Kothe, Louis H. Wise, A. L. Grabfeider. Mrs.

A. L. Grabfolder and child, A. Limburger, Thalmann, H. Samson, Mrs.

H. Samson and child, E. Schneider, Mrs. E. M.

Schneider, August S. Schmitt, Kra. August Louis Schmitt. A. Frankenan, J.

R. Albers, Wald, Samuel Zeimer, Eduard K. G. Heineken, Mra. G.

Heineken, children, and Heineken, C. F. A. Dambmann, N. Bliss, Mrs.

Jobn A. Fiedler and 60D, Karl Mrs. Karl Engelskircher and children, Schroeder, Mra. Nico aus Schroeder and children, Mrs. Lisette Ferber, Mrs.

Margarethe Theodore Sauter, Fred. Newberr, Nicolans Shuster, Mra. Nicolaus Shuster, Mrs. Marie Wiebusch Mra. E.

Stein and child, Frans Paul, Mrs. Frans Paul, Philipp Klappert, J. C. Hacker, Katharine Derschuch, De. J.

C. Lange, F. Feind, Mrs. John F. Werner and daughter, Mra.

Anna and daughter, Mrs. Bertha Gessier, Mrs. M. L. Goldmann, Max John Mose, Mrs.

Karoline Ruter, Louis Fischer, Louis Mrs. Louis and four children, Mrs. Betty Glees and children, Joseph Neuberget, Schlesinger W. Sekules, Leonhard Porth, Robert Kopp, John H. Dittmar Fischer.

Dittmar Placher, Charles Willich, Mrs. Charles Willieh, Felix Schram, Theodor Stephenson, Karl Rienseh, Leopold Stern, Mrs. Mary Koch and child, G. H. Quickemeyer, W.

Rehrader, A. 8. Mrs. 4. S.

Nye and child. Ernst Wimmer, Karl Max Kuhl, J. Frost. Miss Amalie Fueller, Louis E. Warner, Meyer Nebenzahl, Chr.

and son, E. Wesche, E. Mrs. Dorothea Sarschedt, Gustar Scheeffer. In steam-ship City of Berlin, O'Neill, Mrs.

Moeller, A. A. Miss Florence Buckley. Miss Marcie Buckie, M. L.

Mail- Elliott, Master James Elliott, Capt. Mill ward, Mrs. Kelley, Miss L. Stewart, Charles F. Simes.

R. Reoch, Mra. J. Moffat, Miss A. E.

Moffat, Mrs. Lippincott, Mias Lippincott, William Melville, F. C. Donnelly, Mr. Rooney.

CoL B. Storm, C. Klink, M. Laur, Alphonse Watter, Alpbonse ter and infant, John H. Goldem th, James Graces.

Pardo, J. Wehl, P. Pell, W. T. Brown, Mrs.

W. Johnson and servant, Miss Anna A. Johnson, Miss Nellie Johnson, Frank Jobason, Mr. Pasolt, Mrs. Pazolt and nurse, Miss Carrie Pazolt, Arthur Pazolt.

Alfred Pasolt, Mrs. Hudson, Miss D. Spencer, H. F. Hudson, Jose Gomaler, Ramon Saurer, C.

Gomaler, Ramon Alonso, R. Peterman, Mrs. Peterman, W. Harrington, Dr. J.

A. Schoch, William H. Norris, M. Smith, C. Young, Ethelbert Fairfax, L.

H. Sandford, C. Wagner, W. H. Locke, Miss Emma L.

Crichton, Eliza Moran, Good man King, 8. Edwards, V. W. Mason, Pref. J.

T. Hyde, Thomas Crane, C. Corris, Joseph Parker, John M. Arnold, J. J.

Galloway, Capt. Bower, Mrs. E. H. Pierce, Miss Fields, A.

Garcia, James Love, Rev. James Dunn, McDonald, B. Millichamp. A. G.

McKenzie, Mrs. A. G. Macormac.Mra. R.

Macormac and child, Mrs. co*ck aud maid, Miss Louise Knox, Miss F. W. Downer, Dr. L.

D. P. Woodruff, William Henry, E. Meade, Mrs. E.

M. Meade, C. E. Fielding, J. F.

Emalie, Miss Miss L. Olmsted, Chandler L. Lee, 8. M. Fuiton, Mrs.

Chandler L. H. Houghton, Mrs. H. Houghton, W.

G. Brett, Mrs. W. G. Brett, Rev.

Henry M. Field. D. H. P.

Mrs. H. P. Pagan, Mr. Rossiter, Mrs.

Rossiter, Mr. Hill, George R. Davidson, E. K. Rev.

Philip Schaff, D. W. Chalmers, A. B. Hail, his Exceliency G.

Buckley Mathew, B. M. Minister to Brazil, C. Josselyn, Mra. C.

Josselyn, Mrs. G. N. JosHon. selyu, R.

Campbell, Mrs. R. Campbell, James Orr, N. B. Mr.

Estes, Mrs. Estes, Mr. Moehring, Mr. Merrill, Falconer, H. Joseph, J.

M. H. Todhunter, Mr. Curphey, Mr. Lees, John Bigger.

In steam-ship Amerique for -William Stuart, Mrs. William Stuart, J. Paulmier, Mr. and Mrs. KoopMr.

mauschap, and Mrs. Alexis Godinof, Master Jean Godillof, Mile. Marie Mme. Teresa Antonine, Mra. Hannah Tuffs, Miss C.

Talman, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Polaize, Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Lasa, Mr.

and Mrs. J. Straas, Dr. Jean Bengnot, Mr. and Mrs.

E. Forrestier, Mrs. C. W. Chapin, Julia and Pauline Chapin, J.

Pontaine, C. J. Vandoorn. Mr. Heurtivant, Harry McCall, Harry McCall, Mr.

and Mrs. Salomon stamm, Miss Sophie Juret, Mrs. Charles Lassaile, Miss Lucio Lassalle, Miss Amelie Vallee, Mrs. Leon Mennier and child. Mr.

and Mrs. George Debeer, M. Crottes, J. Lahey, Georges Levy, George Sweet. E.

Stern and mAD servant, Thomas Johnson, W. Brooks, Charles Burns, Emil Le Bran, Adolphe Kurnitel, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Koopz, Master Philip J. Koonz, Prosper Nordmanu, J.

Sargent. Mrs. L. R. Rupert, and child, Miss Rupert, Mr.

and Mrs. Leopold Amaury Salmon, R. Mantone, Petro Mrs. Bouligny, Miss Bouligny. Mr.

and Mrs. J. Valkenberg, Mrs. Catherine Livingston, Mrs. Eliza Dickinson.

Mrs. M. Mealey, D. Bastan, Paul Roux, Mra. F.

Pinchon, Miss Balcom, C. Bernard, Mr. Durand, Alexandre Gordon, Mr. Blaize, R. Raetzer, Mrs.

R. Raetzer, Edwin Louis Livingston, Miss Eugenie de la Porte, Miss Alice K. Livingston, Auguste Pichot, Mrs. Auguste Pichot, Richard Pichot, Robert Pichot, Louis Martinez, P. Dastugue, Mrs.

Vincent, Mra. L. Fleury, Miss Pauline, maid servant to Mile. Aimee, Sister Marie Dumontcarmel, Sister Marie Lefebure, Mrs. Jaum, Mr.

and Mrs. B. Carcace, Mr. and Mrs. Jean Francois Dunand, Master Danand, Master Joseph Dunand, Mr.

and Mrs. Louis Barouse, Master Eugenie Baronse, Miss Abbe Francois, Jaques Stabl, Louis Montier, Alphonse Montier, Mrs. Siny. Mrs. Pauline Delafontine, Miss Cecile Boutre, Miss Limat, Mra.

E. Miss H. Koehn. Miss Marie Koehn, Miss B. Miss L.

Knecht, Eister St. Enna, Miss Eliza O'Coanor, Miss Ketty Buckley, Miss Marie Stalk, Miss Clemence Levy, Sister Marie Chadelas, Sister Marie Bonneford, Mra. F. Asher and child, Miss P. Asher, Mrs.

Eugenio Patenaille. Mrs. Eugene Schmidt, Numa Vidal, A. Aldige, Jose Madroso, M. Towas, G.

Bois, A. Girard, Dastague, Mrs. Marie Meyer, Miss Lucie Meyer, Mrs. Landrina Brown, Mrs. Josephine schild, Mrs.

Pauline Weil, Charles Rey, Paul Dubroul, Francois Genot. Charles Kollets, Eugene Schmidt. Leopold Cahn, Leon Lesieur, Miss Marie Defrang. Albert Liebschutz, Miss Rochat, Miss Marie D. Rubernre, August Michet, Joseph Dacquet, Leon Blanc.

F. Jernason, George Jucta, Mrs. A. Boilean, Master A. Boilean, Master H.

Boliean, Arthur Dutbil, Miss Pauline Gaspari, Mr. and Mrs. M. Garault. F.

Delamarre, Alexander Hicks, Miss Candidi Simonis, Gaspard Finck, Mrs. Delphine Marthey, Miss Rosa Coris, Mr. Francois Jerome, Jean Arrinberge. Leon Humblot, 8. Hirleman, Emil F.

Vogt, Pietre Poastiennelo, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Guex, Miss Guez, Alphonse Chaintron, Celestin Vandevoir, Mrs. Celestin Vandevoir, Octave Vande Abbe Cloix, A. de Greef, E.

Laurent, B. Barthet. J. M. Cazaux, Mr.

Mollard, E. Chawean, Georges Rua, Miss Laguerent, Isidore Gross, Adolphe Abraham. In steam-ship Celtic, for Liverpool, Finisy, 8. B. Ketonan.

B. M. Merrill, Charles Dana, Jaime I. Moyaie, Mrs. F.

P. De Moysie, Master J. M. Moysie, Misa P. Moysie, Miss Cecilia Mossie and nurse, Rev.

Damel Mrs. G. Wigg, Miss Wigg, Miss Mary Oakley. R. M.

Curry, D. Mrs. Curry, William Jones, Mrs. Jones, Smith, Mrs. Smith.

8. Mrs. Goldenberg, Miss Lippincott, Miss Mary M. Kaigher, Mrs. R.

Isaac, J. R. Gillis, Scrivener. Mrs. Louis Gillis, Mrs.

Fisher, P. T. J. H. Drake, Wood, Miss Mrs.

A. Parker, C. B. Wood. H.

Van Ingan, W. Ogden, Dobell, Bernard Straus, A. G. Nicolopulo, Wilson. c.

E. Goodman, J. W. Parker, Mrs. Parker, Miss Lillie B.

Parker, Miss Nellie Kendali, T. P. White, Pow. Wooldridge, H. H.

Wheeler. Cohen, W. C. Kingsley. D.

8. Fleming. Peter Rivera, John Moyn. Beddall, Mrs. Beddall, Master E.

K. Beddall, Miss B. M. Beddall, D. B.

Fisk, L. W. Boynton, Thomas Lunbam, Rev. Father Drumm, Tur, John Wilson, Mre. WilSOn, George P.

Wilshire, W. K. Benton, 8. Butcher, Rice, Gillespie, Benjamin Simon; Henry Douglass, G. Becker, L.

Butcher, B. Schneider, Miss Nellson and maid, Miss St. Clair, A. Kuhn, L. Baer, 8.

J. Held, E. C. Donuelly, Andrew Lawson, Andrew Lawson, J. 0.

Bedell, J. D. Smith, Charies Vannier, W. Rolker, Mrs. Halsey, James Armstrong, William Cooper.

W. W. Hammond, 8. Kitts, D. B.

Marshall, Harvey Young, V. Brown, Mrs. Browu and infant. Jobn J. Esher, Mrs.

Esher, E. C. Cutter, Mrs. Cutter, Miss Anna B. Smith, J.

T. Wood, George P. Forwood, F. R. Halsey.

In steam-ship England, for Liverpool. Thorn, Mrs. Thorn, Rev. Robert Croker, Chapiain British Navy; Mrs. Robert Croker, Miss Astwood, Victor M.

Osborn, Mr. Russell, Mrs. Firmin Coar, Mrs. Blake, Master john Coat, Master Thomas Coar, Master Arthur Coar, Master Henry Coar and infant. Rev.

John Daly, Dr. James Cowling, Mrs. James Cowling, Lieut. Stewart, Royal Artillery; Mrs. Stewart.

servant. and child; George Rogers, George J. Hoffman, Frank Angell, Harry Richards, Mile. Lottie de Aste, Mlle. Katrini, G.

Homer, Mrs. Fladden and infant, John K. Tetlow, Mrs. U. Boddy and infant, Mrs.

M. H. Arescough, H. W. Ivers, J.

B. Cumming, Mrs. Cumming, Frank Malo, Charies Keane, Mrs. Keane, two Misses Keane, Miss Helen C. Freeman and sister, Dr.

R. W. Farr, Mrs. Agnes Houston, Mrs. Robert Kenyon, Rev.

Canon fanes, Mrs. Inves, the Misses Innes, Miss Blake, J. N. Dryburgh, John L. Fisher.

Lieut. Dennis, Her Majesty's Twentieth Regiment, Mrs. Dennis, George C. olland, Mra. Holland, Willam Chariton, Henry Chariton, C.

G. Linderborg, Miss Mary Linderborg, Miss Augusta Linderborg, George F. Aldrich, Thomas E. Marsland, John N. Lattimore, Herman Schroeder, Mrs.

Schroeder. Master Franklin Schroeder, Miss Minerva Schroeder, Mrs. Alvina Koch, Mrs. W. Van Schoick, Mrs.

Van Schoick, Miss Ida Van Schoick, H. J. G. Gurr, Malcolm McQueen, Edward Colton, Charles Rev. M.

Smith. In steamship Utopia, for R. Thomas, John Weir, Mrs. John Weir, Miss Eliza Weir, Miss Ciara Weir, Charles Weir, Edward Weir, William Weir, C. H.

Carrey, Miss Currey, James Griffiths, Mrs. James Griffitha, Miss Mary A. Wallace, Dr. M. F.

Linquist, Mra. M. F. Linquist, Charles Linquist, Miss. Mary A.

Wattles, Miss Theano Wattles, Miss Florence Blackwell, Mrs. T. 8. R. Bailey, Mrs.

James Massie, Mrs. William M. Abbott, Rufus Abbott, Miss Charlotte Thompson, George Walker, John A. Greene. Harry J.

Forsdick, Hugh Templeton, James Fisher and lady, James Smith, Andrew Wallace, James K. Lytie, Miss Mary A. Currier, Daniel Swiney, Mrs. Annie Giles, Miss Lilly Giles, Mrs. Sophia Johansen, Miss Jalia Johansen, Thomas W.

G. Duncan, Robert Gray, Miss Mary E. Gray, Clara Mrs. J. Rowan, Mrs.

Caroline C. Dandy, Mrs. Cully and four children, Mias Catharine Gray, Miss Agnes way, Charles Taylor, Mrs. Charles Taylor. Mrs.

MoCaughey, Mrs. Mary Stevenson, Daniel Haviland, John Scott, Miss Annie Rooney, Frederick Weber, Miss Mary Ned will, Mrs. Elizabeth McCloskey, Alexander In Tennant, steam-ship 0. B. San Payne, John for Johnson and lady.

Siiss Katie Edwards, E. Mel. Mr. Shine, A. Dickerson, F.

Henry Schlenke, N. Hazelboom, J. McCarty, F. M. Lynde and forty men, U.

8. M. S. Byek, James L. Murphy and son, Mrs.

J. Rocke, Miss Sadia Nevitt, Mrs. E. Waiters, C. M.

Dexter. PASSENGERS ARRIVED. In Henry Chauncey, from San Francisco.Jos. B. Sytrand, Geo.

Molineux, Albert W. Holmes and wife, Mrs. C. B. Holmes, Miss Mary B.

Holmes, Mrs. A. Haddene and son. Chas. H.

Betta, E. 0. Mrs. R. M.

Wathams. Miss Emma Bilberberg, Mrs. H. E. Tittie and child, Philo Durfee.

Rev. F. T. Tower, wife and infant, L. Anderson.

W. L. Little, Geo. W. Gretz.

W. B. Marsh, Mrs. Carrie Korts, William Allen and wife, Mrs. Abby Baker and tour children, Mrs.

L. M. Hillington, Geo. A. Hadden and wife, G.

I. Markentz. Miss Annie B. Malley, Mrs. E.

Pardell, D. M. A. Healy. wife and child, Mrs.

Henry, Henry Kemp. Mrs. B. Waterbury, Cody Anfenger, C. T.

Ward, W. E. 8. Webb, F. G.

Lunt, G. W. Pickering. Miss Eliza Cowen, Mrs. Maria L.

Russell, Mrs. Isabella Clay and ebild, William Clay, Capt. John H. Marshall, wife, and child, R. D.

Steele, Henry Ditmas and wife. Mrs. Mary Conway, C. E. Sears, Wat Hill, Geo.

Hoag. Mrs. B. M. Roantree.

Mary Mrs. Langell, Miss M. Hudson, Mrs. G. P.

Young and child, M. A. Corcoran and chiid, J. J. Sutkin, Mrs.

C. Elsaseer and daughter. Way Passengers-Tudeo Pinol, P. Eder. J.

Wolf, Albert MilO. H. Dodge, U. A. Odio, Louis Ide Galba and son.

D. H. B. Davis, Francisco Gomez de la' Torre, Fernando L. Alduna, Fred.

Peters, Geo. Schoeter, Mrs. W. 8. Hazzard and daughter, G.

L. Windsor. In steam-ship Alps from Porto Cabello. -Hon. D.

P. French, J. Jacobsen and wife, C. Annand, A. Lazarus, R.

Holweil and wife, J. Nix and daughter, Miss Da Costa, Dr. Whitelin, Mrs. Cole and child, Miss Anderson and servant, M. Peixoko, J.

Echemendin, wife, six children, and servant, Shiel Barry and wife, Mr. Scott, daughter. and servant, Gen. R. Quesada, Mra.

A. Menesis and servant. A. Grindelav. In Steam-shin Oder, from -Dr.

C. Miller, Mrs. Schrader and children, C. Andresen, Mrs. C.

Illis, Mrs. Geo. Lancson, Miss Marg Lancson, H. Hegeman, Miss Darlington, Mrs. Antonie Sipp and children, Mrs.

Cathsrine Flockhardt, W. Dearling, 0. A C. N. Dairs, 4.

4. Gregory, and others in second cabin. LORD'S OLEANING AND -Principal store No. 880 Broadway, corner 17th st. Branches: No.

630 Broadway, No. 111 8th av. cleaning and dyeing at moderate prices MINIATURE ALMANAC -THIS DAY. Sun Sun Moon HIGH WATER- THIS DAY. Sandy 4:41 Gov.

Island. .5:30 Hell MARINE INTELLIGENCE. AT, May 15. CLEARED. Steam-ships City of Berlin, Kennedy, Liverpool, John G.

Dale; Celtic, Kiddle, Liverpool, R. J. Cortis; Colombo, Burkett, Hall. C. L.

Wright Co; England, Thompson, Liverpool, F. W. J. Hurst; K. C.

Knight, Chichester, Georgetown, D. J. C. Kenyon; State of Texas, Bolger, Galveston, via Key West, E. Mallory Co; Batteras, Swift, Baltimore, Old Dominion Steam-ship Henry Chauncey.

Rathbun, Aspin wall, Pacific Mail Algeria, McMickan, Liverpool, Charles G. Francklyn: Regulator, Wood, Wilmington, N. William P. Clyde Cos Now-Orleans, Dearborn, New-Orleans, Clark Seaman; A. C.

Stimers, Warren, Philadelphia Genexal Whitner, Hallett, Boston; San Jacinto, Hazard, Savannah, Wilham R. Garrison Rhein, Meyer, Bremen Southampton, Oelrichs Champion, Lockwood, dames W. Quintard Amerique. Ponsols, Havre, Geezge Mackenzie. Barks Pranose Allyard, Abbott, Bremen, Boyd Hincken; John Johnson, Haines.

Hamburg, Punch. Edye Co. Lainetar, (Ras,) Lundgren, CronPerkins Job: Lima, Vessman, Bremen, Bries Cassiopeia Pettit, Valencia, D. R. stadt, Punch, Edve Co.

Wolfe Co; Horsey Comil, Barbados, Barbados, F. W. Whitney Co; Rachel Don Jacinto. Coney, Crosston, Monte video for orders, James Henry: Sarah Crowell, Dwight Platt; Morris, St. John, P.

J. V. Onativia Co. Frank Clark, Cotter, Kingston, Jam, 8. De Cordova Schra.

Miner, Oakes, Wilmington, Cartwright Doyle: Mary A. Wither, Austin, Cape Hayti, R. Murray, Kellie Starr, Bell, Poland. Aidrich, Montego Baracoa, Bay, Van StilJer Houghton; Lavina A Brunt Bros: Arietz. Lowe, Wardwell.

Key West, Benner Pinckney Berryman Jeremie, Wilson Hannah Blackman, Arnold, Providence, N. Petty Parsons Mann Citr of Chelsea, Goodwin, Wilmington, Loud: Harriet Ryan, Robbin, Boston via East Weymouth, H. W. Jackson Son; Co; Ontario, Charlie Banks, Pettigrew WilPonce. P.

Simpson, Clapp SOD, Baltimore. ARRIVED. Steam-ship Oder, Von Oterendorf. and 638 Bremen passen- May 1, Oelrichs Co. Experienced in the first part of and Southampton 4th.

with mdse. the very heavy westerly gales: was obliged to gers to run slow passage in dense fog from Naatucket LightJon. ship 51 to 2, Sandy saw Hook steam-ship of the Mar Anchor Line show. 12, lat. 41 28, ing east of letters Sandy N.

D. Hook. H. bound- steam-ship of Eagle Line. east; 14th, 265 miles 15tb, at 5:30 P.

from ten to twenty 5th. miles lat. 49 off bandy Hook. passed eight steam-saips for do; 46, Jon. 9 12, bark Marco Polo, hence May Bremen.

8, via W. Steam-ship Pass 9th, Hudson. with indse. Gager, and passengers to Clark 8. Seaman.

Steam -ship Acadia, Messina Hillcoat, 15, Naples Trieste 8th, March Palermo 25, Venice 29th. April 14th. Valencia 20tb, and Gibraltar 23d April 26. lat. 15 37, spoke brig Aurora, (of Newport,) for Monte video: mdse, and passengers to Henderson Bros.

Steam-ship Alps, Aux Ferguson, Porto and Kingston, Laguayra, Jamaica, with Curacon, mose. and passengers to Pim, Forwood Jacmel, Cages, Co. Steam-ship Alps, Curacoa Ferguson, 30th, Porto Jacmel May Cabello April Aux Cayes 5th, 8th, with mdse. and passengers to 28, Laguayra 29th, Pim. Forwood Co.

Kingston Ship Annie Ringay, (of Yarmouth, N. Hincken; Weston, anchored Liv. erpool 38 in balast, to Boyd at Sandy Hook for orders. Bark Julis rnestine Labarbier, Padang 103 with mdse. to order.

Passed Cape of Good Hope March 14, and crossed the equator April 17, in Jon. 36; has had light wiads and calms the entire passage. Bark Charles Forbes, (of Portiand,) Low, Iquique. 110 ds, with nitrate of soda, to Barriug Brothers to Walsh Field. Passed Capo Horn, Feb.

25, and crossed the equator April 14, in Jon. 37 15; Starch 8, lat. 52, lon. 45, fell in with a large number of icebergs and field ice; was in it five days; William March 29, lat. 14 45 lon.

30 45 spoke ship very, from San Francisco for Cork, 90 ds out. Bark Gaeta D'Ottone, Licata 64 days, with sulphur to order--vessel to Lauro, Storey Scarpeti. Passed Gibraltar March 23 May 10, off Cape Hatteras, experienced a heavy gale from W. S. and mizzen lasting 36 hours, lost fore-topgallant yard, main top.

masts, with everything attached. molasses, Carib, and three passengers to P. Hanford Co. Bark Townsend, St. Croix 13 with sugar, May 10, off Cape Henry, spoke schr.

Abbie, Louisa from Porto. Rico for New-London. Left in port schrs. Clark and Lizzie Ives, for New-York, Bark Hermod, Kerog, Stavanger 46 in ballast to Funch, Edge anchored in Gravesend Bay for orders. Bark Josephine Stahl, Cienfuegos, 12 with sugar, to Moses Tavior vessel to Parsons Loud.

with Brig mahogsuy Vaeringer, and cedar to J. 0. Ward-vessel to Kuudsen, Minititlan 24 Punch. Baye Co. Brig Ella, (of Nassau,) Liech.

Santos March Oelrichs 9, with coffee to B. Pavenstedt to Co. Brig Sparks, Bradley, Sagua 11 E. Ward with Co. sugar to Jova, Terry Co.

-vessel to James Schr. Carrie 8. Webb, Homer, Jacksonville 6 with lumber to Drew Buckle--vessel to Bentley, Gildersleeve Co. Schr. J.

A. Stetson, (fisherman,) McLoud, 2 ds. out, with 10,000 mackerel. Sebr. Charles R.

Washington, (of Wellfleet.) Holbrook, Governor's Harbor 8 with pine-apples to William Douglass vessel to B. J. Wenberg. May lat. 26 10, Jon.

76 40, spoke schr. James D. Bayles. hence for Galveston. 11 ds.

out. Lett in port, schr. Robert Byron, for New York in 3 N. da. 7 with Schr.

Beta, Ackley, Sackville, piling to order- vessel to F. Talbot Co. Schr. M. B.

Dyer. (of Boston,) Oliver, Elenthera 7 with pineapples to James vessel to B. J. Schr. Rattier, (of Gloucester,) McPherson, Elenthera with pineapples to James Douglass- to B.

J. Wenberg. Schr. Evelyn, Crowley, Machias, with piling to C. L.

Snow. Schr. R. W. Brown, Bearse, Rockport, with granite.

Schr. Helen P. Jones, Portland. Conn Schr. George G.

Jewett, Finlay. St. John, N. via Vineyard Haven, 10 with lumber to P. L.

Nevins Bou. Schr. Jeddo, Rourke, St. John, N. via VineYard Haven, 22 with lumber to J.

H. Winchester 'Co. Schir. Susie Prescott, (of St. John.

N. Douglass, St. George, N. via Gloucester, 15 with piling to Jed Schr. Ulalime, Theall, of and 10 de.

from St. John, N. Frye Co. with lumber to Heney Parker. Schr.

Huttie Lou, Smith. Providence. Schr. J. H.

Burdett. Hubbard, Providence, for Elisa: bethport. Schr. Aunie B. Stevens, French, Providence, for Elizabet port.

Schr. Richard Hill, Johnson, Providence, for Elizabethport. Sehr. Francis French, Eaton. Providence for Elizabethport.

Sebr. H. P. Elg, Stokes, Providence, for Elizabethport. Schr.

Wm. 0. Irish, Terrill, Providence, for Elizabethport. Schr. Comet, Tracy, Rockport, with granite.

Schr, Twenty friends, Jetters, Boston, for Baltimore. Schr. Louis Walsh, Andrews, Boston, for Elizabethport. Schr. Mary B.

Smith, Ansdem, Boston. So David Nicole, Jones, Boston. Schr. Onrust, Heath, Boston. Sche Robt.

F. Foster, Foster. Schr. Coyler, Coyler, Fall Schr. Merriwa, Nickerson, Fall River.

Schr. Favorite, Johnson, Salem. Bchr. C. Mathews, Wentworth, Bucksport, with lumber to C.

H. Smith. Schr. Mayna Lon, Sandborn, Machias, with lumber to Simpson, Clapp Co. Schr.

Haze, MeName, East Greenwich. Schr. Mansfield, Acorn, Rockland, with lime to J. R. Brown.

Schr. Anna Frye (of Pembroke,) Smith, Windsor, N. 7 with plaster to C. W. Bertaux.

Schr. Robert Smita, Terrell, Portland, Conn. Scar. Kate Callahan, Avery, New-London Schr. Globe, Gray, New-Haven.

Schr. Margaret, Sammis, New-Haven. Schr. J. E.

Fletcher, Wilson, New- London, with dah to Rogers Co. Schr. J. C. Nash, Crowley, Shulee, N.

8., 6 with piling to C. 8. Suow. Schr, F. A.

McDonald, McDonald, Jacksonville 7 with lumber to Drew master. Schr. G. P. Wright.

Cropper. Virginia. Schr. William Heury, Van Name, Virginia. Sche.

Alexandria, Falkingham, Jonesport, with piling to C. L. Snow. Schr. Kioka, Cook, Jonesboro, with piling to C.

L. Snow. Schr. Sylvan, Hudson, George's Bank, with feh to Sebr. Ware, Roberts, Cherryfleld, with lumber for Rondout.

Schr. Annie M. Allen, Conklin, Baltimore. Sebr. R.

M. Atwood, Herrick, Eleuthera 9 da, with pineapples to William Douglass--vessel to B. Wenberg. Sebr. Kate Wentworth, (of Castine,) Meade, Cienfuegos 15 de, to Ponvert Co.

-vessel to Miller Houghton: Schr. C. C. Bearse, Blaisdell, Sagua 7 with sugar and melado to Grinnell, Minturn, Co. --Vessel to B.

F. Metcaif Co. 9 Schr. C. W.

Alcott, French, Virginia. Schr. Mary Riley, Riley, Georgetown, D. C. Schr.

Hannah Coomer, King, Port Antonio, with fruit to B. J. Wenberg. Schr. F.

Lowell, Rice, Matanzas 15 with sugar to waster. Schr. Speeda way, Coffin, Cardenas May 4, with sugar to Brett, Sou Co. A CAREFUL INSPECTION OF OUR NEWLY-BUILT ROAD WAGONS Will prove their general superiority, and especially in the following points: Graceful symmetry of proportion. Highest perfection attainable in mechanical construetion.

Thorough solidity of workmanship and display of such exquisite taste, even in the most trifling detail of finish, as heretofore has never been attempted in the manufacture of this favorite American vehicle. We offer the fullest guaranty as to durability and capacity. to stand the most trying amount of wear and tear, and will cheerfully compete with any wagon of corresponding weight manufactured in this City or elsewhere. Bradley, Pray Co. NO.

25 UNION SQUARE. FOR SALE. TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT of sixteen years' standing Sold in consequence of the death of proprietor. Inquire as No. 67 West 12th al Schr.

Schr. Memento, Farnsworth, White, Portiana, Bedford with lumber to J. NewC. Scht. Eugenio, Ireland, Calais, with lumber to John Smith.

Sebr. Boynton's John Stockham, Hart, Providence. for Eliza Son, bethport. Schr. Mary Tice, Tice, Providence, for Elizabethport.

SAILED. City Steam of Berlin, ships Rhein, Celtic, and England, for Liverpool; Utofor Bremen; Amerique, for Havre: for Glasgow Colombo, for Hull via Southampton Andes, for Hayti and Venezuela: Henry Chauncey, for Aspinwall; State of Texas, for San Galveston Jacinto, via for Key West SavanNew-Orleans, Champion, for New-Orleans: Charleston; E. C. Knight, for nah; Georgetown, D. for for Norfolk Regulator, Wilmington, ships Cornelius bark Grinnell.

John for for London Robert Dixon, for San Francisco Johnson, for Bremen schr. Ward well, for Hayti. WIND- Sunset, moderate, N. cloudy. FOREIGN PORTS.

Nicol, New- brigs Ellen P. Stewart, Miller, NewMay 18 -Arr. bark D. McPherson, York: Hattie E. Wheeler, Armatrong, do: Hattie Crocker, M.

Bain, Thestrup, schrs. J. R. Talbot, New- York A. L.

Butler, Katon, Philadelphia. Sid. bark Matthew Baird, Greenleaf, N. Hatteras: Baines, N. of Hatteras, Arctic, Brinton, brigs do; schr.

Rebecca Shepard, Frambes, N. of HatHarry teras -LATEST SHIPPING NEWS BY CABLE. Annabella. LONDON, May Uncle Joe, Golden Fleece, Beech wood, Nile, for United States, Macaulay, Borneo. Arr.

from the United States on the 13th Sawley Cludow, Amykos, both at Elsinore. Arr, on 14th John Hought, Ariel, Arizona, Irene, the latter in the Channel. The bark Alpha, from Baltimore, and before berthed reported at ashore at Waterford, has been floated New-Ross. QUEENSTOWN, May White Star Line steamship Britannic aid. from here at 3:30 o'clock yesterday alterpoon, New- York.

Arnold, Constable Co. Are now offering, in addition to their usual extensive assortment of MOURNING DRESS FABRICS. I magnificent stock of IRON GRENADINES, At 50 CENTS PER YARD and UPWARDS, much below usual prices. Also, EXTRA QUALITY PLAIN. VELVET STRIPE, BROCADE and BEADED SILK GRENADINES, NEW AND VERY CHOICE DESIGNS.

TO Together with a full line of PERCALES, CAMBRICS, LAWNS, ORGANDIES, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, ke. ALL The Latest Novelties IN SUMMER DRESS GOODS, NOW OPEN. Arnold, Constable Broadway, corner 19th st. FURNISHING GOODS FOR GENTLEMEN. SHIRTS.


NECK WEAR of every description and the latest styles. GLOVES. CHOSSON'S" celebrated KIDS, 1 to 6 Buttons. GANTS DU SUEDE" in all the choice colors. Kid Anish, LISLE THREAD, and SILK GLOVES, and DRIVING GLOVES of every description.

PARASOLS, SILK and LACE COVERED. SUN and RAIN UMBRELLAS. LACE COVERS mounted in any style at short notice. ARNOLD, CONSTABLE Broadway, corner 19th st. Wedding Trousseaux AND Infants' Wardrobes, complete, READY-MADE, to ORDER.



SILKS. ARNOLD CONSTABLE have Dow open elegant and varied assortment of all. the latest productions in STRIPED AND FANCY CHECKED SILKS, MEDIUM AND EXTRA QUALITY LOUISINES." PONGEES." Plain, Checked and Damask. FOULARDS," Plain, Figured and Plaid. TAFFETAS," GROS GRAINS," "FAILLES," all the newest colorings.



TOILET TABLES, FLOWER TABLES, FLOWER STANDS, CHILDREN'S FURNITURE A SPECIALTY. Caned seats are by far the best of all, neither too soft nor too hard, light and cool in Summer, and very healthy. F.B.NICOL CO. SUCCESSORS TO NICOL, DAVIDSON NO. 686 BROADWAY.


-EZRA MARSH, NO. 18 BAST L. 18th near Landaus, coupes, rockwagonettes, brette. phaetons, Victorias, depot wagons, at reasonable prices; work FaeNo. 52 Bruen Newark, Established Repairing done promptly.

LA Boutillier Bride, IMPORTERS, No. 10 Maiden Lane. Ladies' Silk Sun Umbrellas, $3 00, Half the Cost of Importation. AN INVOICE OF THIRTEEN CASES French Clocks and Bronzes, AT VERY LOW PRICES. FORMERLY Shepard, La Boutillier Co.

TIFFANY CO. UNION SQUARE, NEW. FORK. Manufacture WEDDING PRESENTS of STERLING SILVER, put up in appropriate and attractive cases, and also other articles for household use in new styles and rich variety, presenting effects in chasing, engraving, and gilding in colors not heretofore produced. TO-MORROW We offer a splendid line of Spring Overcoats.

Prices, $14 to $28. Albert Frock and Walking Coats, $18 to $26. Stylish Business Suits, $18 to $30. Pantaloons, $6 to $10. Stylish Garments and Low Prices are the leading features of our House.

JESSUP CO. NO. 256 BROADWAY, STEINWAY Grand, Square, and Upright Pianos. THE STANDARD PIANOS OF THE WORLD. First of the Grand Gold Medals of Honor.

World's Fair Paris 1867-London 1862. Every Piano Warranted for Five Years. Illustrated Catalogues sentfree on application Warerooms, 109 and 111 East 14th N. Y. OPPOSITE CITY HALL.

PIANOS Are acknowledged to be the best. They have received the HIGHEST PRIZE, THE ONLY GOLD MEDAL, AT THE WORLD'S FAIR, VIENNA, 1873. WAREROOMS, No. 25 6 East 14th New Fork. CROSSLEY'S CARPETS WHOLESALE STOCK AT RETAIL.





CONSISTING OF MOQUETTES. from $2 25 per yard. AXMINSTERS, from $2 50 per yard. VELVETS, $2 per yard. BODY BRUSSELS.




Parties wishing to furnish will find it to their vantage to call at SHEPPARD KNAPP'S, 6th one door below 13th st. FURNITURE. F. L. SOLOMON SONS, 657 659 BROADWAY, Are now exhibiting the largest and most elee gant stock of goods to be found in the City.

The reduced cost of manufacturing enables them to offer goods which they GUARANTEE to quality and durability, at UNPRECE DENTED low prices. Designs and Estimates furnished for all kinds of Mirrors, Hard-wood Work, Frescos ing, Painting, and Decorating. 657 659 Broadway, Opp. Bond st. KNABE GRAND, SQUARE UPRIGHT PIANOS, NEW-YORK HOUSE, NO.

112 STH AV. WM. KNABE Baltimore and New- York F. E. SMITH CRUSHED WHITE WHEAT And GRAHAM FLOUR, acknowledged by physicians SUPERLATIVE, all who test be EXCELLENT as are (ATLANTIC N.

MILLS, ticles PERFECTION of of manufacture. FOOD, and Sold in unsurpassed convenient packages by, HEALTHFUL in PURITY and Brooklyn, Grocers generally. Descriptive pamphlets, with testimonials, recipes SENT FREE. Union Adams Co. ARE OPENING AT No.

918 Broadway, ELEGANT NECK WEAR, HOSIERY AND GLOVES. Rich goods at low prices STORAGE FOR CARRIAGES. Rooms liberal. light, clean, and dry. Terma Insurance low.

PLANDRAU, Son, 372 and 374 Bopomo fold, stand of Brewster Willcox Gibbs. The only Standard Sewing-machine REALLY Silent and Light Running. MAKES A best. SECURES properly SEAMIS SAFE delicate. Physicians IS TO LEARNfor families and many HAS NO RIVAL! Main Office: No.

658 BROADWAY N. Brooklyn Office No. No. 76. COURT GROVE ST.

Jersey City CAUTION Japan and UNPRINCIPLES old palm them of me MACHINES, buy and none, but genuine NEEDLES. NEEDLE made Pat. by March, 18610 A the shank, others are worthless. GOOD AGENTS WANTED. -BEFORE PURCHASING, EXAMINE OCE Safes.

Patent vastly Welded superior and afty fron per cent. cheaper any safe in the large stock hand: also taken in exchange. TREWILLIGER 54.

The New York Times from New York, New York (2024)


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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.