Why Was The Industrial Revolution Of The Early 1800s Confined Mostly To The North? (2024)

Social Studies High School


Answer 1


The Embargo Act of 1807 and the War of 1812

During the Napoleonic Wars in Europe, Britain and France were at war with each other and the United States was neutral. ... However, it turned the U.S. economy inward, causing the nation to create and rely on its own goods, spurring the industrial revolution of the nation.


What Caused the American Industrial Revolution? - Investopedia This is the site where I got the info. I hope this helps!

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Answer the 3 questions correctly pls

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B. Lumber
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Which of the following requirements had to be met before a state could be formed in the Northwest Territory?

A. The government decided to declare a specific part of the territory a state.
B. A religious group claimed land for its own in order to start a religious community.
C. One of the original 13 states claimed a section of the territory for its own.
D. Sixty thousand people or more lived in the area.

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A. Strong state governments
B. Agreement among the states
C. Standing armies
D. Strong central government



first one is oil and second is D sixty thousand people and last is c standing armies

Answer: The first question answer was d and answer for question two is c


Why is free public education important as a promise of good civil societies? What do you think would happen if public education was expanded? How many years of public education should be provided and why?


Hope this kinda helps

Free public education is important as a promoter of good civil societies by enabling the development of an individual's cognitive and social capacities, generating opportunities and equality.

Relevance of education to society

Through education, individuals are able to develop critical thinking, the ability to make decisions, obtain knowledge and various psychosocial factors that contribute to the design of a more just society.

Therefore, public education must be expanded and provided free of charge from elementary school through college and further courses, to generate greater career opportunities for anyone regardless of their financial status.

Find out more information about education here:


A person suffering from histrionic personality disorder may display all of the following symptoms except __________. A. having very poor social skills B. dressing provocatively in order to attract attention C. constantly seeking approval or reassurance from others D. having the tendency to be overly dramatic


A person suffering from histrionic personality disorder may not A. have very poor social skills.

What is Histrionic personality disorder?

Histrionic personality disorder serves as a mental health condition which is usually seen when someone is emotionally unstable.

Therefore, someone having Histrionic personality disorder will be constantly seeking for attention.

Learn more about Histrionic personality disorder at:



HELP PLEASE I need the answer quickly



think quickly



I am sorry, I don't know.


You have read two opposing points of view in "The Dangers of Social Media." In your opinion, which author made the stronger argument? Why was the author you chose more convincing? Use evidence to support your answer.


Hello. You have not submitted the text to which this question refers. This makes it impossible for your question to be answered. However, I will try to help you in the best possible way.

It is only possible to answer this question by reading the two texts. Also, this is a personal question so first of all, you should reflect on what you think about the dangers that social media can offer to users. Do you think social media can influence you incorrectly? do you think social media can impose negative standards on society? Do you think that social media can promote exaggerated exposure? These are some concepts that you can reflect on to create your opinion about the dangers that social media can cause.

Then, you should read both texts and pay attention to how the authors approach these dangers and which author managed to present an argument that most closely resembles the opinion you have on this subject.

Therefore, you must answer this question by showing how you and this author present similar arguments and opinions.

can someone help me please?



ended through a series of negotiations between 1990 and 1993 and through unilateral steps by the de Klerk government



the south African people and governments of world community


Each of the following factors was a reason for Sargon’s conquest of Sumer except __________.
Mesopotamia had no defensible borders
the Sumerian city-states had become divided
kingdoms were fighting over natural resources
the Akkadians were able to hide in the mountains

Please select the best answer from the choices provided









Review the map.

Which group had the most settlements in Central America?

the British
the French
the Portuguese
the Spanish


The Spanish! If I am wrong pls tell me :)


D "the Spanish"


sorry im late!

All of these would be MOST associated with which issue in Africa?


There isn’t a picture with the question.

Why did Greek and Roman writings appeal to Europeans?



It provided a hopeful perspective on life that the Roman Catholic Church failed to offer. By this time, most Europeans knew how to read. The Greeks revealed knowledge about lost secret technology.


Provided a hopeful perspective on life that the Roman Catholic Church failed to offer during the black death and crusades.

Australia is heavily influenced by __________ culture.
A. French
B. British
C. Chinese
D. American

Please select the best answer from the choices provided


The culture of Australia is heavily influenced by British and European origins. Australia is one of the most ethnically diverse societies in the world today, where 1 in 4 residents were born outside of Australia. Therefore, the Australian customs and traditions vary from person to person.

Australia is heavily influenced by British and European origins.

What does it mean when a person is underemployed? a. The person has been working but now is laid off. b. The person is looking for work in a special field. c. The person is not making as much money as they need. d. The person has a job but they are overqualified for it.


The correct answer is D) The person has a job but they are overqualified for it.

What does it mean when a person is underemployed?

Answer: "The person has a job but they are overqualified for it."

That is a common labor term to refer to an individual that has a job but he has more experience and skills to perform a better job. Then is when the term "underemployed" is used. This means that the employee can be placed in a much better position to maximize his talents, abilities, education, and past accomplishments.

Under difficult economic circ*mstances, skilled and experienced people have to accept different kinds of jobs although they are overqualified for those jobs because it is difficult to find a better job in the labor market.

Quien quiere ser mi amigo?

el quien quiere ser me envia una notificación

el quien no quiera hacerlo, pues que no lo haga XD



sure I will be your friend








T o T







if you ask the right one, which is related to your school lesson pls





I would say A. not 100% sure but seems the most logical.

PLEEEAASSEE help ASAP 15 points!
The election of Abraham Lincoln led Southern states to secede because:
They hoped most northern states would secede with them.
They claimed that John Breckinridge had actually won the election
They believed Lincoln would not attempt to stop them.
They viewed Lincoln as a threat to slavery in their states.



They viewed Lincoln as a threat to slavery in their states


NEED ASAP!!Please help! What advantages come from centralizing the government as Emperor Qin did in 221 BC. Do the advantages of having a unified Empire outweigh the harsh treatment of its people?


Answer: Control and Accountability

Explanation: When centralized leaders are in charge of all major decisions they retain more control over company operations and development of its culture. Additionally, little question exists over who is accountable for the results of those decisions. If the company gets a bad price in a supplier negotiation, top managers know to turn to the head buyer to get a sense of what went wrong. This accountability causes top managers to drive each other to peak performance.

Why did anti-slavery advocates from
the North core if new territories entered
the Union as free states or slave states?



If new states entered the union as a slave state it would result in an unequal number of slave states as compared to non slave states. Slave states would out number non slave states allowing for more representatibves in congress and the senate resulting in an unequal distribution of power. They feard that if we increased the number of slave states that the slave states would gain the upper hand.


What do you think is the best way for schools to combat school segregation?


Answer: Social activities and education


Students growing with the mentality of segregation is a really bad idea which would affect their view of life even during and after they are done with school. Some of the ways schools can combat this is by the following;

- Introduce more social activities; social activities tend to build a bond and a platform for students to relate among themselves, although activities to promote this unity must be imbibed in during the program.

- Education; this is one of the best ways to combat segregation in schools, it should be included in their curriculum and with consistent learning, there would be some unlearning.

Why was the South African government forced to free Nelson Mandela?
A because African governments in neighboring countries were fighting European rule
B because he had finished his jail sentence, so the government had to let him go
C because the people had voted to elect him as the new government's president
D because protest groups and other countries put pressure on the government


C is the answer for this question

Which is the most credible source for a biographical essay on the deeds of Joan of Arc?
a book about Joan of Arc published in 1980
a .net website about Joan of Arc that does not list an author
a wiki site on Joan of Arc's political role, updated in 2019
a 2019 encyclopedia article on Joan of Arc's military role






The answer is "D"


How does poor service delivery contribute to xenophobia



Citizens of that particular country blame foreigners


Locals will say we do not have water because our country is overpopulated by foreigners

Answer:The other service delivery, they are other factors that contribute explanation to the issue of service delivery ... the Local Government: Municipal Systems, Act 32 with poor service delivery; improve basic service of 2000, .


How were the MAIN concepts at play during the lead-up to WWI?



The immediate cause of World War I that made the aforementioned items come into play (alliances, imperialism, militarism, nationalism) was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary. In June 1914, a Serbian-nationalist terrorist group called the Black Hand sent groups to assassinate the Archduke.

"You can earn more money by investing than saving but there is a higher risk of losing you money."


Answer: Investing money is a way of reproducing money that you already have in an abundant quantity. In investing money, there are tendencies that you would loose either some section of the money or all the money


Investing money is a way of reproducing money that you already have in an abundant quantity. In investing money, there are tendencies that you would loose either some section of the money or all the money. This is because investment needs money, you need money to get money. The investor wants to take risk not to be in the same place of wealth. The money could be lost by either what's invested into or wrong timing or planning. While, in saving money, there is rarely any possibility of you loosing the money.

Why Was The Industrial Revolution Of The Early 1800s Confined Mostly To The North? (2024)


Why Was The Industrial Revolution Of The Early 1800s Confined Mostly To The North? ›

Slater's Mill in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, like many of the mills and factories that sprang up in the next few decades, was powered by water, which confined industrial development to the northeast at first.

Why did the Industrial Revolution occur in the North? ›

The North had reserves of coal to produce power for factory machines, and it had an abundance of people to run the machines. Men and women were moving away from farms, and thousands of immigrants were entering the country every year.

What causes rapid industrialization in the North during the 1800s? ›

The Embargo of 1807 and the War of 1812 played a pivotal role in spurring industrial development in the United States. Jefferson's embargo prevented American merchants from engaging in the Atlantic trade, severely cutting into their profits. The War of 1812 further compounded the financial woes of American merchants.

How did the Industrial Revolution spread to North America? ›

The Industrial Revolution first spread to America after being smuggled out of Britain by Samuel Slater who immigrated to the United States during the 18th Century. He opened a textile mill in the Black River Valley in Rhode Island powered by his smuggled steam engine.

Why did the Industrial Revolution start in the Northeast? ›

Industrialized manufacturing began in New England, where wealthy merchants built water-powered textile mills (and centralized company towns to support them) along the rivers of the Northeast. These mills introduced new modes of production centralized in the confines of the mill itself.

Why was the North mainly industrial? ›

In the North, the soil and climate favored smaller farmsteads rather than large plantations, which did not need slavery to operate them. Industry and manufacturing might flourished, which was fueled by European immigrant labor. Natural resources such as iron and copper were more abundant in the North than in the South.

Why did immigrants move to the north during the Industrial Revolution? ›

Immigrants were pushed out of their home countries by economic factors (famine, unemployment, poverty) and political factors (political oppression, war). They were drawn to America, and New Hampshire, by the promise of jobs, freedom, and greater opportunities.

Why did the South not industrialize? ›

An overemphasis on slave-based agriculture led Southerners to neglect industry and transportation improvements. As a result, manufacturing and transportation lagged far behind in comparison to the North.

What caused cities to grow in the north during the industrialization of the 1800s? ›

“Cities grew because industrial factories required large workforces and workers and their families needed places to live near their jobs. Factories and cities attracted millions of immigrants looking for work and a better life in the United States.”

Where was most industrialization happening in the 1800s? ›

An entrepreneurial spirit and consumer revolution helped drive industrialisation in Britain, which after 1800, was emulated in Belgium, the United States, and France.

How did the Industrial Revolution influence the North quizlet? ›

The introduction of power-driven machinery resulted in increased production. Factories soon replaced the home and craft shops as production centers. This shift signaled a change in the society of the nation from one that was primarily agricultural and rural to one that was urban and industrial.

What were some reasons for industrialization in North America and Europe? ›

An abundance of raw materials was one reason for the nation's industrial success. The United States had vast natural resources, including timber, coal, iron, and copper. This meant that American companies could obtain resources cheaply and did not have to import them from other countries.

How did the Industrial Revolution impact the northern region of the United States? ›

As a result, in 1860, the Northern states produced half of the nation's corn, four-fifths of its wheat, and seven-eighths of its oats. The industrialization of the northern states had an impact upon urbanization and immigration.

What caused the Industrial Revolution in the North? ›

The industrial revolution in the north was a product of the growth of capitalism in the north. The colonial economy in North America was largely pre-capitalist. The slave plantations sold commodities on the world market but the method of production was based on self-sufficient slave plantations.

Why were most factories built in the Northeast? ›

The South was 'Cotton King,' meaning that much of the South was focused on cotton plantations. The West focused on growing crops like wheat and corn. Thus, the Northeast became the industrial center that obtained materials from the other areas of the United States to process those materials and manufacture goods.

What was one effect of industrialization in the North? ›

One effect of industrialization in the North was that it caused a middle class to emerge. Option B is correct.As the Industrial Revolution swept through the North, a new middle class emerged.

Why did advances in industry occur in the North? ›

Why did advances in industry occur mainly in the North? They occurred mainly in the North because the Northern already had factories, so they just needed to expand. What are interchangeable parts? Interchangeable parts are identical pieces that could be assembled quickly by unskilled workers.

Why did the Industrial Revolution happen where it did? ›

The first Industrial Revolution started in Great Britain because it had new technology, advanced transportation, a colonial market to sell goods to, and strong financial institutes that could invest in new inventions and factories.


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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.