You need to do economic research. How can you find the most effective data visualization tools? (2024)

Last updated on Feb 8, 2024

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Data visualization is the process of presenting complex data in a clear and engaging way, using charts, graphs, maps, and other visual elements. As an economic researcher, you need to use data visualization tools to communicate your findings, explore patterns, and support your arguments. But how can you find the most effective data visualization tools for your needs? Here are some tips to help you choose the right tools for your economic research.

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  • Danh Tran Finance Manager @ RMIT University Vietnam | Financial Analysis, Budget Management

    You need to do economic research. How can you find the most effective data visualization tools? (5) You need to do economic research. How can you find the most effective data visualization tools? (6) 3

  • JUAN LAMAS Financial Advisor

    You need to do economic research. How can you find the most effective data visualization tools? (8) 3

You need to do economic research. How can you find the most effective data visualization tools? (9) You need to do economic research. How can you find the most effective data visualization tools? (10) You need to do economic research. How can you find the most effective data visualization tools? (11)

1 Know your data

Before you start looking for data visualization tools, you need to understand your data and what you want to achieve with it. What kind of data are you working with? Is it quantitative or qualitative, structured or unstructured, static or dynamic? What are the main variables, dimensions, and relationships in your data? What are the key questions, hypotheses, and insights you want to explore or convey with your data? Knowing your data will help you narrow down your options and select the tools that suit your data type, format, and purpose.

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  • JUAN LAMAS Financial Advisor

    En el ámbito de la investigación económica, conocer tus datos es esencial. Para encontrar las herramientas de visualización de datos más efectivas, identifica qué información necesitas destacar y analiza las opciones disponibles. Selecciona una herramienta que se alinee con tus objetivos, permitiéndote presentar de manera clara y concisa los hallazgos económicos. Al comprender tus datos y utilizar herramientas de visualización adecuadas, podrás comunicar de manera efectiva los resultados de tu investigación económica, facilitando la toma de decisiones informadas y la comprensión profunda de los factores económicos que afectan tu entorno empresarial



    You need to do economic research. How can you find the most effective data visualization tools? (20) 3

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  • Danh Tran Finance Manager @ RMIT University Vietnam | Financial Analysis, Budget Management

    I think understanding your data is essential. It helps you uncover patterns, detect biases, and make informed decisions. Knowing its source, quality, and limitations empowers you to ask the right questions and choose the best analytical approaches. This understanding is crucial for deriving actionable insights and achieving your goals effectively.


    You need to do economic research. How can you find the most effective data visualization tools? (29) You need to do economic research. How can you find the most effective data visualization tools? (30) 3

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  • Robert Guerra MBA® Data Analytics | Analista de Dados | Python | Power BI | SQL | ETL

    O problema alinhado com o objetivo são premissas para uma boa análise econômica, seja por setor ou mesmo uma análise macro ou micro, fazer uma boa análise exploratória ajuda a clarear o que pode estar acontecendo, utilizando Python e suas bibliotecas poderosas como pandas acredito que fica mais fácil a compreensão dos dados e para visualização uso geralmente o Power BI que tenho mais familiaridade, porém existem outras como Tableau.



    You need to do economic research. How can you find the most effective data visualization tools? (39) 2

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  • Bruno Aguiar Head of Commercial | Gerente Comercial | Gerente de Compras | Gerente de Vendas | Gerente de Categorias | Gerente de Produto | Gerente de Inteligência de Mercado | Gerente Administrativo | Strategic Sourcing

    Na contemporaneidade, e não apenas do ponto de vista econômico, conhecer seus dados é crucial.Para identificar quais devem as ferramentas de visualização de dados mais aderentes e eficazes,é preciso seguir alguns passos:1. Ter clareza quanto às informações demandam maior destaque de acordo com a estratégia adotada;2. Estabeler um rol de opções disponíveis que permita testes de modelagem e apresentação de dados;3. Escolher a opção que traga maior eficiência nas demonstrações, com clareza nas informações, sem abrir mão de objetividade.Com estes cuidados, é possível entregar uma pesquisa que trate efetivamente as informações, possibilitando aos stakeholders uma tomada de decisão mais assertiva no processo.



    You need to do economic research. How can you find the most effective data visualization tools? (48) 2

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  • Knowing these details will allow me to provide you with valuable insights for analyzing data visualization in the context of economic research. I can address key factors to consider when choosing a data visualization tool, recommend specific tools for economic research and analyze their strengths and weaknesses. Furthermore, I can provide best practices for "knowing your data" before visualization, including data cleaning, transformation, and understanding dataset relationships.


    You need to do economic research. How can you find the most effective data visualization tools? (57) 1

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2 Know your audience

Another important factor to consider when choosing data visualization tools is your audience. Who are you creating your data visualizations for? What is their level of expertise, interest, and attention span? What are their expectations, preferences, and needs? How will they access and interact with your data visualizations? Knowing your audience will help you design your data visualizations in a way that is relevant, appealing, and understandable for them. You want to use the tools that allow you to customize your data visualizations according to your audience's characteristics and goals.

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  • Richard Campbell Financial Analyst at Advia Credit Union

    Working in the banking industry it is nice to have a pre determined audience. Using S&P Global and Capital markets I find it is very compatible with my field. It portrays accurate data from call reports, lets you build custom screeners and has a unique map function. The market share and market overlap also assist in having a visual, and statistical, view of where your competitors line up. Presenting data is fairly consistent no matter which programs you use. Excel serves as a sturdy backbone where I can build templates to refresh the same reports month over month. Either using tables, or graphs to portray my data.


    You need to do economic research. How can you find the most effective data visualization tools? (66) 3


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  • Danh Tran Finance Manager @ RMIT University Vietnam | Financial Analysis, Budget Management

    Understanding your audience is paramount. It involves recognizing their preferences, interests, and needs to tailor your message effectively. By knowing your audience, you can craft compelling content, choose appropriate language and tone, and deliver information in a format that resonates with them. Whether presenting research findings, marketing a product, or delivering a speech, understanding your audience enables you to engage them authentically and achieve your communication objectives with impact.


    You need to do economic research. How can you find the most effective data visualization tools? (75) You need to do economic research. How can you find the most effective data visualization tools? (76) You need to do economic research. How can you find the most effective data visualization tools? (77) 3

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  • Knowing your audience is a crucial aspect of effective communication. It involves understanding the demographic details, such as age, gender, location, education, and occupation, to tailor your message accordingly. Additionally, delving into their interests, preferences, and hobbies helps align your content with topics that capture their attention. Understanding the audience's prior knowledge and expertise in the subject matter is vital for delivering information at an appropriate level. By incorporating these insights, communicators can create content that resonates with their audience, fostering engagement and facilitating a more impactful exchange of information.


    You need to do economic research. How can you find the most effective data visualization tools? (86) 1

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  • Shiraz Ahmed, CIM® Cross Border - CDN/US Licensed Advisor | 2022 Top under 40 Award Winner | Sartorial Wealth of Raymond James Ltd. | Raymond James (USA) Ltd. |

    Data visualization tools are indispensable in economic research, translating complex data into understandable, compelling visual narratives.To find the most effective data visualization tool, consider your audience's expertise and needs. For academic or professional economists, opt for tools offering advanced statistical capabilities and customization. For broader audiences, prioritize tools with intuitive interfaces and clear, engaging visuals. Evaluate each tool's ability to handle large datasets, its range of visualization options, and the ease of integrating various data sources. The right choice effectively communicates your economic findings to your intended audience.

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  • Understanding your audience is a crucial aspect of effective communication, including data visualization. By knowing your audience, you can tailor your visualizations to their needs, preferences, and level of expertise. This knowledge allows you to choose appropriate visualizations that resonate with your audience and effectively convey your message. Factors such as their prior knowledge, technical proficiency, and specific interests should be considered when designing data visualizations. By considering your audience, you can ensure that your visualizations are accessible, informative, and engaging, enhancing the impact and effectiveness of your communication.

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3 Know your options

Once you have a clear idea of your data and your audience, you can start exploring the different data visualization tools available. The range of these tools is vast, from simple and free to complex and expensive, depending on your budget, skills, and requirements. Excel is a widely used spreadsheet program that offers basic and advanced data visualization features, such as charts, pivot tables, conditional formatting, and macros. It is easy to use, compatible with many data sources, and flexible for creating custom data visualizations. However, it can be limited in terms of interactivity, scalability, and aesthetics. Tableau is a powerful and user-friendly data visualization software that enables you to create interactive and attractive data visualizations. It can connect to various data sources, perform complex calculations, and offer a variety of visualization options. Though it can be expensive, require a steep learning curve, and have some compatibility issues. R is a free and open-source programming language that specializes in statistical analysis and data visualization. It can handle large and complex data sets, perform sophisticated functions, and produce high-quality graphics. Nevertheless, it can be challenging to learn, require coding skills, and have a steep learning curve.

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  • Danh Tran Finance Manager @ RMIT University Vietnam | Financial Analysis, Budget Management

    Knowing your options is essential for making informed decisions. It entails exploring various possibilities, evaluating their advantages and disadvantages, and understanding the potential outcomes. By being aware of your options, you can assess alternatives, mitigate risks, and seize opportunities effectively. Whether considering different strategies, investment opportunities, or courses of action, having a comprehensive understanding of your options empowers you to make choices that align with your goals and priorities, leading to favorable outcomes in various aspects of life and business.


    You need to do economic research. How can you find the most effective data visualization tools? (111) You need to do economic research. How can you find the most effective data visualization tools? (112) You need to do economic research. How can you find the most effective data visualization tools? (113) 3

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  • Me parece que la herramienta a elegir depende del propósito del uso que se le vaya a dar. Para la investigación económica, usualmente es suficiente optar por software libre como R, utilizando paquetes gráficos como "ggplot2", "lattice" o "base R" para personalizar las gráficas de los datos estadísticos. Inclusive, algunos paquetes ya incluyen comandos con gráficas predefinidas, como "actuar" o "lavaanPlot", con algunos parámetros para modificar a gusto. Para el monitoreo de KPIs por parte de las empresas, se requiere herramientas que permitan implementar dashboards con conexiones a bases de datos, para ver alternativas se puede consultar el Cuadrante Mágico de Gartner sobre Plataformas de Analítica y BI, sujeto al presupuesto.



    You need to do economic research. How can you find the most effective data visualization tools? (122) 1


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  • "Know your options" is a principle that encourages individuals to be aware of the various choices available to them before making decisions. In a general sense, it emphasizes the importance of gathering information, evaluating alternatives, and considering potential outcomes. This principle can be applied in various contexts, such as decision-making in personal matters, business strategies, or problem-solving scenarios. By exploring and understanding the full range of options, individuals and organizations can make more informed and strategic choices, mitigating risks and maximizing opportunities.

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  • To make informed decisions about data visualization, it is necessary to have a good understanding of the available options. Being aware of the different tools and techniques allows you to choose the most suitable approach for your specific data and objectives. By exploring the range of options, you can identify the visualization method that will effectively communicate your message and insights. This knowledge also enables you to adapt to different datasets and situations, ensuring that you have the flexibility to present information in a clear and compelling manner.

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4 Know your criteria

Once you have explored your options, it is important to evaluate and compare them based on criteria that reflect your needs and preferences. Functionality, usability, aesthetics, interactivity, and cost are common criteria to consider when choosing data visualization tools. Functionally, you should ask if the tool can perform the tasks you need it to do, offer the features and functions you want, and support the data sources, types, and sizes you have. Usability should be assessed in terms of its user-friendly interface, intuitive controls, clear instructions, help support, and documentation. Aesthetics should be considered in terms of its variety of colors, fonts, styles, and themes as well as the ability to customize and enhance your data visualizations. Interactivity should be evaluated in terms of its ability to create interactive and dynamic data visualizations as well as filter, sort, zoom, and drill down your data. Lastly, cost should be taken into account in terms of license or subscription fees as well as free trial demos or versions.

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  • Danh Tran Finance Manager @ RMIT University Vietnam | Financial Analysis, Budget Management

    I think understanding your criteria is crucial for making decisions that align with your priorities and values. It involves identifying the key factors that matter most to you when evaluating options or choices. By defining your criteria clearly, you can focus on what truly matters and make decisions that reflect your goals and preferences. Whether considering job opportunities, selecting a product, or making personal choices, knowing your criteria allows you to prioritize effectively and make informed decisions that lead to outcomes you find most fulfilling.


    You need to do economic research. How can you find the most effective data visualization tools? (147) You need to do economic research. How can you find the most effective data visualization tools? (148) 3

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  • This principle underscores the significance of establishing specific benchmarks, requirements, or guidelines that align with your goals or objectives. Whether in personal decision-making, business strategy, or any other context, understanding and articulating the criteria help streamline the decision-making process. By identifying the key factors that matter most in a given situation, individuals or organizations can make more informed and objective decisions. This involves considering aspects such as priorities, values, performance metrics, and desired outcomes. Knowing your criteria provides a structured framework for evaluation, enabling a systematic and rational approach to decision-making.

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  • In order to make informed decisions and evaluate options effectively, it is crucial to know your criteria. This involves defining the specific requirements, goals, and benchmarks that will guide your evaluation process. By establishing clear criteria, you can assess and compare different options based on their ability to meet your needs. Criteria may include factors such as functionality, ease of use, scalability, compatibility with existing systems, cost-effectiveness, and support and training options. By knowing your criteria, you can prioritize what is most important to you and make informed choices that align with your specific goals and objectives.

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5 Know your best fit

Finally, after you have evaluated and compared your options, you need to select the data visualization tool that best fits your data, audience, and criteria. You may not find a perfect tool that meets all your needs and expectations, but you can find a tool that offers a good balance between them. You can also use more than one tool to complement each other and create a comprehensive data visualization solution. The most effective data visualization tool for your economic research is the one that helps you achieve your objectives, satisfy your audience, and express your data in a clear and compelling way.

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  • Identify your best fit by considering the following questions:What are your research questions?What type of data will you be using?What level of visual complexity do you need?


    You need to do economic research. How can you find the most effective data visualization tools? (173) 4

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  • To identify the best fit for your needs, it's crucial to carefully assess and compare the available options. Start by understanding your requirements, preferences, and constraints. Then, evaluate how well each option aligns with these criteria, taking into account factors such as functionality, ease of use, scalability, compatibility, support, and cost. By considering these aspects and comparing them against your specific needs, you can determine which option is the best fit for your purposes.

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6 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Danh Tran Finance Manager @ RMIT University Vietnam | Financial Analysis, Budget Management

    Power BI is a powerful business analytics tool that empowers organizations to visualize and analyze their data in meaningful ways. Developed by Microsoft, Power BI offers a user-friendly interface and robust features that enable users to create interactive reports and dashboards from various data sources. With its intuitive drag-and-drop functionality and extensive visualization options, Power BI allows users to gain valuable insights and make data-driven decisions quickly and efficiently. Whether you're a small business or a large enterprise, Power BI provides the tools you need to uncover trends, spot anomalies, and communicate insights effectively across your organization.


    You need to do economic research. How can you find the most effective data visualization tools? (190) You need to do economic research. How can you find the most effective data visualization tools? (191) 3

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  • Focus on clarity and communication over flashy design.Ensure your visualizations are accurate and well-labeled.Use color and annotations effectively to highlight key findings.Consider accessibility when choosing colors and design elements.

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  • Nino Pertaia Chief Business Development Officer

    When contemplating the selection of software, it's crucial to assess its user-friendliness and whether there are readily available resources and guides for users to navigate and start working seamlessly.

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  • Stacy N. Portfolio Manager | I utilize broad-based knowledge to deliver profitable portfolios

    To find effective data visualization tools for economic research, start by exploring popular tools such as Excel, Tableau, and Python's Matplotlib and Seaborn. Look for reviews and comparisons to determine which tools offer the best features and performance. Consider your specific needs, such as open-source vs. proprietary software and the ability to handle large datasets. Experiment with different options until you find the right tool for you.

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Economics You need to do economic research. How can you find the most effective data visualization tools? (216)


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You need to do economic research. How can you find the most effective data visualization tools? (2024)


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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

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Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.